"You are pregnant!" Rose stared at the doctor in disbelief.
"That can't be possible! I have never been with a man all my life!" Rose said. The doctor was even more shocked and a little alarmed.
"It might be a cancerous growth but all signs indicate you truly are pregnant!" the doctor said. Rose shook he head, not wanting to believe it at all. She had told her boy friend she would wait till they were married after turning 18 years old and then have sex. If he knew she was pregnant then he would be heartbroken. She herself knew she was with child thanks to her magic.
"We can perform more tests and determine whether it's a baby or a cancerous growth," the doctor in formed her.
"That won't be necessary, thank you," she said, getting off the examination table. The doctor tried to placate her but Rose just walked out, got into her car and drove back home. She had to break the news to her parents and her boyfriend, something she dreaded very much. When she arrived, she saw Ben's car parked in the driveway, making her heart start racing. She parked hers behind his and got inside her house.
"Rose, honey, Ben dropped by to invite us to dinner with his parents," her father told her with a smile. Rose looked at Ben who was smiling brightly at her and her heart dropped even more.
"Dad, Ben, there's something I need to tell you," she solemnly said, making the two become serious.
"Is everything alright, honey?" her father asked.
"No, dad, everything's not alright. I just came from the hospital," she said, pausing to calm down her bearing heart. "I have been having morning sickness lately so I got tested." The two were looking at her with trepidation. "Dad, Ben, I am pregnant with a fatherless baby!" The two men were stunned by her statement.
"Are you saying that you slept with the Holy Spirit or something?" Ben asked in anger.
"I don't know. But I am a pregnant virgin!" she answered back. Her father got off his chair and came next to her.
"Honey, how did this happen? When did you start feeling this..." he could not finish for he had no words to describe this situation.
"My magic has been feeling off lately. Doing a divination, I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't believe it so I went to a hospital and they confirmed it. I am pregnant!" she said.
"Well, good for you. I hope you know who the father is, it appears you are going to spend another special moment with him!" Ben angrily said then stormed off. Rose did not stop him for she didn't know how to convince him she was telling the truth. All she could do was cry and all her father could do was lend his shoulder.
Days turned into weeks and then into months. Rose had been pregnant for five months now and she had to admit, the child was special. Waves of magic were coming off of it, affecting the world around her and it! For starters, magic for her became so easy it might as well be drinking water. She could perform spells without channeling the earth and they were even more powerful!
The coven she belonged to had already dubbed the baby, Witch Miracle. The head of the coven had felt how powerful the baby was that even the earth was bending to its will! Its name had stuck even more when they came to know, and verified, that the mother is a virgin. The baby was now paramount to a baby Jesus in Christian mythology. Rose was now living in comfort as the defacto leader of the coven. But, trouble would always come knocking when things were going well. The trouble that came to her doorstep was in the form of an Original, Klaus Mikealson.
"Hello love," the Original greeted her when she door was opened. Rose felt her heart rate rise when she saw him and felt the foul magic keeping him alive. As a sheltered witch, she had never seen a vampire first hand and meeting the most powerful and dangerous one for the first time had made her panic quite a lot. Suddenly, she felt herself become calm and thanked her baby.
"You can feel what I am, that is a surprise. I am even more intrigued by the baby you are carrying," Klaus said with a carefree smile.
"You're a vampire," Rose said, her voice slightly pitched.
"That I am. I have come from far to hear about this rumor about a miracle witch baby and I have to say, I am impressed. The waves of magic rolling out of your belly is enough for a whole coven to make a barrier spell protecting the entire of New York," Klaus said. "Since I have confirmed this, I would like to come to a deal with you."
"What kind of deal?" Rose asked.
"I hear the child has no father? I would like to adopt her and in exchange, your coven will have Klaus Mikealson's eternal protection!" the Original said. Rose was dumbfounded by this. She had heard vampires and witches got along like fire and boiling oil, each group hating the other with passion. To hear one wanting to protect her coven in exchange for adopting her child made her apprehensive.
"I'm sorry but I would like to speak to my coven first," she told him.
"Sure, this is a big decision after all. Wouldn't want to miss out though, I am not a very patient man," Klaus said before he vamp sped away. Rose was freaked out by this, causing her to close the door with a slam.
"No, we cannot allow Klaus Mikealson to have this child!" a witch cried out as soon as Rose told them of the situation.
"I agree! That baby is the most powerful witch in existence. Giving her to the vampires, an Original at that, would be like giving wings to a tiger. It will not sit well for us and to our ancestors!" an elderly witch spoke up.
"What do we do then? Klaus Mikealson now knows where the mother and child reside. He might have spies watching and reporting to him so he might abduct them if we tried to take them away,"
"Klaus said something about the baby producing enough magic to put a barrier over all New York. How about we channel the magic and make a barrier over the town that prevents other supernatural beings except members of our coven to stay in this town. That way, we will be safe from his influence," a witch spoke up.
"I have already tried doing that but it appears only the mother and possibly the child can use the magic it's emiting," her mother crushes their hope.
"But I can do it. I have been having no problems performing even the most complicated spells in my family's grimoire. With this much magic, I can erect the barrier no problem," Rose spoke up. Some witches agreed, some disagreed on the motion that the child might be harmed. But, after a few debates, they all agreed. So, Rose was given a barrier erecting spell which she used to make a supernatural warding barrier over the entire town then added another barrier over her house that only allowed her family to enter the compound. Anybody else would end up been struck by lightning over and over again. Even a vampire would be dead by the second strike!
Nine months since she conceived and the baby was now due. Rose did not know what to feel when she woke up on that fateful day only to feel something slip out of her. It feel more like passing silent gas than anything remotely close to childbirth. Suddenly, she was now looking at a child, a girl, who had a full mop of blonde hair, blue eyes staring at her blankly.
"Hello!" the child greeted her, causing her to lose consciousness immediately.