Chapter 38

I continued closing in on the two mages who were standing side by side and sending a multitude of spells at me in a panic.

[Water ball]

[Rock bullet]

[Wind scythe]

I dodged them all and made up the distance between us. I kicked one of the trees and split the trunk in half.

"Shit! I told the boss we should have listened to his orders! We should have stuck to the low rank nobles like we were told to!" One of the mages yelled.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Don't kill me! Count Beckman and the boss are backing us up! You can't do this to us!" The other cried in fear.

As the tree fell to the ground it shielded me from the most recent spells cast. I caught the tree with my bare hands by sticking bandaged fingers into the bark and lodging them inside before using my aura enhanced body to swing the tree.

I made contact with the two mages and watched as their bodies ragdolled and flew hundreds of meters away into the deep forest.

"HAhahah! HOME RUN MOTHERFUCKER!!!" I called out as they disappeared into the treeline.

I turned back towards the large battle happening in front of me.

I charged in, using a tree as a foothold and landed on a bandit's shoulders, causing him to faceplant and eat his own sword.

I stepped over the man I'd just killed and roundhouse kicked a sword out of another bandit's hand, it shot through the air and lodged itself within another bandit's hand, causing him to drop his sword which he was about to use to kill the warrior-adventurer with.

The bandit screamed in pain, causing the warrior to turn around and finally notice the man who was about to kill him.

I used the momentum of my kick to keep rotating and kicked the bandit I had just disarmed in the ankles taking his feet out from under him. I used the same leg to circle around and stomp down on his stomach, crushing his organs and ending his pitiful life.

18 bandit's left, 5 adventures, and 3 knights.

[Rock bullet]

I saw three bandits get obliterated by flying stones sent from the mage and one get his skull pierced by an arrow.

15 bandits.

I made quick work of a few more bandits and did a recount.

6 bandits left in total.

Just when I was about to end one or two more bandits, I saw something out of the corner of my eyes.

I instantly jumped towards the Veara noble lady, and her maid. Someone was looming over the two and reaching for her with an outstretched arm. I immediately closed the distance and pinned his arm to the ground with my right foot. I felt the bone in his wrist shatter under the impact of my kick, I then spun around and kicked him in the face with my left foot like a soccer ball. I released his arm from the pin mid spin causing his body to go flying and smack into a tree at least 10 meters away.

I turned around to face the noble lady in front of me, who was most likely my step cousin. I bent down a bit and offered her my hand as the other's finished off the bandits with ease.

She stared at me for a few seconds without saying anything.

It was really starting to get awkward, my arm was just dangling in the air awaiting someone to take hold of it…

Eventually her maid snapped out of her daze and lightly jabbed the side of her ribs, causing her to jump up and grab my arm for support.

I took this opportunity to pull her to her feet.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

I probably looked like a bum right now with all the dirt and blood splattered over my body, face and hair, but she didn't seem to care at all even though she was a noble. As expected of the family of angels, the Veara's.

"Y-yesh!" She squealed and bit her tongue.

She seems really tense. Well, she was nearly killed after all.

I smiled politely.

"I'm glad."

Her jaw hung open and she seemed frozen. Her cheeks had been tinted red this whole time.

She seemed like she was still processing things so I offered my free hand to her maid, to help her up.

"E-eh?" The noble lady in my arms was shocked.

The maid looked at me and nodded in thanks as she accepted my offer to help her up.

"I-i've never seen a knight help out a maid when a lady was right in front of him." The noble said while pouting.

Was she jealous or something? It's not like I was hitting on either of them though, if I were to hit on them, I'd do something like this.

I turned to face the noble lady and lightly grabbed her hand. I fell to one knee and kissed the back of her hand, then held it for a few seconds longer than normal. I looked up at her and spoke.

"Would this enchanting lady give me the honor of hearing your name?"

I stared her in the eyes as I asked this. Her entire face flushed bright red.

"U-mmm- yes please." She said in a daze.

Heh, it's too easy, all nobles get all flustered with just a little bit of strength and humility.

I continued to stare at her as I waited for the answer. Eventually her maid had to jab her again.

"Kyaa! I-I'm Lily! N-nice to meet you!" She jumped up and stammered.

I rose off of one knee and continued holding her hand, bringing it to my chest.

"What a fitting name for such a lovely woman." I said with an innocent smile on my face.

She gulped and turned her head to the side.

"Y-yeah, t-t-thanks."

I almost laughed out loud but could feel her maid's glare. Her maid seems a lot more level headed than her.

I gave her maid an innocent look by raising my free hand in defence and shrugging my shoulders.


She clicked her tongue, almost causing me to laugh again.

Lily, completely oblivious to our exchange as she had turned her head sideways finally looked back at me.


At that moment I instantly let go of her hand and grabbed something out of the air, holding it an inch away from her eye.

The knife I had caught was light and aerodynamic, clearly a throwing knife.

Both girls stoody there frozen in a mixture of fear and shock.

"Tch, how annoying." I mumbled.