CHAP 12: Evolution

{Host's body has been infected with multiple external DNA and viruses}

{After analysis, it appears integration with the host's body is being attempted forcefully}

{Host's perk {Gamer's Better Body} has temporarily stopped forced integration until the host is ready}

{Host has slept, integration will start now}

{{Gamer's Better Body} is refining the exogenous elements to assure no undesired side effects}

{Modification of the "T-Virus" for assured continued mental stability and no cannibalistic tendencies is undergoing}

{Modification is complete}

|{Increased Regeneration} perk has been acquired|

|Metabolism has been accelerated|

{Klaxo-sapien DNA is being integrated}

|{Increased Intelligence} perk has been acquired|

|{Advanced Senses} perk has been acquired|

|{Klaxosaur King} perk has been acquired|

|{Increased Regeneration} has evolved into {Advanced Regeneration}|

|Metabolism has been accelerated|

{T-Mashiro-Cameron strain is being integrated, modifications to guarantee mental stability and continued body structure have been made}

|{Increased Regeneration} has evolved into {Great Regeneration}|

|{Hive Mind} perk has been acquired|

|{Body changing} perk has been acquired|

|{Possession} perk has been acquired|

{Evolution has ended, no adverse side-effects have been found}


I woke up with a big headache, millions and millions of years of memories entered my brain all at once, i'm surprised i can focus, and most of all, how my brain has not fried. The memories are all of Death seemingly training with his revolver, the accostumation to rapidly reloading, the memorization of the recoil, the posture, everything has been ingrained on my brain.

|{Rapid revolver reloading} skill has been learnt

{Rapid revolver reloading} LVL 100/100

{Revolver handling} skill has been learnt

{Revolver handling} LVL 100/100

{Gunslinger} perk has been gained

{Dead Eye} perk has been gained|

{Host's body is not enough trained to receive the full {Teachings of Death: Revolver} yet, as host's levels and body grow, more and more of the teachings will be available.}

This was his third gift? All his experience with revolvers? I don't know if i should be happy he did all the job for me or angry he almost fried my brain.

[Sorry for that, i'm accustomed to dealing with more powerful entities]

'So you can talk to me as well? Just what i needed, two voices in my head.'

[You'll get used to it, most higher entities love psyquic messaging and telepathy]

'Do they now? I thought that was a "you" thing, Game."

[I can confirm what he said, i love seeing people reacting to voices in their head, seeing people think they're going crazy is funny]

Now i have two sadistic, "can destroy me with an thought"-type voices in my head, just great.

[Hey, analyze the gift i gave to you, see all the greatness of my third best revolver]

'And how am i supposed to do that? The case you gave me has disappeared if you didn't know.'

[Did it now? Check you surroundings]

I looked to my sides while still on the ground, and saw the case in the left, i got up and opened it up, taking the revolver in my hands, i used {Analyze}.

|The Collector

A revolver made from Time Metal and other alloys, Death has made this revolver a long time ago in hopes of achieving an weapon as powerful as Death's Revolver. The Collector is an weapon made to collect from bounties, to lives, to full-blown existences. It is Death's third best revolver, but considering his current one is made from parts of Death's revolver and that's what makes it so powerful, so the Collector is in fact Death second best pistol and third most powerful weapon made, so it is surprising he has given it as an gift to someone.

It's {Magistralities} are currently sealed.

Most of the weapon's power has been sealed.

Current damage:(Bullet's base damage+50)x 3

Magical bullet's damage is calculated by:(INT+WIS)x Mana Used

Critical Damage multiplies damage by 3 and headshots by 10

Cannot be broken or dissolved considering it is Time Metal coated

Real appearance has been sealed|

Goddamn, that's an improvement, and considering it is sealed, this are it's less powerful stats, Death really gave me a big ass gift.

{{Semi-Predecessority} has been achieved}

{Host's soul can now more stably grow and host's existence and soul have grown extensively more resistant}

'No perks or skills, not even a change to {Gamer's soul}? Why?'

[Semi-Predecessority is like changing races, but only in soul, i can't make a skill out of being an semi-Predecessor or a full blown one, since that will be more on you to mess with, in reality, no one is supposed to mess with another Existence without an extensive knowledge about them, and i wouldn't want to unexist you accidentally, that would mean i've wasted lots of energy for nothing]

'So the system can identify changes to my Existence, but not help me deal with them?'

[In summary, yes.]


To be honest, i think gaining so much power without having to work for it would make me lazy and amateurish in most aspect, i think training is the only way to have real control over these type of things, and simply having everything thrown at my lap would make this get boring very quickly. I feel motivated once again, last time this happened, i initiated SPIDER, i will get strong, and i will understand what exactly i am. Death said i was special, the closest thing to him he had ever seen, and even if he does have the answers to me, i wouldn't want them, life without challenge is without thrill, and life without thrill gets boring quickly. I never had so much of an chance to live a life like i wanted, a life where i do not feel so alone. I'm an not the SPIDER anymore, i don't have to hunt alone, i am now the Charlatan, i am now Gray Fraudator, and i will honor my name and my profession, because that's what i was want to be and want to do.