Chapter 7 Luna

Mysterious girl from the shop POV:

I was standing over the three men I had just killed when I heard a… disturbing sound.

Someone was hiding away at the entrance to the alley, watching me, and he was… clapping?

What kinda fucking creep slow claps after seeing someone gut and decapitate three people?

The slow claps lasted for a few seconds until I glared in the direction they were coming from.

Then, he laughed.


Shit, how much did he see? Do I have to kill him too?

Why does this laugh sound so genuine and comforting? Who could see my true colours and still laugh so joyfully?

Someone walked into the alley and took off his hood while laughing. As he removed the hood from his head it was… the guy from earlier?

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Hmmm, well I came for a different reason but I think after seeing that I'd like to get your name first." He said in a carefree manner, obviously not disturbed by what had just happened.

What is this guy's motive? Just who is he? Why does his laugh make my chest feel warm?

"Luna." I answered, still very wary of the situation.

"Haha, Luna, huh. How fitting, you look exactly like a beautiful full moon when you fight." He nodded sagely.

"... What?"

What is this guy saying? Is he maybe insane?

He quickly held up his hands in defense.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not some crazy dude, I swear. Well, maybe a little weird but nothing too bad. *Ahem* Anyway, what I meant was that within your aura when the light reflects off of your daggers it resembles the full moon at night."

"Oh… That's actually a pretty good metaphor. Thanks."

I had never heard anyone compliment my swordsmanship like that, maybe this guy isn't so bad. Besides, for some reason that compliment felt very genuine, unlike the many superficial compliments and forced words of flattery I've become accustomed to. Or the creepy guys calling me beautiful while pitching a tent, urgh.

"No problem. So, uhh, do you mind putting those away? Although I do think it very much enhances your look, when you point them at me I still feel a little offset."

He pointed to the clean white daggers I had in my hands. Which I forgot I was holding.

"Hehe, Oops. My bad."

I quickly flicked them to my sides allowing the blood to fly off them and splatter on the ground before sheathing them.

"Here, you might not want other people to see you like that." He said as he handed me a handkerchief.

"AH, thanks! Umm…"

I just realized I don't know this guy's name.

"Miz. You can call me Miz for now."

"For now?" I questioned.

"Don't worry about it. I'll tell you later, besides I doubt you gave your real name to me as well so we're even."

No, I did give you my real name. Like a fucking moron, god I'm stupid, or maybe I was just so flustered by his sudden appearance and weird laughter.

"Why?" I accidentally asked out loud.

"Huh? Why what?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Why did you laugh like that?"

I was very curious, what was up with this guy?

"Hmmm, I don't actually know. What else was I supposed to do?" He shrugged.

"Uhh, cry, scream, run, call me a monster, piss your pants, pray to god, shit your pants, pray to satan, try to-"

He cut off my tangent.

"OK OK, I get it! Jheez, you're something else."

"... so I've been told." I muttered.

"Haha, I bet you have. Well, honestly, it was beautiful. Your gallant and alluring moves, your silk like hair fluttering in the wind, the combination of your enchanting eyes that were hungry for blood and the lovely, free spirited smile on your face covered in blood. I found the contrast immaculate. It was something out of a story book. So, I froze, I didn't really know what to say or do, then I just laughed, even though I don't know why. I just felt happy, so I laughed."

Okok, what is up with this guy? I've never met someone so… unfazed, unconcerned, and intrigued with myself.

Why didn't he run away in fear and call me a demon or a monster? He clearly saw my blood soaked smile. What is wrong with this man?

And did he just call me beautiful in the most elegant way I've ever heard?

Why do my cheeks feel hot? Am I blushing?

Holy shit that's embarrassing.

What do I do now? Why are we even talking again? Wait, isn't it my turn to speak? What should I say?

Awawawawawawa, uhhhh??

"...lo? Hello? HELLO?" His voice snapped me out of my daze.

"Ah what?!" I practically shouted in shock.

"Are you alright? You kinda spaced out."

Fuck, that's embarassing.

"Yeah, I'm fine. And… thanks." I felt obligated to give my gratitude after his compliment.

"For what?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You know, the compliment. It was nice…" I was forced to explain,

"Pfft, yeah, no problem. Who would have thought the girl I just saw murder three people would start blushing over a little compliment? Hahaha!"

I covered my face with one hand and rubbed my temples. Oh the embarrassment. I really did blush, what I fucking idiot I am. I've gotten so used to my monotonous shitty life that just this little excitement is enough to get me all out of sorts.

"Haaaa, fuck me. Just forget about that, would you? I don't hear nice things often." I hoped he would let this go.

"Hahaha, sure thing, Luna. I'll let you have this one, but I can't make any promises about next time." He gently teased.

"Sure, but you better not ask for mercy when I do the same." I smiled from under my hand that I still had covering the top of my face.

I removed my hand and looked at this intriguing guy in front of me. Who was also smiling, while watching my reactions.

"Now that I can see your face again, I gotta ask. If you look this charming then how come no one ever says nice things about you? I'd expect you to be practically immune to compliments with this face." He poked at my story, with many holes in it.

I chuckled a bit.

"You'd think so right? But somehow it's very different when it's genuine and not just some asshole trying to butter me up." I responded.

"You a princess or something? Is that why everyone is trying to butter you up? Should I call you your majesty, your highness, maybe just milady?"

I said too much… Meh whatever, it's not like this guy will ever figure it out.

"Something like that. And if you call me one of those things I'll cut off your tongue." I jokingly said.

"I don't doubt it after what you did to those guys."

He pointed to the three pricks I had just killed. He seemed to have taken it literally.

I giggled a bit. "Hehehe, yeah, I forgot you saw all that."

He chuckled. "Speaking of, shouldn't we get the fuck out of here? As much as bitch face and his two thugs had it coming, I don't think self defense will hold up in court. Especially not after they see the brutally mutilated bodies."

"You called him bitch face too? Hahaha!"

I kinda like this guy. He's got a good sense of humor.

"Great minds think alike. I'm more just surprised a girl isn't revolted by my sense of humor. I've had quite a few people call me a psycho or idiot for the things I've said." He admitted to me.

"And I'M surprised you didn't freak out when you saw a girl slice three people up with a smile on her face. Actually, I'm much more surprised you called that beautiful."

"Hahaha! Touche."