Chapter 16 Demons

He was closely watching both Luna and my reactions. Humans and demons were very hostile towards each other in most scenarios. Like, on the verge of war constantly type of hostility. So his caution made sense.

"So… what do you think?" He asked us.

"I think you look pretty, but could probably use a haircut. Those look like a lot of split ends." I replied honestly.

"... Seriously?"

I nodded. "Split ends are much more annoying than you would think, just cut off like 5-6 inches and let it regrow. I think that will help a lot."

"What about my horns?!" He shouted.

I looked at them intently. After a tense minute of staring I finally spoke up.

"I do think they are a little unkempt. I'd just use a nail file and some polish to fix that thought. But you can also just keep it as is, it kinda gives you a unique look."

" ... You don't care that I'm a demon, do you?" Claude finally asked.

"I could not give less of a fuck."

"Just... why?"

"Well, demons and humans are the only two races who have some semblance of sentience. So they should probably work together. The only reason to hate them would be if your scared, but I'm not a little bitch so I don't care. Also, demons have an excess of magical resources and technology but a lack of food. They live much longer lives than humans but have a lower fertility rate. Which means that they only have skilled workers and no people who do manual labour like farming and shit. And humans have an excess of people willing to do manual labour and a lack of knowledgeable and skilled workers. They also have a need for more magical resources but an excess of food and fertile land. If you ask me, both races are dumbasses for not trading at all and profiting off each other's weaknesses. Plus, like, you have horns and life longer, so what? Sword masters also live longer than normal people, mages can do the same thing if they use certain magic. The only real difference is you have horns."

"I never really thought about that. That's a really good point." Claude said with a hand on his chin.

"Well I don't care either way. It's not my job to help out either race. Feel free to steal the idea if you want. That is, as long as you cut me in on a percentage of profits."

He mulled it over. "... I might take you up on your offer. Also, I'm curious, why don't you help out your people? You'd make a way better king than your brother but it almost seems like you don't wanna be the king. Also, if you're skilled enough to be making this deal with me, why haven't you gotten involved with politics? You could have helped out this kingdom a lot. Don't you think that as a prince, you should do something for your country?"

"Because I don't want to. I don't want to be king, I don't wanna get involved in politics for the sake of a kingdom I don't care about, which calls me an idiot and belittles me. I don't live for the sake of random people I don't know. I don't exactly live for a certain reason or noble goal like the progress of humanity or to vanquish all evil, I just do what I do. Sometimes I have a reason, sometimes I don't and it's just a whim."

"Then why make your move now? Why are you going after Selena?" He asked clearly bewildered.

"Well, she's a bitch. She crossed a line she shouldn't have, so I'm gonna ruin her life."

"Is that it? The whole reason you're making a move? Isn't there a more efficient way to do it?"

"Yeah, I guess... but this way is more fun. Plus, I just felt like making a few connections. Call it a whim, but I kinda just randomly thought that it would be nice to be able to do more things if I wanted to. For example, move an information guild for my own sake. Plus, having a safety net is never a bad idea."

"Is that so? I really can't understand you."

"Well, yeah, I'm someone who does random wacky things sometimes, and sometimes I just go with the flow. I learned that about myself years ago."

"And how'd you come to that discovery?"

"It's a secret." I said with a wink, mostly just to fuck with him.

I stood up and walked out of the room without allowing him to ask anymore questions.

I received countless stares from everyone within the guild as I walked out the front door, but I ignored all of them. I had their boss in the palm of my hand now, so I could shut them up at any time.

I know it sounds really narcissistic, and maybe it is. But it really never gets old to see all these idiots look down on me while they unknowingly danced in the palm of my hand.

After we turned the corner I felt the claws digging into my shoulder finally relax. My new wounds were visible from my now destroyed hoodie.

"You alright now kitty?" I asked the now calm Luna, she had totally frozen up back there.

Ignoring my concern she asked her own question.

"Why didn't you care that he was a demon? Are you really okay with that?"

I thought about it for a bit.

"I really don't know why, exactly. But I don't really care about him being a demon. I mean demons are just people with horns, a lower fertility rate and longer lifespans. Just because you live for 200 years and have horns doesn't really change anything, other than the whole blue collar white collar problem that I brought up earlier."

Luna turned back into her human form and wrapped her arms around my right arm. She giggled a bit. Clearly happy about something.

"Hehehe, yeah you're right."

I smiled at the complete contrast in her actions from a moment ago until now.

"Plus demon girls are hot as fuck. They even come with special perks." I nodded sagely as I went over the perks of having a cute demon wifey.

Luna looked confused. "Perks?"

I got serious. This was a very important topic to me, a man of culture. It was a shame that more people couldn't understand the magnificence of demon girls.

"Yes! They have built in handlebars and birth control! What more can a young man ask for?!"

She looked at me dumbfounded for a moment before sighing. "Haaah, I should have known you would say that, fuckin perv."

She looked down with a slight blush on her face as she said this.