I believe the explosion must've destroyed part of the rails, so i'll need to brace for impact. Hoping this thing is reinforced, so i don't have to deal with big pieces of metal coming at an high speed in my direction. Have to remember about the girls as well, specially the little ones, their bodies aren't suited to receive that kind of damage, not that mine is. By this time, we've already passed the Decontamination Zone, which means the explosion put the generator out of commission, or this track doesn't have that protection, if the latter is true, it can possibly be an problem.
I started arranging the empty storage crates in an way where we could hide behind them to diminish impact. The women seemed confused by what i was doing, Akira and Cutthroat tried to help me move the crates, while Shiro and Samantha simply continued leaned up against the wall, i don't think Samantha is an very good company for Shiro to learn from, but i'm not exactly in a better place, considering i'm most probably more psychopathic than the Doctor. Olivia was dealing with the kids, and Makina was resting. I have no idea how close we are to reaching Kanto, so i'm not taking my time.
"Olivia, could you do me an favor and bring yourself and the girls to that place over there?"
I said while pointing to the place i had calculated would receive the least amount of damage from an derailing. I can't be sure which side the train will fall to, or if it'll fall at all. It's not like i ever had to deal with an situation like this. As i pondered those things, the train suddenly changed it's balance, and i heard the very loud sound of metal scratching against dirt, the "tip" of the train seemed to be entering an slope, and we were accelerating, the women had already hid in the place i had told Olivia to go to. I didn't have the same luck, and when the train hit the bottom of the hole (generated by the explosion, perhaps?) i went flying and hit my head on the wall, blacking out.
"What do you mean 'we lost Kanto'?"
An old man in a wheelchair asked this question to seemingly no one, but the blinking chip on the corner of his forehead and the unnatural light that came from his eyes showed that he was communicating with someone through cyberware. He stayed quiet, listening to the news he was receiving, until he once again started speaking.
"If that's the case, we need to cut our losses. Retrieving the experiments is the priority, but if that is impossible, destroy the whole city, Arasaka may use that against us with the influence they have in Japan, but we can't let what was happening inside Kansai get outside. And hunt down the Akudama who did this mess in the first place, their capabilities can be useful."
The man closed down the connection as he ended saying that, and returned to doing what he was doing before, which was analyzing the graphs and data of the Umbrella Corporation, the biggest medical and chemical organization in the world. He couldn't let the destruction of one single testing ground destroy all that he had created. They did know who were the Akudamas who did this, but there was an new one who seemed to be hiding it's identity through unknown means, it had somehow accessed their files and prevented the local forces of knowing who he was, the attack had wiped lots of people's identities off their servers, but they had suspects of who was this unknown individual.
"This had to happen just when i am close to achieving what i wanted."
The man commented to no one, this was but an grain of sand in his shoes, it bothered him, but did nothing to stop his plans.
'That hurt'
Things to remember, hitting your head on an piece of metal is not pleasant. Thankfully it seems i blacked out for an little amount of time, Samantha was already checking my head, And the others were standing around me with worry in their eyes, minus Makina, that was nowhere to be seen. I heard footsteps outside, they were using boots and seemed to be carrying heavy things, probably weapons, this led me to putting on my mask, which made the women go from worry to an alert state. Did the bomb not destroy the whole facility? That's bad, but that's good.
I pulled out the Collector and aimed at the cargo doors which were currently being opened by an explosive breach, when the door exploded, i took profit in the dust and hid behind cover, the women behind, and when the soldiers entered, i hit each and every single one of the five of them in the head. My aim is getting better. I didn't hear anybody else, so i put my gun back in my pants, since Death couldn't give me an holster with the revolver, and it didn't fit in the one i robbed from the cop.
"Put the clothes of these soldiers on, if they fit, i have an plan."
I said as i was putting one of those on, the helmets did have bullet holes in them, so we couldn't fully disguise ourselves, but Olivia, Shiro, Akira and Cutthroat did put the uniforms on. We'll need to incapacitate other guards or find an armory so my plan can work. Makina and Samantha were more curvaceous, and the little kids obviously were too small, so they'll be our 'prisoners', we can profit off of the chaos the explosion created to get off this island and go back to the capital. There, i can start planning on how to take down the corporations of this world and take over it, which probably means the WEB will officially restart in another universe. It seems i can't run away from my past, so i'll go ahead and embrace it.