CHAP 13: The Plan

As i finally arrived at an conclusion of what i wanted to do with this second chance i've been given, deactivating my alarm and seeing i had slept for 15 minutes. Hacker called me over and showed me the plants to the Shinkansen Station, i analyzed it rapidly, and saw the only entrance accessible was through the cargo platform, which means hijacking the truck was the only way to enter. but the procedures to enter the train were not listed anywhere, i could guess it had to do with the two long halls that led to an wall, but that was not enough to go by for an accurate guess of the procedures.

The black cat jumped on my shoulder, and in reflex i almost yeeted the little thing. He saw the plants and said.

"Call the others"

I took him off my shoulder, and came back to where i was to wake up Olivia and Cutthroat, i shook both of them lightly.

"Wakey wakey, sleepyheads, time to work."

Olivia rubbed her eyes and looked at me sleepily, i imagine she was really tired if she fell asleep so hard, Cutthroat was much faster to get up, she hugged me.

"Thanks for waking me up, my angel."

This girl really is quite fast, but that's expected considering she killed 1000 people by cutting their heads off. Olivia still had 02 in her arms, which was soundly sleeping, just like the other little girl with horns wrapped in an piece of cloth i happened to have. She put Zero-two inside the backpack once again,it was not very comfortable, but better than the floor.

She got up and i asked them to go to where Hacker was. As they left, i walked in the direction i saw the Doctor had gone in, after some walking, i found her leaning against the wall with crossed arms

"Done collecting every woman you find, Charlatan?"

"What, you jealous? Don't worry, i always have space for more."

"Not for now. Anyways, what do you want?"

"The cat asked me to call everybody, i think it may have an plan."

"Where are they?"

"Where we first separated."

"I see. See you soon, then."

She said snarkily while passing by me. She's acting all bitchy to make me lower my guard by thinking she's dumb or attracted to me, intelligent. I followed behind her until we separated since i had to go call the others. I found both of them surrounding an flaming barrel, with Courier leaning against the wall and Brawler sat on another barrel heating his hands with the fire.

"You two, we may have an plan, the cat asked for me to call you, follow me."

"Finally some action, my hands have been aching for throwing some punches."

Courier remained cold while following me, but Brawler seemed pumped for some action. We arrived at the meeting place, with Hacker and the cat in the middle of the others, seemingly waiting for us. The cat started speaking.

"The Shinkansen has quite an advanced security, so it won't be easy, but here's the plan. We enter the facility through the cargo platform, and we divide into two groups, there is only one elevator to the station, and it only opens if two buttons are pressed at the same time, these buttons will be guarded, but i do not know how exactly, they are localized here" The cat pointed to one of the hallways. "And here" He pointed to the other hall. "The elevator is where we will meet, it is here" he pointed to an wall in the center of the building. "The train itself is complex, it only accepts cargo in the exact weight provided by the central computer of the station, and destroys the rest, we will measure the weight of Courier and his bike and put him inside one of the containers, Hacker will put the measurements inside the system, inside the train there will be an override system that open ups the cargo compartment, and then we are inside. When inside, our objective is to get to the front of the train and take whatever is inside the vault."

"The Shinkansen leaves in 1 hour, which means we are on an tight space of time, because the train will pass through the Zone of Absolute Quarantine, which means we won't be able to get out."

"As Charlatan said, we are in an tight space of time, which means we need to get to the station fast."

The doctor then added.

"We have the perfect locomotion right beneath our feets, we could take an bus."

As she finished saying that, Brawler punched through the floor, and we found ourselves falling in the flying bus station. Brawler was loudly laughing as we got up and the civilian and guards flew, some people were crushed under the debris of the roof. I patted myself to clean up the dust, and started walking in the direction of the bus, it was currently flying away, but i pulled out the Collector and activated {Dead Eye}, my perspective of time slowed up and i shot the pilot from about 100 meters, making the zeppelin stop.

|+10 EXP|

My first kill in this world was an random driver, can't say i'm proud. Brawler jumped to the flying bus, and brought it back to the station. We entered, with the Doctor and Cutthroat killing all the passengers. I remembered the little girls were still at the building so i woke up Mashiro and asked her to take care of them, she flew away in moth form and we flew away in an bigass zeppelin, what i'm sure that looks ridiculous from an outsider's perspective.