Chapter 6 A Wonderful Performance

I had stood still in a daze for at least a minute still partly confused by what happened. However, a new thought appeared in my head, today really is a day blessed by god. I can't let this opportunity slip by me.

"Hahahaha!" I laughed in the middle of the street and everyone turned to look at me weirdly.

I probably looked like a fucking psyhcopath right now but I don't care. I smirked and pulled my hood back over my head as I walked off.

About a minute later.

I made it to my destination, an alleyway a few streets off of the main road.

Mysterious girl from the shop POV:

Fuck today! This is such a shitty day, it must be a cursed day.

I got evicted this morning because some random rich dude offered to pay 3x the price for my house because he 'liked the view'.

What fucking view?! The only thing you can see is that stupid ass castle on the hill!

Then, I go to work and someone tried to rob the place I worked! What the fuck are the odds of that happening in one day? But not only that noooo, they had to pick a fight with some weak civilian for no reason. Well, at least he was pretty hot, definitely good eye candy.

Ahem, but that's besides the point.

I saved this guys ass because I felt like being a nice person today, but apparently I should have left him to die because I got fucking fired for it!! What a load of bullshit!

Besides, what kinda guy acts like a damsel in distress and has to wait for a woman to save him? Isn't it supposed to be like the opposite of that?

Haaa, fuck today, fuck it with a 10 inch wooden dildo.

I cut into an alleyway without even thinking about it and noticed the 3 presences that followed me in.

I swear to god, if it's generic weak prideful pricks 1, 2 and 3 again, I'm gonna rip someone's head off and feed their intestines to the stray dogs.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I was then met face to face with something I never would have imagnined.

The hot guy I saved from before was coming to my rescue!


It was just generic thug 1, 2 and 3 chasing after me.

"That's it, I'm gonna rip your fucking head off and feed your intestines to the stray dogs." I grumbled in a pissed off voice.

The three of them all staggered when they heard my voice.

"B-boss, what the fuck did she just say?"

"Y-yeah, maybe we should just leave her alone."

Then Thug #1, let's call him bitchface. Bitchface then replied in a cocky tone.

"This bitch cost us all our hard earned money and you want me to let her go? Grow a pair you pussies. Besides, after we kick her ass we can get a little extra reward, if you know what I mean."

Did he just call me a bitch? Oh, he's fucking dead.

Also, side note, why the fuck is everyone in this kingdom so r*pey? I thought that it couldn't get any worse than my hometown, but maybe I was wrong.

Thug number #2 then chimed in. "You're right boss, her voice did sound really sexy. Maybe we found ourselves a beauty, hehehehe."

Bleghh, fucking grosssss. These pricks should get neutered.

"Umm, please don't gang up on an innocent little girl, I-I don't want to get hurt. Pwease???"

I played the damsel in distress. Maybe some knight in shining armour will come to my rescue if I do this?

I waited, one second, two, three, ten, fifteen.

"HAHAHAHAHA! What kinda bullshit are you spouting lady?!" Bitchface, yelled out.

Tch. Can't a girl dream? Why must reality be such an annoying and shitty thing?

I quickly looked around and confirmed that no one was watching. When I noticed the coast was clear I nodded and pulled out my twin daggers.

I could feel the vicious smile on my face as I released my killing intent.

Artemis POV:

I watched as thug #1, who I decided to call bitch face, took a step back.

Oh my, I wonder why he was so scared now? They seemed so happy to beat and r*pe her a second ago.

He and his two friends seemed awfully confident earlier when it was a 3 on 1 fight vs a lady, but it seems that now that she has a weapon and they are unarmed he's feeling a little scared.

I snickered at these three dumbasses, they really picked a fight with the wrong person. Only a sword master (or master of any other weapon) can use aura and I had just happened to witness this lovely woman's aura a few minutes ago.

However, the next thing that happened even I didn't expect.

The girls aura activated and she started shining in a translucent white-blue colour, this much was very normal. But then, her aura started changinging in shape and colour, forming around her whole body and enveloping her in wisps of darkness. Her whole being started to flicker in the darkness as if she was fading in and out of reality and going invisible.

The darkness was coated around her in a purple tint, the exact same shade of purple that I saw her eyes turn within her hood earlier. The black wisps surrounding her then started flowing off of her body like flames burning in a campfire, they seemed dangerous and unruly, yet somehow safe and controlled at the same time.

The three thugs had their mouths agape, they probably didn't even know what was happening.

Now, aura was a common thing and was common knowledge amongst the populace. It was very simple, become a master swordsman or master a certain weapon and you can learn how to use aura. However, what many people didn't know was that you could take another step further.

This is only known among other swordmasters or people really high up in the kingdom, like myself. But once you master an aura you can manifest a much more powerful and useful tool. You're personal aura, it was an advanced technique which allowed you to use a second stage of aura like an advanced aura. It would allow you to personalize your own aura and it would take on the colours and properties of certain elements or things that you were familiar with. Based on your personality and physical traits, you would be able to use a certain type of advanced aura.

The colours usually took on colour suited to your physical appearance and the properties would take on the personality and experiences you are familiar with. For example, if you had golden hair and pink eyes, your aura would be gold and pink when you personalize it.

Also if you were someone who was very sturdy, defensive and strict your aura might take on properties of earth or if you were very hot headed and short tempered you would get an aura of fire. Or you could have your aura based on experiences and bloodlines, for example, if your father had an aura with water properties and his father before him had the same, then you could possibly inherit that even if you were a hot headed person.

Another example would be experiences, if you were someone who was used to stealth and hid away often, you might manifest darkness as your aura, even if you didn't have a personality that synchronized with it.

I think that the case in front of me was a bit unique. I think that there is more than one factor involved in the case of the person standing before me, but I suppose I can figure out the details later.

I watched from the darkness as she started sinking into her shadow and seemingly melting into the ground. Her form danced in and out of sight as the alley was filled with darkness. It looked as if it was the middle of night right now as it was hard to see anything within this shadow of darkness.

I looked up at the sky to confirm the sun was shining brightly above me as it was still mid day. She's pretty good.

She flashed around the area quicker than bitch face and his two thugs could see and she spun in a circle using both her daggers to cut open the stomachs of the three men.

"AAHHHH! HELP US PLEASE!!" Bitch face started screaming.

It would have worked too, if it wasn't for this meddling aura of darkness surrounding everything which was cancelling out the sound. Making me the only person in the world capable of hearing them right now.

His wound started to burn with a dark purple flame as tears streamed down his face and his intestines spilled out.

However, I was much more focused on the woman in front of me. Her hood had come off at some point and I could now get a view of her beautiful face.

Her straight long black hair flowed in the wind as she danced around with daggers in her hands. But what was most enrapturing was her smile. She smiled gorgeously with blood splattered over her face. At that moment the light from the sun danced off of her white daggers in the darkness and painted a beautiful picture.

She looked like a beautiful full moon in the darkness of the night, a picture of pure unbridled elegance. I was captivated, never had I seen something like this before, my heart beat hard as if to let me know this was it. This was what it wanted, this was the heart wrenching feeling I had heard about only in stories.

At that moment she giggled, most would shiver in fear at the sight of a beautiful woman standing over three men begging for their lives and giggling. However, in my eyes, her unique allure only magnified.

She looked down at them and smiled gracefully, as if she was a noble vampire of the night, fueled by the beautiful moonlight that she herself was emitting.

"I made sure to cook your intestines so the dogs don't get sick." She said in a playful voice as she sliced their heads off allowing them to tumble to the floor.

It seems she's a woman of her word, she did exactly what she promised.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, It was so overwhelming that I didn't know what to do. I just clapped, slowly clapped at the awe inspiring performance in front of me and the overwhelming beauty I had just witnessed.

She looked over to me with her smile wiped off her face and a deadly look in her eyes, but that only made her look sexier.

Then I started laughing. And really, what else could I do but laugh in this situation?