CHAP 35: Getting chrome'd up

When we arrived at the door, i opened the menu and put their biometries on the system so that they could freely enter and exit my home. Inside the aparment, we divided ourselves into the 3 rooms, Olivia and Mashiro would sleep in the room with Kaede, Sister and 02, Samantha would sleep with me and Shiro would sleep in the same room as Makina and Cutthroat. With that out of the way, i decided to see what the case was holding, so i started coding an program to decipher the key, i'm glad to have experience on being the one to make those type of encodings, so i know how to counter these type of procedures. After an four-ish work time, i managed to access the contents of the computer. If you wonder why didn't i try to transfer it to another system, i tried but the computer i transferred it to basically was destroyed, from what i analyzed, from an overheating, it tried to process something too much complex and completely shut down.

When i saw what was inside the computer, i understood why the PC i transferred the contents to overheated to that point. The most complex AI i've ever seen, i couldn't even fathom exactly what the coding i was seeing could do. It is called Red Queen, i think i remember this from the resident evil series, but seeing the thing in real life is much more impressive than watching someone talk about it in fiction. It seems to be currently deactivated, which is why the computer is able to contain it, but when i transferred it it was activated and destroyed itself.

Now that this is done, time to prepare things. I already had an identity in mind, so i simply invaded the government servers and put the data inside, and so, the new me was born. Meet Jacob Greyston, American, single, 24 years old, with an PhD in Philosophy and an master's degree in psychology, with experience on teaching, the perfect fit for an teacher on the best school on the city. I doubt Umbrella would look for an teacher, and that experience in teaching isn't an lie, this wouldn't be the first time i took on the role of an professor.

I sent my curriculum to the school, since i saw they were currently hiring, and decided to go augment myself. I headed towards Shinjuku, the yakuza owned district, since there i could find anything for an price. I went there by train, and was immediately surprised, since this place was much cleaner than the one i entered the city in, which doesn't surprise me, if this yakuza is anything close to the one i dealt with in my old life, they don't allow crime not done by them. I had some idea of where i should go, an famous ripperdoc, Tagawa Masanori, had his clinic around here.

I entered an bar, and started getting information the old fashioned way. I payed drinks, and asked around for the clinic and some other interesting things, like an gun workshop, and some ways of buying cyberware without putting it in, since ripperdocs don't sell them like that. With directions given and info known, i headed towards the clinic, it was in the back of an bar, and it had some heavy security. When i arrived at the front door, i knocked.

"I'm interested in putting some chrome in, are you free?"

When i said that, the doc opened the door, and analyzed my clothes, since i seemed rich enough, he let me in. He was an old man, but i could see he was pretty clean for ripperdoc standards from what i've heard. He pointed to the cirurgy chair, and i put my hands where he indicated. An buying menu was on the monitor, showing what he had.

"So, kid, what do ya want, i can see you're clean from far away, so just the basics?"

"Do you have an NetWatch cyberdeck?"

He widened his eyes an little bit, but then started laughing.

"Starting big, are we? I do have an cutting-edge model in stock, but it is pretty expensive."

"How much we talking?"

"six hundred thousand yen."

"That's an bit salty, but i can pay for it."

"Hahahaha, i think i like ya, kid. If you can pay for it, let me introduce you to the Netdriver Mk.7, it's still in experimental phase, so if you have any problems, just come here and i'll help ya."

"Thanks, i'll need that, the best Kiroshi Optics you have, and an monowire."

"You're an Netrunner, aren't ya? I recommend the basic netrunning kit as well, it isn't expensive and can help you a lot."

"Hmm, money isn't an problem, so you can include this kit of yours as well."

"Is that all then?"

"I guess so."

"If so, pay up and we can get started."

When he said that, an bank account number and the amount i needed to pay appeared on the screen, i transfered the 670 thousand yen to his account. and when the machine dinged, he turned his back on me. I saw no anesthesy, so i became an little worried, he looked back, saw my expression, laughed and said.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt, much."

When he said that, the back of the chair started descending, and i was now lying down, looking at the machinery above my head, and the big metal spike descending on my eyes, while an specula held my eyelids open, another of the mechanical hands applied something on my eyes, which made me go blind, and then i felt two things missing from my head, being replaced by another thing, and then, i was seeing again, in fact, i was seeing better than before, and a testing message appeared on the top right of my vision.

"Feeling alright? Changing ya eyes for the first time is quite strange."

Tagawa said.

"I've felt worse."

"Haha, ya act quite well-lived for your apparent age, ya know?"

"I know."

"Well, let's continue, turn on your back."

I did as he said.

"Now for the worst part, sadly anesthesy can't be given since we need your normal neuron activity, so feel free to scream all you want."

I smirked an bit, and then felt an sharp pain on multiple parts of my head, and near my spine. This is like an big hangover, so i'm kinda used to it. This sharp pain continued changing places, until the sharp pain stopped altogether, but only after the feeling became much more great, probably because all the cyberware was connecting. I though it was over, but i felt an part of my skin being taken off, probably by an scalpel, and then i felt as if an part of my brain was being ripped apart, and something close was put on it's place, and then, my thoughts became clearer, i felt something being inserted in that "close to brain" thing, and then i started seeing programs being ran form inside my own brain, the Netdriver Mk.7 was being fully installed, the programs continued being ran for some time, until they stopped, and i started almost feeling the technology around me, even with my eyes closed.

"So, tell me, how does the Netdriver feel? I've received it from some contacts on the yakuza, they stole some big shipment and found that inside, they only have one netrunner interested in it, and there were two of those cyberdecks, so they sold me the remaining one, all i can say is that it is definitely the most complex cyberware i've seen."

"It feels... strange. I can feel all the technology around me, the electric waves, and feel as if i could tamper with them easily."

"Hmmm, the thing about feeling technology makes sense, but feeling the electric waves i've never heard about, even more tamper with them. Anyways, i can bring ya to my testing ground after, let's put the Monowire on ya."

He said and immediately i felt my whole arm getting cut in half sideways, and then the ripped part being replaced by something else, and that something getting connected to my brain, more programs started being ran, and the Monowire was fully functional.

"Get up and follow me, let's see what ya can do with those cutting-edge beauties."