CHAP 47: Interrogation

I took the metro towards Shinjuku, thinking about what had just happened. It wasn't unexpected, but my reaction is. While i am capable of saying what those girls want, it's not like what i say is real. It's in my nature to be a liar, a entertainer, but i wasn't lying then, i really do feel those things, but not the way she does. In my past life, i was fully focused on obtaining all the information in the world, i wanted to be able hold it in my hands, just so i had it, there was no real reason behind, i just did it.

While i still want to hold it in my hands, the motif is different, the idea of control, of having everything under my control, it is the only way i can be calm, be happy, or satisfied. While in my past world i was happy on having the means of controlling the world, now i have the need of not only having those means, but effectively controlling it. But this new mindset and the old one are conflicting themselves. I believe that is the reason behind my current mental predicament.

I arrived at Shinjuku, and got out. Let's get those thing out of the way and focus on the task at hand, i believe my current stats would let me brute force it if things go wrong, but that wouldn't be so fun. I always enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, after all. I headed for the house of the Yakuza leader of this district, putting my gloves on. It was considerably distant from the metro station, but i enjoyed the walk. Sadly, most of the people that passed by me didn't have any interesting information, i think now only those higher-ups will have something new.

I saw it from afar, it was less of a house and more of an stronghold/mansion. It was strange seeing an big estate in the midst of superbuildings, it created an accurate representation of this society, people living in what is basically a human vivarium, and a person living on complete futile luxury. There was a high amount of guards here, and assume they were more trained than any other Yakuza i've fought yet, my {omnifighting mastery} skill let me have an vague knowledge about martial arts, including weapon ones, and that let me realize most of them were with their guard up.

I realize now i have no silenced guns, which is a very big oversight on my part. I'll have to use my monowire and netrunning then, not really an problem. I overrode the security system of the estate, and remotely opened the gate, closing it behind me, a group passed by, but i hid behind an tree. I was using the camera system to know when i could advance, i had made the camera terminal run an loop, so they never saw me coming. Entering the mansion itself would be the hardest part, i would climb up a tree and enter though a balcony on the second floor.

And so i did, the doors were connected to the security system, so i entered with no problems. Inside the house there were less guards, but there were a bunch of alarms, but they were no problem. I made the systems of the guards on the security terminal overheat, and deactivated all alarms. I headed to the Yakuza leader's office directly. I knocked at the door.

"What is it?"


"What is it?!"

He came to the door, and i was waiting for him with a gun to the head and a hand to the mouth. I pushed him back to his office and locked the door. I took my hand off his mouth and knocked him down, turning him on his back and stepping on his back, immobilizing him. I had overridden his interface, not letting him warn his guards. I took the gun he had on him, the one he had on his drawer and deactivated the emergency alarm button beneath his desk. I took my foot off his back and cuffed him to the chair opposite to the one on his desk. That's why i always walk with flex cuffs on me.

"Hello there, Souichiro."

"Who are you?!"

"I'm but a normal netrunner."

"Cut the bullshit. If you're here to kill me, do it already."

"Now, that would be an waste, wouldn't it? You have such important things inside your little head, and i want them for myself."

"You can torture me all you want, it won't make a difference, i'll protect Japan with my life."

"Is being a Yakuza what you call protecting Japan?"

Silence. I raised one of my eyebrows, an hardened individual? They're the most fun to break, and i have all night.

"Being silent is just prolonging your own suffering, you know? Who should i start with, your wife or your daughter?"

"Don't touch Saya!"

"So your wife is fair-play?"

"Don't touch my family at all, you psycho!"

"You call me a psycho, but i never killed a child."

"YOU! Don't you dare speak about him!"

"Handa Hokata, 6 years old.""NO!No!""His father was in debt to the yakuza, and had been evading you all for a very long time.""SHUT UP!""When you and your organization caught him, you took his son as guarantee.""I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP""But the fact is he couldn't ever pay you all back, at that time, you were just a subordinate, not the boss you are now."

"I told you your silence was prolonging your suffering, didn't i? You should've listened. Now, you'll tell me what i want."

He was trying to free himself and snorting like an bull.

"Hmm, if that's how you want it, i'll continue. Your boss at the time told you to sell the boy, but you didn't comply, you killed the boy's father while he was looking, and then shot the crying child. Your "balls" at that time were what made you get promoted to the position you are today."


"I believe that, it wouldn't be the first time, would it?"

"Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!"

"I won't, and unlike that child, you can't shut me up forcefully, can you?"


"That's why you did it, isn't it? Because him crying was bothering you?"


"If there's something i do, it is knowing. I already hacked your system, i accessed your memories."

A bluff, if i could access his memories so easily, i wouldn't be doing this, now would i? But he is too furious to think clearly.


"And i swear i'll rape your wife and your daughter in front of you if you don't tell me what i want."

He was snorting even more, he'll end up having an heart attack this way.

"What is it?"

"Hmm? What did you say?"


"Tell me the code to your safe."


I put it in, he was too crazy at the moment to care about lying. When it opened, i saw 10 very big ingots of gold, a laptop, and four files, i took the laptop and the files, the gold didn't really interest me.

"Now, you'll answer me some questions, after that, we're done here."

"I swear i'll rip your skin off slowly when i get my hands on you."

"Sure you will, buddy. Start speaking."

I asked the night away. I knocked him out. And i cut the cuffs. I exited the mansion the same way i entered. I got on the metro, and returned home. If you are wondering why didn't i kill him, it is because if the Yakuza knew that he had given me all that information, they would kill him and his family.

In about 6 hours from now, i'll be finally hired as an teacher, and the game can really start. Souichiro's daughter, Saya Takagi, studies there, and apparently Raku Ichigo, son of the whole Tokyo Yakuza leader studies there. I know where all the Yakuza leaders of each district lives as well. I managed to get the location of the house of the leader of the whole Yakuza as well.

It lives on the surroundings of Tokyo, in an very isolated place, apparently there is an whole army there, and some kind of laboratory. I'll have to be very prepared if i want to invade the place, maybe i can find a way to enter the facility disguised. But for now, i'll analyze those files and the laptop.

Apparently, the Yakuza was transporting illegal goods for Umbrella and for Arasaka. There was an high amount of convoys entering and exiting the ports of Tokyo, and a big shipment would be coming in a week, the contents were redacted. I wrote the port and the time down on my handbook since it could be of interest, i did so more out of an habit than out of a need.

The second file had some reports on experiments that were being ran on the Yakuza labs, Umbrella was helping them on some research to make their members more physically powerful and regenerating more rapidly, while Arasaka was helping them on making some custom cyberware and experimental weapons, information about those was redacted.

The third was about some recent dealings on Night City, apparently the Yakuza was hunting for something or someone there. Sadly, most of the information was redacted. Souichiro does not have so high of an standing on the organization considering so much redacted information, and this file was mostly redacted, so whatever is this is very important, or very embarrasing for the Yakuza.

The fourth was the most redacted of them all, apparently it was about an highly experimental weapon named after the big evil dragon of the japanese, "Yamata no Orochi". The rest was all redacted. Apparently it was one of those weapons being made on the laboratory, with the help of Arasaka.

The laptop was encrypted, and i was kinda tired, so i would sleep for 3 hours and see what was inside it after that.

(A/N: I don't know which character should be the leader of the Yakuza, so i'm asking for some suggestion? It's identity does change the history and how Gray will approach the situation, but i didn't really think about it before.)