I put Doctor on the cold ground of the elevator and used it to go back to the roof in order to take the bike back, as i waited for the lift to go up, i noticed more and more micro-movements from the woman across me. The mechanical door finally opened, as did Samantha's eyes.
"Welcome back to the world of the awake, sleepyhead."
She realized i was in her front and searched for an scalpel or an weapon inside her coat, but i had made sure to take out all of her possibly dangerous items before. I took the light sword out and put it in her neck, which burned her neck an little bit.
"Can't have you escaping now, can i? Now tell me, Samantha, why exactly did you betray us?"
Her eyes were wide open for an second when i called her by her real name, but she didn't seem all that surprised. Sighing, she responded.
"I had an feeling about you, mister Charlatan. I knew you were suspicious from the start."
"Look at who is saying that."
"I could tell you what i planned, but would that change my fate? I've seen those eyes before, in the mirror, they're the eyes of someone who won't have mercy if they don't gain something out of it."
"But i would gain something, i not only would gain possibly interesting information, i would gain you."
"You think too high of yourself. What makes you think i wouldn't kill myself had i the chance to do it?"
"You and i are similar, Samantha, we wouldn't kill ourselves."
"What do you offer, should i tell you my motivation?"
"An life greater than you could ever have, the chance to complete your objectives, no matter how great or improbable they are."
|The Collector has started resonating with the host's actions.
Part of it's magistrality has been given to the host temporarily.|
An immense greedy feeling had started going through me, and i almost instinctively held Samantha's face, looking her in the eyes, and kissing her, as i looked through her pupils, i saw an brillant, amorphous sphere, being grasped by what looked like an hand, it's patterns remembered me of the pen i used to sign Death's contract. Is that my soul? If so, i wonder what exactly is the Collector's power.
|Resonance has ended.
The Collector has entered an slumber state in response to forcibly using it's powers.
Host's arm will be immobilized for some time due to forceful usage of an magistrality.
{The Doctor} unique skill has been Collected.
Host has annexed an soul to his own, database has no information on effects.|
[What the actual fuck did you just do?]
'Dunno, Collector did most of it.'
[Just what kind of weapon has Death given you? I've never seen something forcibly rip something out like that.]
'What does "ripping out" even mean?'
[Sorry, can't answer it, too busy.]
'Fucker. If you weren't gonna answer anything why speak in the first place?'I
I ignored the Game's strange hastiness and looked back at Doctor, who was in a daze, her eyes were glassy, until the color seemingly returned to them, but i could see the flowing lights in the depth of her eyes. Not only that, i could sense an type of connection between us, something closer than partnership, an sense of dependency, of assured companionship, but above all, i could sense she was MINE, and only MINE.
"What did you do? Did you do the same thing you used against that executioner in the Shinkansen?"
"No, this is something more, something greater. You're mine now, so that means i will help you so i can help myself."
"I'm yours? I don't know why, but that sits right with me. What exactly did you do?"
"I am not sure myself. I think it is about time i introduce myself, i'm Gray Fraudator, previously known as the Spider, now i go by Charlatan."
"Gray? Considering your appearance, that fits perfectly. I would introduce myself, but you already know my name, as an matter of fact, how do you know that?"
"I have my ways."
"Still with the mysteries? I thought you would trust me now that you own me."
"To be fair, even if i told you, you wouldn't believe me, so i'll wait until i have some more visible proof."
"It's no like i would have an choice in believing or not, right?"
"Maybe, but i like making things concrete. Anyways, we better get going and clean up the mess you've made."
"I'm not sorry. Anyways, why do you want to save that boy? You already have the girl, right? isn't her enough for you to discover their secrets of supposed immortality?"
"I'm not interested in that, but in their capabilities as soldier against our real enemies, the ones behind Kanto."
"Ooooh, that's interesting, tell me more, please?"
She put my arm between her breast and made imploring eyes. It seems she really knows how to adjust to her role.
"You do realize i know what you're trying to do, right?"
She didn't say anything, but continued with her eyes. Seeing an mature woman acting so childish is strange, but i have to admit she is an gorgeous woman. I sighed, relenting myself to fate.
"Okay, i'll tell about it on the way, let's go."
I entered the helicopter with her following closely. Undoing the straps on the motorcycle and sitting on it, Samantha sat behind and held my waist, i accelerated and ran off the building, using the hooks on the bike in order to lighten the fall, as we hit the ground, i continued through the deserts streets. It seems all civilians had gone to the central district. An clear way to an objective is always good news.