CHAP 10: Runaway

As i hugged the little girl, she fell asleep, i imagine she had been fighting for so long and this sudden feeling of safety made all the tiredness hit her all at once, considering her body structure she must have at most 9 years. If i had someone to make me feel safe when i was nine i would sleep soundly aswell. As the girl fell asleep, Mashiro returned to my pocket in her moth form, i took the little girl and put her on my backpack, and put 02 on Olivia's arms, she was agitated but atleast she was not biting anyone.

Talking about agitated, the agitated state of mind i was in has passed now, but i'll continue on that mindset, i believe my possessiveness has become stronger since i gained this body, if my old possessive feelings led me to become the most wanted criminal and the possessor of most of the world's information, i can only imagine what these improved ones can lead me to do.

Returning to the matters at hand, it seems the little girl escaped out of containment and destroyed this section of the lab, there were corpses all around, not only of researchers but there were some guards as well, i took one of their assault rifles and some extra magazines, i probably won't stick to it, but the situation calls for at least one automatic weapon. The girl destroyed the door to the next part of the lab, so the way was open for us to continue, the akudama seemed irritated that i was taking so much people with me, but i do not care.

We continued down the corridor, my guard was up, after some minutes of walking we ended up in a large room, there were lots of guards and scientists trying to do something desperately, which means there is something dangerous inside that big egg-looking device, i signaled for the akudama to stay down, they surprisingly obeyed, probably {Gang Leader} and the fact they are probably tired of this place and working together. We traversed the stadium-like room without getting attention, if the guards were not so distressed by whatever was inside of the egg getting out we would've been seen. We got through the door and found ourselves in an crossroad, i pointed to the right way, we ran through, the fact the whole prison was not on lockdown mode was strange, but maybe the Umbrella supervisors didn't seem us as such a threat, or they believed we would die to the experiments.

After some time walking, we saw the train to the police department and got on, Hacker overtook the train systems and made it go back, Cutthroat leaned on one of my shoulders, and Olivia silently slept on the other one. About 10 minutes after, the doors opened, i woke up Olivia and we went through, getting out of the DP was not hard, most of the cops had ran away and the corridors were deserted, as we got to the front door, i looked through the window and the cops were surrounding the exits, sadly for them, Courier blasted through the door and ran some of them over, and Brawler took care of the rest. We were in the streets now, i pointed my gun to a civilian in a car and told him to get out, Brawler, Olivia, and Doctor entered on the back, and Cutthroat was on the front passenger seat, i was driving through the streets as rapidly as i could, after 10 miles, i stopped in front of a flying bus station. We entered the station and got to the last floor of the building, and climbed to the ceiling.

When we got there, the cat jumped out of Olivia's head and meowed loudly, taking our attention.

"Your job is completed, and i have another one for all of you, this time for 100 million yen."

"And the payment for Cutthroat's rescue?"

"Check your accounts"

As he said that, i received an notification on my phone about an bank transaction, and there the million new yens were, it may not be as valuable as eurodollars, the currency utilized on the rest of the world, but ten million is ten million.

"What is the other job?"

I asked.

"You all will rob the Shinkansen."

"Rob the Shinkansen? What an interesting idea, may i ask how do you plan to do it?"

Doctor asked.

"You all are the greatest criminal minds of Kansai, even if i did not account for Charlatan and his apprentice, i'm sure you'll work an plan out."

"So you're throwing the work on us? Alright, do you have any ideas, Hacker?"

I said.

"I've never made a lot of research on Shinkansen, but give me some time and i will work something out."

"Okay, while you do research on your side, i'll do some research on mine and maybe sleep a little bit."

As i said that, the Akudama dispersed, with Olivia and Cutthroat following me, i put the backpack with the little girl on the floor, set an alarm for 30 minutes and went to sleep.