As i closed my eyes, i suddenly found myself in an antique office, with filled bookshelves and a big wooden desk, but the most interesting thing in that place was the suited man in the chair in my front, for i was sure he was the one that called, or rather pulled me here.
"Hello there, "Gray". Allow me to present myself, i am the one mostly responsible for your reincarnation, known as Death. The Game must've mentioned me, i believe?"
He offered me his hand, i shook it.
"So you are the "Death" it was talking about. Well then, may i know why was i called here?"
"The reason is simple, and it is the same reason i asked for the Game to revive you. i transported you here to offer you an partnership."
"What kind of partnership are we talking about? I believe i have nothing of value to offer you and i am sure there are people out there better than me?"
"The thing is, you're special, i believe there's no one who know the "hows" exactly but you, the only thing i know is that you're the closest to me i've seen in all of my existence, and that fact is enough to know you will grow powerful, very powerful. There are no gains in having you as an enemy or destroying you, but having you as atleast a partner, an associate, would already be profitable for me."
"I see. What exactly are the details of this so called partnership then?"
"Simple, i give you contracts, you do me services that i'm too busy to do, and you gain an accordingly good payment per completed task."
"Hmmm, am i allowed to choose whether i do something or not?"
"Of course, but you may miss rewards."
"So this "partnership" you speak about is basically me being your exclusive bounty hunter?"
"No need for exclusivity, but basically yes, consider me a very rich and very generous contractor. In that case, do you accept?"
"I see no reason to say no, so how do we do this?"
An ethereal, gaseous-like black paper appeared in front of me, and white words explaining the ins and outs of the partnership appeared, i rapidly read it, and some things Death hadn't mentioned were there.
"So you're saying i can't betray you if not of my own free will? What an specific thing."
"A counter-measure to mind control or manipulation, i see no problem in people betraying me, just that if you are to do it, do it from your own will, and not someone else's."
"There is an advanced payment? For what?"
"The only contract you have no choice in doing or not, but thankfully for you it is you who decides when to do it, but while the time for you to choose is very big, it is not unlimited, so no delaying it forever. But rest assured, i believe you are fully capable of completing it."
"I would say that changes things, but the advanced payment is very good."
"And the advanced payment is not the full payment, in fact saying it is payment is an excuse for a simple gift were you to sign the contract."
"Okay, how do i sign it?"
"You must be aware of the terms and will it, a personalized pen will appear on your hand then."
A very intricately decorated fountain pen appeared on my hand, it had multiple colors that seemingly flowed to the same place, an light grey spot in the point.
"That's a very interesting pen you have there."
"What exactly is this pen?"
"My Singularity is Bargains, and Contracts can only be signed by a manifestation of the Existence of the Signer, your existence is very unique if that's what your pen looks like"
As he explained, an fountain pen appeared on his hand as well, his was different, while mine had the colors flowing chaotically in the gray spot's direction, his had colors as well but they converged and changed periodically, they constantly changed spot and coloration, but seemed to follow an pattern, unlike mine. As i analyzed his pen, he signed the Contract, and i proceeded to sign as well.
He offered me an handshake once again, and as i shook it, i sensed something changing inside me, an feeling that seemed to come from the most profound parts of my soul.
"I'm glad to announce we are now partners, and that feeling is part of the advanced payment. Congratulations, you're now a Semi-Predecessor, which means you've taken the first step in becoming part of the most powerful type of beings on Existence."
He pulled out a case seemingly out of his pocket, and gave it to me, inside there was an revolver and bullets made out of what seemed was silver, the revolver was heavy, and seemed like an normal 500 S&W Magnum, but full of engravings, an leather coated grip and gold details.
"This is the second part of the payment, an revolver made by the best weaponsmith known, me. It is my third best revolver, and while it resembles an normal magnum from the outside, it's internal workings have been changed to work with magical bullets, most revolver calibers and those bullets which are very special and should only be used when against very powerful opponents, it's form is sealed, and as you grow more and more powerful the seals will be retired."
"What's it's name?"
"The Collector, you'll see why when some of the seals are unlocked."
"And thirdly, there is this."
He put one of his fingers in my forehead and i blacked out.