Chapter 42

I just walked back to the rest of the people waiting for me.

I noticed the shield girl from the bandits had been killed, Whippy was still on the ground, writhing in pain, surrounded by the adventurers, however the knife guy, I think I heard someone call him Kim earlier, was nowhere to be seen.

I looked over and asked the 6 adventurers a question, the priestess was with them now as she had gotten up in the time I was away.

"Do you want them alive for the extra reward?"

They all looked at each other hesitantly and seemed to come to an agreement.

"If you don't mind, we would like to kill them. Our mission is to escort the noble lady you met earlier today… and well, if we were to try and force her to drag some half-dead bandits around, we would be pretty terrible escorts, Hahaha!" The main warrior, who seemed to take on the leadership role in the party, stated.

Well, that was a very good point, I'm sure any noble would complain if their guards started carrying unconscious, smelly people with them. Apparently it's not very 'noble' to carry around people like that. But what do I know about being noble?

Plus, don't slaves exist? Isn't that the same thing?

Well, I'm sure that aristocrats would NEVER do anything hypocritical…

My hearsay was cut off by a female voice.

"Ah! But you can take them in alive if you want! We won't stop you! You helped out a lot after all, we all would have been dead without you!" The mage girl chimed in with a high pitched, mildly shy voice.

I waved my hands. "No, no, I'm good. I'm too lazy to carry around a bunch of half-dead people."

I already carry around enough dead people in my dimensional storage anyway.

"Then we should just get rid of this one. Who wants to?" The leader asked.

No one seemed too keen on it, so I volunteered.

I walked over to Whippy and bent down in front of her with my legs spread and my elbows on my knees.

"Heeeyy, Whippy. Remember me? It's your favourite person, me. Well, I just wanted to ask you, why did you complain about being surrounded by shitty men who you don't wanna date when you were dating your boss?" I asked.

She spit at my face, but it fell short.

"Fuck off, asshole. I wasn't dating Perquis, that bastard had an unrequited love for me."

"Hmmm. I see, I see. Even though he sold you out so easily. He even told me that I could have a whore like you if I wanted."

She growled.

"I wasn't that bastard's toy, and I sure as hell won't be your toy. Maybe if you treat me well, I'll consider a relationship, you are pretty hot… and really strong. I bet you got a lot of money as a what? B class, A class, maybe even S class adventurer? If you let me live and give me a cut of that, maybe I'll become yours for real."

I stifled a laugh and shrugged.

"Meh, you're cute, but not that cute sweetheart. I think I'll pass. But, hey if you let me know who your boss is then maybe I'll let you live?" I offered.

"And what? Become a human experiment? I'd rather die. Plus, I can't say anything even if I wanted to."

I nodded. "Seem's your not that stupid, your boss jumped at that chance… Well, I guess that's just strike two, does everyone else also have that magic spell that kills you for speaking cast on them?"

She looked deadpan.

"So you already know about it? It seems my boss was about as much of a pussy as I thought he was… And yeah, anyone who would know anything has it cast on them, so you won't get his name or anything important out of us."

"Is that so? Then, see ya." I said as I slashed her head off.

I stood up and walked away in order to rejoin everyone else.

"Welcome back!!" Lily called out with a smile on her face and a blush on her cheeks.

"Thanks!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Tsk." The tank of the adventure party clicked his tongue.

He was quickly elbowed by the priestess, who turned to me and smiled.

"I heard that you saved my life, and the rest of my friends as well. Thank you very much and please allow us to introduce ourselves…" She said with a bow.

She raised her head before continuing.

"...I am Elina, I'm 24 and I'm a B-rank adventurer and priestess, it's nice to meet you." She said with a pleasant smile.

She was wearing a nun outfit and had a staff in hand that resembled the saintess's staff with golden rings on the end. She had mid-back length purple, curly hair and golden eyes. She seemed like a really nice person, but not stupid nice or a pushover.

The next person to speak up was the thief. He had an all black and brown on, he was wearing a typical thief/stealth type outfit. It included a black mask that covered the bottom half of his face as well as a hood that nearly covered the rest. He had two short swords on his back and a brown belt with many pouches on it. He also had black eyes and black hair, when he took off his hood.

"Lanny, 21, B-rank thief." He said curtly with a polite nod.

He was short and concise, can't complain.

The next person to step forward was the Warrior and leader of the party.

He had shoulder length wavy hair that was deep red at the base but transitioned into white at the tips. He had brown eyes and a fairly large smile on his face. He was adorning a sword on his left hip and had brown pants with a black undershirt on. He also had a red vest overtop of that with both his arms exposed, showing off his muscles.

"Hi, I'm Rael, I'm 23 and an A-rank adventurer. I'm a warrior, but more specifically a magic swordsman, thanks for saving my friends and I back there, we really owe you one." He stretched out his hand and I shook it.

"Really it was no problem, I just happened to be around." I said with a smile on my face.

He seems to be a sort of heroic and morally just type of person, but judging on how he asked me to kill Whippy a little while ago I could tell that he was still a realistic person. A realistic person with lofty ideals, a realistic hero if I had to give it a phrase.

After him another person stepped forward. He had a bow and quill on his back as well as a sword on his waist. He had brown hair and brown eyes and what seemed like a permanent smile on his face. The only time he wasn't smiling was when he was in battle.

"Yo! I'm Gil! A ripe 22 years of age and a B-rank adventurer. I'm a warrior and an archer, whatever you need me to be, hahaha! Thanks again for the help!" He said with a huge smile on his face.

He seemed like a good guy, happy and nice enough that he was fun to be around, but not overly happy and jumpy that it's annoying.

The next one to approach was the mage. She shyly held her staff, which was the size of her, in front of her and slightly hid her face behind the big blue ball at the tip of it. She had a small, cute wizard hat on, nothing like the ugly one that guy I killed earlier was wearing. She also had a wizard robe on and glasses. She had hip length deep green hair that was in a french braid and light blue eyes that were framed by round glasses.

"H-hello, I'm Meg and I'm an A-class adventurer and Mage. I'm also 25 and thanks for saving us!" She said as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Cute, she was shy, but she was still able to hold a conversation so it's fine.

Finally the last member was the tank. He was wearing the most armour out of everyone here as everyone else was just carrying light armour, probably using mana instead, but he had a large shield and a chestplate, arm and wrist guards, thigh and shin guards and a helmet that he had just taken off. He had a buzz cut and black eyes. He was crossing his arms and grumbled a bit before getting another elbow to the ribs from the priestess and introducing himself.

"Hey, I'm Hank the tank. I'm a B-class adventurer and I'm 24. I'm thankful you saved me and my friends, but I hold a grudge because you're all lovey dovey with Lady Lily." He said.

A very straightforward guy who just likes girls huh. Not a bad dude.

"Hank the tank huh? Can I let you in on a little secret?" I asked.

He nodded in response.


"Lady Lily isn't really my type so you don't have to worry about that."

His eyes lit up. And adorned a broad smile on his large face.