As me and Mashiro got through the door, we were met with all the akudama ready to fight and olivia holding the sleeping 02, if you wondered where the little girl had been while i had my encounter with the moth. It seems the akudama really do not trust my conversation skills.
"Put your weapons down, gentleman, we're all friends here."
They put their weapons down and Doctor seemed honestly surprised.
"What is it with you and making those abominations your friends?"
As she finished saying the word "abomination" Mashiro had already entered a mist-like state and reappeared behind her, put two of her hands on her neck and the other two had taken scalpels and were pointed in the direction of the other akudamas.
"Who are these, my light?"
"My comrades, and while they were rude, i would appreciate you not killing them."
"Okay then"
She made her way back to holding my arm, this time without turning into mist.
"As you all can see, she won't be a problem if you don't make her be a problem."
The Doctor was rubbing her now red neck.
"Understood, no disrespecting them."
Cutthroat seemed distressed seeing the affection Mashiro was demonstrating to me, specifically focusing on her breasts, it seems the anime cliche follows even when in real life. Appearance never mattered much to me, i saw my flings as a way of losing my boredom, i had my standards, of course, but i would prefer more if the person was interesting than if she was beautiful, beauty without sustenance means nothing.
Olivia was a little bit jealous as well. i wonder if being an Gamer gives me harem protagonist privileges as well?
|Secret Mission completed: Discover one of the secret functions of the Game: Gamer's Presence.
{Gamer's presence}
When in a place assimilated by the Game, your presence is stronger and more imposing to people. 1,5 AFF/OBE with game assimilated beings.|
'If the Game assimilates beings, does it change them?'
[I strive to not change them, but somethings must be changed in order for them to fit my existence better, all assimilated beings are their own things and can ascend beyond my control, but they will always provide me with what i need, a little fee for all the benefits being assimilated can give. I am the Ship of Theseus, i suddenly reconstruct them in such an perfect way they do not realize they've been reconstructed. They're replaced with an perfect copy of themselves, but they work under my rules now, but i give them room to grow, i'm not tyrannical, just desperately in need of sustenance.]
'So, how do i assimilate beings? Considering i'm part of the Game, i suppose i can assimilate them as well.'
[You can weaken or turn their existences vulnerable enough, and i will do the job, but knowing that will matter not considering this universe is already part of me]
'Knowing about that early will not hurt anyone.'
As i discussed with the Game, i took 02 from Olivia's arms and put her on my back once again, and thought about how to deal with the lockdown. I asked Mashiro.
"The section is on lockdown, do you have any ideas on how to end it, Mashiro? The only option would be knocking you out with one of Doctor's tranquilizants, but i doubt they would work on you."
"They wouldn't, i physically can't sleep, but i believe if you hugged me i could maybe relax and slow my corporal activities enough to seem as if i was knocked out."
I sighed, knowing this was all a game to her, but went and hugged her, after some second of uncomfortable silence and Mashiro's soft moans on my ear, she became mist once again and a little moth was now in her place, i put her in my shirt pocket, and saw the lockdown had really gone up and the door was now capable of being opened, Hacker rapidly opened the door and we walked through the corridor, i heard gunshots from afar and it seems the others heard as well, i sensed movement from 02 in my back, and it seems Mashiro was awake as well, and she was agitated. I signaled for the other akudama to stay down, but Brawler simply ran ahead, seeing that, i sighed and ran behind, following closely.
As i followed, i saw a little pink-haired, seemingly horned, kid surrounded by blood and holding Brawler with what i believe is telekinesis or something of the like, my survival instincts ran wild telling me to run away, but something inside me was attracted to something inside her, her chaos, i did the opposite of what my instincts said, and ran in her direction, hugging and patting her, as you would to calm an crying child. Her eyes widened and Brawler stopped floating, i continued to hug the kid, and 02 got out of my back and hugged her as well, Mashiro got out of my pocket and hugged her as well, the kid was hit with the closest feeling to affection all at once, she was shocked, but most of all, she was happy, even if you do not know people, when your life is filled with loneliness and being considered a monster, any person who shows you something that is not contempt or agressiveness is your savior, your hero. I always had this innate ability of having a insight on a person's life, but it was never as powerful as this time.
I do not know who this kid is, but even if it is not efficient or favorable to me, i will keep her safe. One of the rare moments of my life where i had an obsessive feeling over something, and my obsessiveness in keeping not only this kid, but all of the people i would get attached to in my life, safe, and i knew i was the only one capable of doing so at the end of everything.