Rose could not believe just how powerful her child was. Speaking seconds after been given birth, using magic after that to cover her with a blanket and cleaning the sheets with a wave of her fingers. She shrank her clothes and wore them before levitating downstairs where she sat down on a chair and waited for breakfast.
"Is that her?" Rose's father asked Rose with fear. It was a freaky sight indeed.
"Yes. I still can't believe she is already talking, let alone being so independent!" Rose said in disbelief. She turned to her parents. "Was I like this at her age?"
"Oh, goodness no! I barely slept a wink till you turned five!" her mother scoffed.
"W...Well, let's not keep her waiting," Rose's father said and led them to the dining table. The little girl looked up at them, making them double back be sure she now looked like a three year old.
"H...Hi," he greeted her and she responded with a smile that melted their hearts. Hexenbeasts were very attractive in their human form, but this changes when they woge. She just hoped she was not very much deformed like Juliette/Eve. Her woge was kinda sexy!
'No, no, bad hexenbeast thoughts," Micaela admonished herself.
"Hello," she greeted him back. She could tell immediately he had become a granddaughter-con. So did his wife and her mother.
"Are you hungry?" Rose asked, making Micaela look at her massive breasts with a sigh of resignation.
"I suppose I am still too young to refuse the nutrition of breast milk," she said, standing on her chair. Rose gave her a small smile, lifting her up and giving her one of her breasts. "So primitive!" Micaela stubbornly sighed before she started suckling.
So, fifteen years passed since Micaela was born in this world. In these fifteen years, she had been homeschooled because of her brilliant mind and also be cause Klaus Mikealson was still after her. She knew why he wanted her but she did not tell her family because they would just worry more.
She had been showered by love from her family members and the witch coven that made her its new leader. Due to her magic prowess, not even needing to chant to create spells of unparalleled power, she had been named the most powerful witch by them all. She had written two grimoires, one for the coven and another for her family. The first one would be called a powerful relic due to her insights in magic that would turn a novice witch to an ancestor level, vampire killing machine. It would only be opened by a coven witch bearing the mark.
The second grimoire might as well be a magnus opus of all grimoires. It would only be opened by a witch with the Carmichael blood in them, which there were only three in existence. Nature magic became easier and faster to cast with the instructions she has given, making the coven to become a force to be reckoned with.
"But I wanna go to Mystic Falls!" Micaela whined to her mother who was adamant in making her stay in Blue Mountain Valley, their little town now just filled with the coven witches.
"No! Blue Mountain Valley is the only place safe for you from Klaus Mikealson, an original vampire if you recall," Rose did not bend so easily. Even if she had unconditional love for her daughter, her safety came before even her love. Her parents were the same.
"But, I saw a vision of what I want been kept in Mystic Falls!" Micaela continued.
"What is it you want? I can send a coven member to pick it for you," her grandfather said.
"It's not something anyone can just take, pop-pop! I need to be there," Micaela said, trying to convince him. If he folds then the others would fold in pressure.
"We have had this discussion, baby, there's a dangerous vampire out there waiting for us to slip up and capture you for himself," her grandmother joined in.
"But I am the most powerful witch in the world! I can take care of a pint vampire," Micaela reminded them but the three were not amused at all.
"The puny vampire has been around for a millennium! Do I need to remind you that vampires grow stronger with each passing year?" Rose admonished her foolish child. At least Micaela had the sense to show she was ashamed, hanging her head and looking down.
"Go to your room honey and be prepared for a earth magic spells exam," her grandmother said, making her sigh in relief. She ran to her room and locked the door behind her.
"I'm not missing all the action in Mystic Falls, not if I can't help it. Besides, I'm gonna see if Bonnie is corruptible," she said before clapping her hands then slowly separated them. A clone of herself was slowly formed in front of her till every detail about herself was copied onto the clone.
"No fair, I wanna go to Mystic Falls too!" the clone furiously.
"Only one of us can go and I as the original Micaela have decided to be the one," she lorded over herself, picking a backpack she had hidden under her bed. It was filled with her clothes and toiletries. "Have fun doing the exams, I expect an A." She snapped she disappeared with a pop sound.
"Harry Potter rip-off bitch," the clone cursed when she was gone before sitting on the bed, miserable.
Micaela appeared inside a luxurious looking house, making her pause to look at the place. It had that ancient vibe to it making it even more appealing to look at. It was strangely farmiliar too, making her rack her brains at where she had seen it from.
"Who are you?" she suddenly heard someone ask from behind. She turned and saw Stefan Salvatore, one of the main character of this part of the story, standing behind her with a frown.
"Oh, hi. Sorry to intrude but I was wandering whether I could get a ride to town," she said.
"Why would you assume intruding into my house would give you what you want?" he asked, coming closer. He was maintaining eye contact, obviously trying to compel her.
"I was looking for Bonnie Bennett. I had a dream about her and some other people; Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilberts," she lied. Stefan frowned even more.
'What an emo!' Micaela thought to herself.
"You're a witch?" he asked her.
"I wouldn't call myself that," she chuckled slightly. "I dabble in the acts of magic."
"Who's your friend?" a seductive voice of a woman called out from upstairs. Micaela turned to look at the stairs where she saw a Nina Dobrev with nothing but a shirt on walk down, eyeing her.
'I really am wired to liking girls, huh?' Micaela thought as she could feel turned on by her actions.
"Catherine, get back upstairs and wait for Damon. He might still give you a few moments of his time," Stefan told the Nina Dobrev who pouted sadly before her eyes homed on Micaela. Using her vamp speed, she went past Stefan, got Micaela in a chock hold with one arm, pinned her on the wall before hissing and showed her her vampire fangs.
"Catherine, let her go, now," Stefan said with no sense of urgency.
'Wow, I know we barely know each other but c'mon, I am a little girl in the hands of a five hundred years old vampire! Have some compassion!' she thought at the passive looking vampire.
"You look cute, how about you tell me why you're here," Catherine said, trying to compell me.
"As sexy as it is to be chocked by a sexy looking vampire, I am not here for that," Micaela said before getting hold of her arm with her left one then pushed it off of her. Both vampires looked stupefied by this before Catherine used all of her strength to push back only to get nothing. "Maybe sometime you can chock me all you want. For now, I am looking for Bonnie Bennett and I will leave you both with your sexual tension."
"You said you were a witch!" Stefan called out, making Micaela glare at him.
"No, I said I dabble with magic," she said before she woged, letting them see her true face. This made Catherine jump away and Stefan take a step back. "I am a hexenbiest. Well, they are technically witches but not the kind you know." She changed back to normal but the two did not relax.
"So, does any of you offer to take me to Bonnie's," she asked at the two petrified vampires.