I armed myself with the rifle the soldier was using, and got out of the train with the women in tow, when i got outside, i saw we were in an big crater, and looking at one part of the edge of it, i could see the remains of the facility, some debris were falling, and the whole thing seemed to be falling apart slowly, this made me take the wise decision of getting the fuck out of the bottom of there, the climb was not really something you would call optimal, but we did manage to get out of the hole, when outside of the crater, we headed in the direction of the crumbling building.
When we got there, we circled towards the facility's doors , the entrance was guarded by some guards, this was our chance on getting the mask, i signaled for the women to kill the guards in front of us, which they quickly did. With masks for everyone using the uniform, my plan was good to go. So we entered the facility, escorting Samantha, Makina and the little kids, the whole building was in chaos, with fires here and there, doors blocked by concrete, and little tremors happened from time to time, we followed ahead, and finally found an more open area, where the soldiers were guarding some scientists, i went ahead and used {Observe} on them, they had nothing of worth about their statuses, maybe i've killed all the great scientists with that explosion, i discovered that most people don't have an status, maybe because they don't have any skills and perks. While these scientists didn't have anything very great, they did have some useful skills, so i copied them.
|{Bioenginnering Knowledge}, {Endocrinology Knowledge}, {Mycology Knowledge}, {Bacteriology Knowledge} skills have been copied|
Looking at those skills, i remembered something i saw on Mashiro's status, and copied her {virologist} and {virology knowledge} skills, and her STR as well.
|STR now equals 50|
|Copy has leveled up 4 times| (A/N: I forgot to update it's levels before, this is it's current level)
'Open the Workshop, please'
|Welcome to the Workshop
Here are your current skills and perks.
{ID Creation}
{Hormonal Control}
{CQC Mastery}
{Knife Proficiency}
{Coding Proficiency}
{Medical knowledge}
{Pain resistance}
{Hunger resistance}
{Guns proficiency}
{Survival instincts}
{Street Knowledge}
{Acting Proficiency}
{Thievery Proficiency}
{Rapid revolver reloading}
{Revolver handling}
{Sword Fighting}
{Gang Leader}
{Information Master}
{Gamer's Mind}
{Sheer fucking will}
{Parallel Processing}
{Hyper Dexterity}
{Knife Mastery}
{Rapid Thinking}
{Steady Hands}
{Gamer's presence}
{Gamer's better body}
{Greater Regeneration}
{Increased Intelligence}
{Advanced Senses}
{Klaxosaur King}
{Hive Mind}
{Body changing}
{Dead Eye}
{Minor Tyrant's Body}
{Vector's Manipulations}
{Tyrant's Body}
{Blood Manipulation}
{Increased Vitality}
{Fast Hands} |
'My god, that's an lot. Merge the two {tyrant's body} together, merge {increased intelligence}, {Rapid Thinking}, {Parallel Processing}, {Hive Mind}, {Dead Eye}, {Vector's Manipulation}, {Blood Manipulation} and {Information Master} with {Gamer's Mind}.'
|{Incomplete Greater Tyrant's Body} has been acquired, {Gamer's Greater Mind} has been acquired.|
'Merge {Incomplete Greater Tyrant's Body} with {Increased Vitality}, {Body changing}, {Possession}, {Greater Regeneration}, {Steady Hands}, {Fast Hands}, {Advanced Senses}, {Reflexes}, {Survival instincts}, {Hyper Dexterity}, {Pain resistance} and {Hunger resistance}.'
|{Incomplete Greater Tyrant's Body} has been succesfully merged with {Increased Vitality}, {Body changing}, {Possession}, {Greater Regeneration}, {Steady Hands}, {Advanced Senses}, {Hyper Dexterity} and {Fast Hands}, the skills will only be able to be fused with perks when they enter their highest state. {Incomplete Greater Tyrant's Body} has evolved into {Regenerator Tyrant's Greater Body}.|
'Merge {Regenerator Tyrant's Greater Body} with {Gamer's better body}, and merge {Sword Fighting}, {Knife Proficiency}, {Guns proficiency}, {CQC Mastery}, {Revolver handling}, {Rapid revolver reloading}.'
|{Semi-predecessor's body} perk has been acquired, {Incomplete Omnifighting Mastery} LVL 0001/1000 has been acquired.|
'Merge {Leader}, {Womanizer}, {Gang Leader} and {Convincing} with {Gamer's presence}.'
|{Gamer's charisma} has been acquired.|
'That's all for now, close Workshop.'
I used all my thought-accelerating perks to do all that while walking, and watched as the soldiers slowly raised their weapons at me while returned to the normal perception of time.
"Identify yourselves, now!"
The one who was using the squad leader uniform asked.
"Team Echo, current Team Leader Echo-1, we're returning from expedition."
I answered, using the names i heard when the squad was invading the train. The leader signaled for his team to put their weapons down, and audibly sighed.
"Thank god you're back, i've received news from Central that there are escapees from the city, and they're dangerous. Are the prisoners you're bringing them?"
"Yes, we found them inside the secondary train which crashed into the crater, these abominations killed two of us, but we managed to detain them succesfully."
I responded, calling them abominations wasn't exactly comfortable with me for some reason, but i disregarded that.
"Now that you're here, we can exit, Central has sent an helicopter to evacuate us."
I nodded, and waited as his squad passed through us, entering the formation they had, the formation was divided into two, with the prisoners in the center of one part and the scientists in the other. before we exited the building, i noticed one of the scientists was carrying an case, which was cuffed to his hand, i'll be taking whatever that is. When we arrived at the door, the leader i had talked to knocked on the door on an specific way, when there was no answer from the other side, they got alerted and got ready to fire, the leader signaled for his team to open the two parts of the door, when they did that, we rapidly exited the building covering all angles, Olivia surprisingly had some trigger discipline. We continued advancing to the LZ in that formation, but we didn't find the ones who made the guards dissappear because they were us, when we arrived at the LZ the chopper was already there, and an squad was there. This squad was more equipped than us, and when the scientist gave the case to the men, i saw they were ready to shoot us.