Chapter 43

Hank ran over and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Really? HAHAHA! That's great news! Hey Rael! Did you hear? This guy isn't with Lady Lily! Hey, we haven't got your name yet, but I like you. First you saved my friends lives, then you saved my broken heart! You're a real bro!" He said as he slapped my shoulders.

Rael sighed. "Yeah we heard, Hank. Good for you, but are you sure you should be saying that out loud?"

He eyed Elina, the priestess, nervously.

"Yeah! What's wrong? My lovely Lady Lily isn't with this guy!" Hank called out innocently.

Ahh, I just met these people and I could already see his mistake…

Elina had a deadly air about her right now.

"Is that so, Hank? Then why don't you get LADY LILY to heal you next time you get injured?" Elina said with an evil smile.

"Huh? But you're the only one I trust to heal me, Elina. How could someone else do it?" Hank replied.

"And you'd better not forget it." Elina threatened, but it seems to have gone unnoticed by Hank.

"Sure thing!" Hank said with a smile.

I looked over to the nearest person, Lanny, the thief.

"Is it always like this?" I asked.

I received a quick nod in response.

"How long has she liked him?" I asked again.

"A year."

"Pfft~ Hahaha! No way! That's nuts."

How can he be that dense? What a guy!

Lanny only nodded in agreement at my comment.

Gil came up to me with a large smile.

"Hey, we never did get your name. Mind giving it up?" He casually asked my name.

"Right, I almost forgot to ask." Rael added on.

Everyone else paused what they were doing and listened in.

"I'm Miz, 19 years old, not an adventurer, and I guess I can kinda do whatever you need me to, kinda like Gil. I trained with a lot of weapons, but I usually just use my hands and pick up whatever's around. Nice to meet you all." I said with a smile on my face.

Usually I wouldn't be so genuine and share this much, but I feel like maybe a little change in my life would be a good thing. These guys seem nice, and I think making friends is a part of finding what you want to do in life, so why not use them?

"Nice to officially meet you." Elina said with a smile.

"Y-yeah, Nice to meet you, Miz!" Meg shyly added on.

"Great to meet you all too. Now, shall we go back to the noble lady from before, I think you guys said you were guarding her, right?" I asked.

"Oh shit, yeah! We really should do that!" Rael quickly got ready to go back to his job and everyone else followed suit.

"Hey, Miz! You should come with us! You don't have anything else to do right?" Hank asked as he picked up his shield.

Well, I didn't have anything to do and in order to become friends you have to spend time together, so this sounds good.

"Sure thing. Maybe I can set you up with Lady Lily." I teased.

"R-really? You're such a great bro!" Hank smiled.

"Pfft~ Hank, he's trying to get you killed." Gil saw throught my intentions and laughed.

"Bah, you don't know what you're talking about Gil, Miz's just a real bro, right?" Hank asked me.

I looked over at Elina and then back to Hank.

"Right." I said with a smile and a nod.

I suddenly had a hand on my shoulder.

"If you help him get even a little closer to that lady… well lets just say that a healer needs to know how to deal damage before they can heal it." Elina whispered to me with an evil smile on her face.

"Pfft~ HAHAHAHA! Looks like your plan backfired Miz!" Gil laughed at my misfortune.

I raised my hands innocently.

"C'mon Elina, you know me, I would never do such a thing. You know that right?" I pleaded, for what seemed like my life.

"Hahaha! I was just messing with you Miz! I wouldn't kill someone who saved my life… but if they happened to get hurt because they messed with my personal affairs, that's a different story." Elina 'cleared' the misunderstanding.

What a scary woman, too bad she doesn't even hold a candle to Luna, in scariness or beauty… well at least in my opinion.

"Haaa, Elina, enough scaring Miz, he just saved us, plus, it's your fault for not conveying your feelings to the person in question." Rael, my saviour, commented.

"Tch, I don't wanna hear that from YOU." Elina said.

"W-what?!" Rael was caught off guard.

I couldn't help but have my eyes wander to Meg, I think I see the situation now. Looks like Gil and Lanny are 5th and 6th wheels. Well, unless they were gay… actually I could stangely see it.

Surprisingly, the silence was broken by Lanny.

"We should go to the client." He said calmly.

"Yeah! Great call Lanny!" Rael instantly agreed.

I smiled and walked with them to Lily's carriage.

As I passed Lanny I whispered. "Nice save."

He nodded.