As we arrived at the vicinity of Tokyo, i searched for an glade to land in. After we landed, i took the case the soldiers were sent to retrieve, it had no code, but when i opened it, i saw why that was. It was an computer, with an encrypted lock that had an 19 number-alphabetical key that changed every 60 seconds. I could break it, i think, but it would take time, but i could simply extract what is inside this thing as well, just need to be careful for the contents not to exclude or lock themselves up. I'll deal with this later, first i need to get shelter and a new identity in this city.
"I'll need you all to stay here while i prep things up in the city. Our group isn't exactly the definition of inconspicuous, so i'll buy some new clothes and maybe rent an apartment. I'll be back in about 3 hours, so control yourselves until then, you hear me, Samantha?"
I said
"Aye, aye, captain."
Samantha audibly responded while the others simply nodded or weren't really paying attention to what i was saying. I had already taken part of the guard uniform off, so i would change the rest while in the forest. When i arrived at the city, i was surprised, i had already visited Tokyo in my past life, and this one looked very different, but i guess that's to be expected. Tokyo was already an verticalized city, but that seemed to have been taken to an extreme now. There were basically no houses, only tall buildings, i went to what seemed to be an central shopping area, while getting surprised by all the technology around, i could see holograms, i could see people with metallic parts, flying cars, auto-driving cars, but i could also see the depravity of it all. Brothels, sex shops, hookers, drunkards vomiting, sleeping where they could.
It seems people are tired of hiding their dirty deeds, maybe because there are no consequences now. I didn't care enough about the state of this world, in fact, this dystopia may benefit me. After walking for so long, i finally found an clothes shop i found suitable, i bought some clothes for all of us and an suitcase to carry them, it seems yen has become more valuable in this day and age, from what i understand, Japan has become the economic and technological center of the world. From what i saw in the maps, i'm currently in Shibuya, one of the shopping districts of the city, it seems the city is very complex. This district is almost abandoned by the government, which would explain all this open crime.
I walked toward one of the more rich parts of the city, because i wanted an more high-caliber apartment, that would fit all women. In that walk, i saw something similar to an cybercafé, and entered it. I opened my laptop and searched for an real state agency, and checked some apartments that filled my requirements, i called the agent and asked for an visit, and he was available, the visit went well and i bought it. From the way most people were looking at me using my phone, i must be considered antiquate. It seems hackers are called netrunners now, and the 'Net' is much more limited since the DataKrash incident. What an headache, you pass from one of the more adept on the use of technology to an person who has not even started scratching the surface.
The biometric sensor was adjusted for my characteristics, so i went ahead and left the house, and decided to use the train to go back to where i entered the city. I never had any type of motion sickness before, but the velocity of this thing almost made me vomit. God, i've never felt like an old man before. Arriving at my exit, i left the train as quickly as i could. I went inside the forest once again, which now that i've seen the city i'm surprised still exists, and arrived at the glade. When i arrived i saw an very strange scene, all the women seemed like mothers watching their children, such an scene would make you doubt most of them were either psycopaths or responsible for massacres.
I dropped the bags full of clothes on the ground, and went over to them.
"I'm back. And i've brought clothing."
"Did you find an apartment?"
Olivia asked.
"I did, and i bought it. We can go there any time now."
"What are we waiting for then, let's go, i'm tired of sitting on this metal floor."
Akira said, while getting up and stretching.
Samantha had already got up and was looking throught the clothes.
"Do i really need to use something like this? I much prefer my current clothing."
She said while looking at an long sweater.
"That's for her."
I pointed at 02.
"Red isn't really an explainable skin color."
Zero-two looked at her skin then looked at me, eyes watering. Oh fuck, expressed myself wrong.
"Papa doesn't like 02's skin?"
I walked over to her and hugged her.
"That isn't what i meant, papa likes you the way you are, but bad men can come looking for us if they see you."
She heard that, nodded and hugged me enthusiastically. After some time, she stopped holding me and went over to the women, who were already changing. Kaede hugged me as well, and went over with Zero-Two. I stayed there, looking at the tall buildings of the city, i'm not someone who takes pleasure in peeping, especially if people aren't looking to make an show for me. When Olivia said they were ready, i looked back and saw Olivia hadn't changed her clothing, Samantha had put on something like an suit, which i'm surprised she chose, considering the clothes she was using, Mashiro used an dress, and hid her extra two hands in the hem of it, Shiro was using an sweater and some loose pants, Kaede seemed like an cute little child, with an hat to hide her horns, 02 was using an oversized sweatshirt that basically hid her entire body, she seemed like an little jawa, AKira was now using an normal shirt and pants, and Cutthroat had only taken off her coat. With they now ready, we headed off to the city and arrived at the apartment, in an uneventful ride, only i suffered from motion sickness, even if it was lesser this time.