Souvenirs pt-2

-A random forest



We are currently hunting wild RainBoar they are boar-looking boar but they have a head of a reindeer and we are hunting them because it's lunchtime right now!

Besides me is the wolf I met as a fellow slave, right now we are in a pretty good relationship, we help each other in hunting even tho it doesn't talk to me... *Sigh* I have to be more friendly with it...

- Alice

I was travelling in the forest, and I could sense everything nearby as light was everywhere.....hmm something's rampaging just a little further away from me...well let's see if it's a threat or not.

Let's try this out!

Light! Help me reach my destination!

Suddenly my became light speed and reached where I wanted to go, the sight in front of me was of a giant black bear with glowy eyes attacking a pack of wolves...hmmm let's not interfere right now....

After the bear killed all the wolves, it was time to attack while it was busy eating the corpses of wolves...

*Sigh* light! Help me kill my enemy! Surround my prey in intense light and burn it to a crisp!!

Suddenly light particles started to surround the surprised bear and *kaboom* the bear dropped dead!


I think I should shorten what I should say to lessen the time required to use light. Hmmm well I will think about it later but now that I have killed it let's take his food hehe~

These look different from the food that humans gave me.....let's try it.

Ew the food given by that human was way better....are they bad because they are from corpses? Uhhh I don't know....let's save them then...

Light! Hide them in the pocket dimension! Phew~ it worked! Well, I did expand it from only fitting rocks to limitless item sizes! Hehe~ well time to continue the adventure!