Chapter 8 Luna II

Luna POV:

We both chucked a little at each other before we started walking away from the bloody crime scene.

As we made it back to the main street and blended into the crowd. I finally asked.

"So, what did you want to say to me earlier?"

"Oh shit I totally forgot! Haha, well I was gonna ask if you wanted a job." He said, completely shocking me.


"Well, I kinda accidentally got you fired earlier today, so I figured it was the least I could do to make it up to you. Plus, I think you would be great at this job and I bet you'd enjoy it too."

Huh? Isn't this like perfect?

"Wait, seriously?"


"What's the job?" This is to good to be true, there has to be a catch.

"Ah, do you know the first prince?"

"You mean the idiot, failure, useless, dumbass, meath-" He quickly cut off my rant.

"Ahem. Yeah, that one. Well, his personal maid just fucked the second prince, so she got fired."

"Really? What a fucking idiot."

Don't the personal maids of royalty make a shit ton of money and get great benefits? Why would you fuck a prince and put that all on the line? They NEVER marry the maid, it's all just sweet whispers of a fake love that is bound to fizzle out as soon as you two bang.

"I know right! She was set for life, all she had to do was her job and NOT fuck a prince. How fuckin' hard can that be?!" He started complaining, he seemed really upset, and bewildered about this maid's actions.

"You seem really upset about this." I inquired.

"Haaa, she always pissed me off, and this is the 6th time this has happened. It's really starting to get annoying."

"REALLY? Six times?? Is the second prince a stud or something? How can this happen six times?"

"HAHAHA! Him? A stud? BAHAHAHA!! No, god no! He's definitely not a stud." He heavily laughed and seemingly had no qualms saying such a thing in public.

"It seems you have no misgivings about defaming royalty." I grumbled.

"What are they gonna do about it? Attack me? They don't stand a chance!" He confidently said with a haughty tone.

"Really? Are you that strong?" I asked hopefully.

He tilted his head confused.

"No, you are. How many other people do you know who can use advanced aura?"

I felt a tick mark appear on my forehead.

"Who made me your bodyguard? Plus, I can think of two off the top of my head."

"Really? I'd love to meet them. Introduce me sometime." He shamelessly requested.

"Haaa, whatever, get back on point."

"Right, anyway. Wanna be a maid?" He once again, very shamelessly asked.


"A maid, like the personal maid of the prince. It pays insanely well because the people who do the palace budgets are idiots with no concept of money. They also think that the more you pay someone the better they are at their job. You'd think they'd figure it out after the 5th maid slept with a prince who they didn't serve but whatever."

Once again, this guy was very comfortable making fun of the royal family...

"How am I gonna be a maid? I don't wanna dress some dumbass prince, and pick up after he shits himself! I don't even know much about cleaning anyway. Besides, I've heard the rumors about that prick. Isn't he the worst piece of shit ever who only knows how to swing a sword, but he still can't even beat a knight?"

I started listing off the rumors of the first prince and my misgivings about the job... wait, why does he look so disappointed?

"... I thought you were smarter than that."

Huh, is this guy dissing me?

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You believe rumors? About a prince? Who has a brother who is just a year younger than him and in contention for the throne?" He said exaggeratedly.

"Well, when you put it like that, I guess it makes sense." I mean, yeah, they would make up or extenuate shitty rumors about the guy, maybe he was actually a decent dude.

"Anyway, why don't you just try it out. You get free housing and free meals 24/7 unless you go on vacation. Plus if you really hate that 'prick' of a prince that much. You can just quit."

I felt like I was missing something within his speech, usually I'm good at reading between the lines, but I'm struggling too with this guy, maybe because of all the sarcasm.

"You really think they will let me quit just like that? No questions asked?" I offhandedly asked/

"You really think they could stop you? Let alone catch you in the first place." He quickly quipped back.


"Listen, I know the guy who hires people for the castle so there won't even be an audition or interview or anything, just show up."

This seemed almost too easy, too good to be true, like a golden egg being placed right in front of my, but...

"But I still don't know shit about being a maid."

He immediately waved off my only concern.

"Ah, don't worry about that. The first prince actually doesn't really give a shit what his maid does. He prefers to get dressed himself and do everything else himself, you just have to pretend your cleaning or something when other people walk by. Besides, they have separate maids for cleaning everything so you really just need to be a bodyguard and shit."

"Really? That sounds like a perfect job for me."

I was honestly kind of excited for the first time in 5 years, maybe something good would come of this before I have to take care of my own business.

"Right? You start tomorrow!" He gleefully said as he clasped his hands together.


"You start tomorrow!" He repeated.

Well, it's a little sudden, but then again it's a great job and it's not like I'm busy tomorrow, nor do I have a house after being evicted earlier today... so a place to stay starting tomorrow and free meals sounds like a blessing.

"Haa, fuck, fine whatever. It can't be any worse than this shit I'm doing right now."

"Right? Your pathetic excuse for a life is now over! Welcome to the life of the palace!"

"What did you say!?"

I looked up to him but only saw his cheeky smile on his face as a bright white light surrounded him and he disappeared. I looked down and noticed the magic circle he was standing on.

Is that... teleportation? Even the people in the magic tower haven't figured that out yet. I don't think anyone in the world has actually, I thought it was just a theory...

"Miz. Just who are you?"

I had a lot of questions about everything that happened today, but there was one thing I was confident in for some reason.

Today wasn't a shitty day, maybe it was even a great one. I'll have to wait and see what the future holds to be sure about that though.

Fufufu, I hope it's fun.