Forest Trouble pt-1

- Niko
While roaming around the forest, I discovered lot of creatures who obviously tried to kill us but!
Since the doggo is with me any kind of attack on us fails miserably! Hahahahaha!
Also I acquired lot of new skills!

[ Niko
Hp - 100
Atk - 96
Def - 120
Spe - 200
S.atk - 85
S.Def - 110
Title : Monster Slayer]

Well....I did become a little stronger, now let's see my buddy stats!

[Unnamed Tempest Wolf
Hp - 180
Atk - 100
Def - 130
Spe - 210
S.Atk - 96
S.Def - 120
Title - Monster Slayer]

And I have even acquired lot of skills!

[Skills :-
Shapeshifter lvl 10,transform lvl 7,fire bending lvl 10,fire walk lvl 10,fire magic lvl 4, hypnosis lvl 10, illusion lvl 10, mirage level 4,fortune lvl 9,usurper level 8, metallic claw lvl 7]

Well I don't know how big this forest is but let's continue....

- Somewhere in a forest

*Roarrrr!* A lion was roaring at a sleeping baby dragon.
*ROARR!* It tried to bite the baby dragon and it flinched and *splat* the dragon killed the lion in just one hit and went to sleep again.

- Office

"Oh~ so you have returned?"
"Well..the recent news were making me concerned."
"Hehe~ well are you sure you want to return?"
"How many times I have to say it?"
"Well, here are the information we have gathered till now, take a look"
"I think you already noticed the similarities between those cases."
"Well ya...."
"Well then I will hand this case to you."
"Sure sure"
I picked up some of the papers and return back.