Tears Water Our Growth II

"Are you okay?" Kasia asks with concern while still holding my cheek, staring into my eyes with her own eyes staring back at me.

"Yeah... Sorry..." I say, rubbing my neck nervously, "I was just thinking... I wonder how Aventus and the girls would take to having a few younger brothers or sisters." I say as I give Kasia a reassuring squeeze and a smile.

'So what if they're pregnant? I always wanted to be a father in my last life, and it's not like I don't know anything about babies. I worked in a daycare and as a substitute teacher for a while so my basic knowledge should be more than enough for here... But, we should probably look for a midwife, since I don't know much about pregnancy or childbirth outside of those Catholic sex ed courses back in middle school. Do pregnant women need special foods? What about diapers? I've never used a cloth diaper before, maybe I should look into building a washing machine...' I think to myself, getting lost in my own thoughts once more.

Before Kasia pinches my cheeks, glaring at me, "Are you even listening to me Silvantus!"

"(N)Ooh~, I wash jus finking about everyfin we'd need before fhe babies come..." I answer through pinched cheeks as Kasia's face goes bright red, she removes her hands from my face and begins nervously playing with a loose strand of her hair.

"Oh... Um... I was just asking if you were okay with having more kids... But since you're already thinking about what to get before... I guess that means you're okay with the idea?" Kasia asks nervously.

"Okay? I love the idea of having more little ones running about! Though, I don't know what to name them... They should probably get a strong name, like Giant Smasher or Dragon Killer!" I say enthusiastically, picking Kasia up and twirling around with my hands around her waist.

"Pfft-, Hahaha!" Kasia laughs out loud before I set her back on the ground.

"What's so funny?" I question her.

"N-nothing! Pfft-..." Kasia replies, trying really hard not to laugh again.

"Aw! I'm curious! Now you have to tell me!" I say indignantly, leaning over Kasia as I wrap my arms around her.

"It's nothing... Pfft- Hahaha!" Kasia tries to deny it once more before bursting out laughing.

"Fine... I've got ways of making you talk..." I say with a devilish smile as my hands go from her waist up her sides.

"What- No! Stop it! Not there! I'm ticklish! Hahaha!" Kasia cries out, begging me to stop before fits of laughter, causing her almost to start tearing up at how hard she's laughing, her earlier melancholy wholly gone.

"Stop it, Silvantus! I'm about to pee! Hahaha!" Kasia begs, trying desperately to escape my embrace.

"I don't care! You know exactly what I need to hear to stop!" I say, continuing my tickle assault.

"Okay! Okay! I'll talk! Just stop it, already!" Kasia pleads as her will to fight crumbles and I stop tickling her, but keep my hands firmly on her hips to keep her from getting any ideas about running away.

"Alright, I'm listening..." I say with a fake serious look on my face after Kasia catches her breath.

"I-it's not even that funny! But... Last night, M'rissi was chastising you in her sleep about wanting to name one of your kids... Giant Smasher... Pfft..." Kasia explains after giving me an angry glare for tickling her for so long, still barely able to hold in a laugh after explaining the inside joke to me.

"Pfft-Hahaha! That's hilarious!" I say, busting out laughing at how M'rissi was already nagging my naming choices even in her sleep.

"I know, right?" Kasia says, joining me as we have a good laugh, and we fall into a comfortable silence, watching the camp as it goes about its daily routines.

"Um... Silvantus..." Kasia asks hesitantly.

"Yes, Kasia?" I reply.

"About my dream... It made me realize... I need to get stronger... I want to be able to protect myself... To protect my family... From those monsters who hunted down my father and everything else out there." Kasia tells me with a fire of determination in her eyes.

"I see you're not going to be dissuaded... I'll talk with Gringar about adding you to the recruits' training roster." I tell her, agreeing to get Kasia some proper training.

"Gringar? Why can't you train me?" Kasia asks with confusion.

"Two reasons..." I say, holding up my index and middle finger.

"One, I'm a good fighter, but that doesn't make me a good teacher, especially compared to a veteran like Gringar." I explain, lowering my middle finger.

"Oh, that makes sense." Kasia nods in agreement.

"And two, I love you, and I don't want my care for you to keep me from giving you the harsh training you'll need to survive." I say, lowering my index finger.

"Y-you... L-lo... You can't just say that!" Kasia says, burying her face in her hands, trying to hide from me.

"Why not? Of course, I love you, I wouldn't have slep-." I say tilting my head as I explain before Kasia panics and quickly covers my mouth with her hands, revealing her bright red, blushing cheeks.

"No! Don't say that in public!" Kasia exclaims, waiting until she is certain I won't say anything else that might embarrass her to death before removing her hands.

"Um... What is it, exactly that... You love, about me?" Kasia asks while nervously twirling a loose strand of hair as she looks away from me.

"Oh? Am I allowed to speak now?" I say sarcastically, making her give me a glare of annoyance before answering.

"You can whisper it to me..." Kasia says with a huff before leaning in close to my chest.

"Whatever you want..." I say before leaning in close to Kasia's ear and whispering.

"I love how kind and caring you are... How you've taken over all the background chores and logistics of this disorganized mess without complaint and have kept it running... How much heart you put into being with the kids and helping out Constance... I love how you play with your hair when you're nervous... How you see the best in every situation and person... Even in me... You make me feel like I can be a better version of myself..." I say before pulling away to see Kasia slightly tearing up.

"Oh, Silvantus... You're going to make me cry..." Kasia says with a sniffle before a strange expression of confusion spreads across her face as she looks over my shoulder and squints.

"What's that?" Kasia says as she points over my shoulder, and I turn around as my blood freezes, and my stomach lurches as a nightmarish sound fills the sky.