Tears Water Our Growth I

(Author's Note: For those who wished to skip the smut and the NSFW-ish chapters, all you missed was MC and Kasia working on the recruitment pamphlets, a steamy smex scene, delving into Kasia's maid kink, and then a surprise foursome. Followed by working out the emotional and physical needs and expectations of the girls in this relationship and their thoughts on pregnancy {Not that any of them have to worry about that in the slightest ;-) }. And Kasia had a nightmare about losing everything she cared about. Ooh, and a teaser that may or may not mean Sophia knew MC's body's original owner... Calling him... Tarry! Hope you enjoy our regularly scheduled programming!)

"Grrr..." A low growl greets me as I slowly open my eyes to see Crimson lying on my chest with a face of utter indignation at having been ignored by me the last few days.

"Don't give me that look! You wanted to be with Atris, I didn't force you to abandon your father in favor of some werebear bombshell." I chastise them.

"Hmm... Mmm... Mmm..." Crimson whimpers apologetically before gnawing on my chin affectionately.

"Alright... I forgive you; who could stay mad at such a cutie." I say, finally giving in to their puppy-eyed(?) stare, pinching and pulling their chubby cheeks, making them immediately regret being as close to me.

Attempting to gnaw my hands off in anger, I eventually stop playing with Crimson, placing them on my shoulders. They put one hind leg on each side of my neck and place their front paws on the top of my head to keep their balance.

And then I head out of my tent to see the camp as it has always been in the morning, slightly a buzz with a slow, growing level of activity.

Most everyone had already had breakfast and were off doing their assignments, the kids were off by the lake with Constance enjoying a break from their studies; however, I noticed Kasia, M'rissi, and Sophia were all playing chess... Well, more accurately, Kasia was playing against Sophia and M'rissi at the same time... And is currently wiping the floor with them.

However, Kasia doesn't seem particularly enthused about winning. In fact, she looks terribly exhausted.

I'd almost imagine she was sleeping, sitting up with bags under her eyes and a listless stare, had it not been for her thoroughly trouncing M'rissi and Sophia.

"No fair! Silvy! Blondie is bullying us!" Sophia whines once she spots me approaching.

"Yes! This game is unfair to her! She thinks her horsey should be able to go anywhere!" M'rissi joins in on the whining.

"Huff... I am not... I was being nice and going easy, but I'm too tired to care anymore, and I want to win... So, checkmate." Kasia says, with barely any of her signature tact and consideration as she moves one piece on both the boards putting M'rissi and Sophia both in checkmate and ending the game.

"What?!" M'rissi and Sophia cry out.

"I chose Morndas and Middas. Now if you'll excuse me..." Kasia says, standing up before heading over to me, almost collapsing into my arms as I feel her wrapping her arms around my chest and burying her face into me.

"Are you okay, Kasia?" I ask with mild concern as I wrap my arms around her in turn.

"No..." Kasia mumbles into my chest.

"What's wrong? Are you sick? Do we need to go see a healer?" I ask with concern.

"No... I just had a really bad dream... And being in your arms makes me feel better." Kasia says, lifting her head out of my chest and staring into my eyes as a sense of relief and safety washes over her.

I roll my eyes before holding Kasia close and rubbing her back as I feel her relax in my arms, "It's okay. It's just a bad dream, Kasia. Dreams are like the wind. They come and go. Best to let it just blow away with the new day." I reassure her.

After a few moments, M'rissi and Sophia couldn't stand the attention Kasia was getting and went to either side of us, turning this into one big group hug.

"No fair, Blondie! It's not even your day today!" Sophia pouts.

"Yes! And it's no fair you beat her in that silly, confusing game!" M'rissi whines.

"Hmph! It's not my fault you both agreed to play me!" Kasia retaliates uncharacteristically, perhaps emboldened by my hug or her lack of sleep.

"Hey, you two should know better by now not to let your enemy dictate the terms and conditions of a battle. It's your fault for not questioning the reason she chose a game she's good at." I say, playfully chastising them before lightly flicking Sophia and M'rissi on the forehead.

"Grrr... Stupid Fluffy!" M'rissi growls indignantly before walking away in a huff.

"Aw, Silvy, you know you're going to have to be a lot harsher if you want to punish me." Sophia teases, but let's go all the same, rushing off after M'rissi, I assume to discuss which days they're choosing to have me to themselves.

Leaving me and Kasia alone, still embracing one another.

We stay like that for several moments before Kasia speaks up, "Um... Silvantus..." Kasia asks.

"Yes?" I reply.

"I was wondering... What your thoughts were about... Family?" Kasia asks with hesitation.

"Well, I love my family, obviously. You, M'rissi, Sophia, the kids, the company, and even Crimson." I say, to which Crimson roars in agreement atop my head.

"Not that... I mean about... You know... Having a family..." Kasia asks as she slightly squirms in embarrassment.

I set us both down at the spot Kasia had been playing chess earlier, resting her on my lap, before asking in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You know... Having a family... What we did last night... Don't make me explain it, you jerk!" Kasia exclaims in embarrassment before it all finally clicks in my head...

"Oh..." I say as my mind short circuits.

'Right... This isn't a video game... Women... Get pregnant...' I think to myself.

"Oh?" Kasia asks with concern.

"I... I honestly didn't think... About that... Huh..." I say as I feel my soul start to leave my body as my face remains passive and devoid of emotion.

'Maybe they're not pregnant? I mean, how fertile are orcs anyways? Maybe, interracial kids can't happen in Skyrim?' I think as I begin to spiral into my own thoughts.

"Um... Silvantus?" Kasia asks with a look of worry as she touches my cheek, shaking me from my mental spiraling.