Obtaining the Spirit Soil

"Please don't make me do it, dad..."

"Why not? If you're not helping after learning spells, what are you even learning them for? I'll beat you up if you refuse again!"

Despite Ye Yan's extreme reluctance because he felt that this was disgracing his noble cultivator status, under the pressure of Ye Dahai's "peaceful" negotiations, he could only accept his fate.

Therefore, the cleanliness of the house fell on Ye Yan alone. After dinner, the Ye family was in a rare moment of luxury as they lit up two oil lamps to light up the house.

Ye Dahai was smoking a pipe on the steps, thinking about something. Ye Wen, on the other hand, was knocking on a pile of wood by the light of the fire. Some of the utensils in the house were old, so he needed to make some new ones.

As for Ye Yan, he was forced to stay in the room with a pile of clothes in front of him. Yes, he was being treated as free labor.

"Impurity Removal! Impurity Removal!" With one hand supporting his chin, he used the other hand to cast the spell a few times to clean the clothes.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something. He turned his head and looked at Ye Dahai and Ye Wen hopefully, "Dad, big brother, why don't you follow me to become cultivators!"

Ye Wen was stunned for a moment, obviously at a loss for a reaction while dazed. Ye Dahai, on the other hand, just smiled and responded with a punch, "Little rascal, how old do you think your father is? I don't want to play with you kids. I think you should go find your brother and you two can go up the mountain to cultivate."

Ye Wen was quite tempted when he heard his father's words, but when he thought of the farm work he had to do every day, he gritted his teeth and refused, "Forget it, I still have to farm!"

"No, Ye Wen. In the future, you and your brother will go up the mountain to cultivate daily. I'll do the work in the fields myself," Ye Dahai took two puffs of smoke and exhaled deeply.

"That can't do, there's too much work in the field. You can't handle it alone," Ye Wen shook his head. He knew how hard farm work was.

Ye Dahai interrupted him, "Alright, this is what we'll do in the future. I'll take care of the farm work and you don't have to worry about it. When you're more capable, you can come back and help me."

Just like that, Ye Dahai's few words made the matter a done deal.

Although Ye Wen felt a little apologetic, he began to look forward to cultivating after a while. After all, who hadn't heard of the story of celestials?

Just now, he had seen how Ye Yan had cast a mighty spell with a wave of his hand. How majestic would it be if he could do such a thing as well? If he could learn it, it would be much easier for him to do farm work in the future. Loosening the soil and getting rid of insects would be nothing then.

The two made their decisions, but Ye Yan wasn't happy. He turned serious and said to Ye Dahai, "Dad, why don't you join us? Don't you look forward to cultivating? At that time, you'll be immortal!"

Ye Yan placed a lot of importance on this matter. What was celestial cultivation about? It was to become an immortal celestial. However, if one looked back after one became an immortal celestial only to find that the people who had accompanied one through one's life journey were no longer around, then what was the point of being immortal?

"Hey! You brat, don't be stubborn. What's so good about immortality?" Ye Dahai raised his pipe and said with a serious face, "Each generation should do the work of a generation. When we're done, it's time to rest. I'm just an ordinary old farmer. I don't want to be a celestial. It's more practical to farm. Besides, your mother passed away early and is suffering alone in the underground. I want to go and accompany her. "

"What nonsense are you saying!" Ye Yan's eyes turned red at the mention of his mother. In his previous life, he didn't even know what "parents" were. He had only been reincarnated with great difficulty and finally had a family that loved him, but his mother was killed by a natural disaster. It was a painful memory that he didn't want to recall, and he didn't want to lose any family anymore.

"No, no, wait!" Ye Yan felt a dull pain in his temple, "Since mum was such a good person, she must have been conferred as a celestial after her death. Dad, you would be able to find her in the heavens after you cultivate."

It seemed that this topic had brought up the sad memories of the whole family. No one was willing to speak anymore. Even Ye Dahai was smoking his pipe in silence. It took him a long time to force out this sentence, "Child, it's not that easy to be a celestial..."

It was late at night, and the wind blew out the oil lamps. The small house in the north of Dumen Village thus quietened down. It was a quiet night.

The next day, Ye Wen and Ye Yan took their bags and left the house under Ye Dahai's forced farewell.

Chen Geng had long been waiting at the foot of the mountain. He was surprised to see Ye Wen, but when he thought about his Brother Yan's ability, he didn't think too much of the matter.

Ye Yan greeted him with a smile, then pointed at Ye Wen, "Geng, this is my big brother, Ye Wen. From today on, he will also join us in our cultivation."

"Brother Wen, are you joining us too?" Chen Geng quickly nodded.

The three of them walked up the mountain together. As soon as they arrived at the encampment, Ye Wen was stunned. He suddenly noticed that there was an extra piece of land between the house and the iconic willow tree.

"This piece of land..." As if he had noticed something strange, Ye Wen ran forward and grabbed a handful of soil as he exclaimed, "Such rich nutrients!"

The farming skills he had learned from Ye Dahai allowed him to tell that this piece of land was extraordinary at a glance. The nutrients in the soil were particularly abundant, and whatever one planted here would definitely have a good harvest.

Only after hearing Ye Wen's exclamation did Chen Geng notice that there was an extra piece of land outside the house. He looked at Ye Yan in disbelief, "No way, brother Yan. You actually dug up a piece of land here yesterday afternoon?"

"Hehe!" Ye Yan smiled cheekily, "That's right, I'm planting some spiritual plants. Go water them for me. Be careful not to kill them!

Without waiting for Chen Geng to react, he went up and gave the latter a kick. Chen Geng quickly went to water the plants. After sending Chen Geng away, Ye Yan waved to Ye Wen, "Brother, let's carry out the ceremony."

Ceremony? Ye Wen didn't understand, but he still got serious.

"Ye Wen, listen up!" Ye Yan stood up and his aura burst out, pressing toward Ye Wen.

What a strong sense of oppression! Ye Wen only felt a wave of pressure coming from the front, and his chest felt tight.

"Are you willing to join the God-slaying Sect and go through fire and water for the sect?!" As soon as he opened his mouth, a majestic aura seemed to have descended from the heavens.

Ye Wen suppressed his discomfort. He felt that this was a moment worth remembering. He held his breath and shouted, "I'm willing to join the God-slaying Sect and become someone useful for the sect!"

[Ding! A disciple has been accepted into the sect. Host, please take a look.]

Ye Yan opened the sect panel and clicked on Ye Wen.

[Name: Ye Wen]

[Bone Age: 16 years]

[Physical State: Healthy]

[Aptitude: One in ten thousand]

[Cultivation: 0/100 (mortal, no realm)]

[Sect Identity: Outer sect disciple (+)]

[Sect Position: None (+)]

One in ten thousand! Looking at Ye Wen's aptitude, Ye Yan nodded with satisfaction. As expected, every member of the Ye family was talented! As for the two plus signs, Ye Yan gave Ye Wen the same configuration as Chen Geng after explaining it to him. Ye Wen was thus now a personal disciple and an elder.


The system wasn't quiet today, and several notifications appeared in succession.

[The long mission has begun.]

[Mission 1: Find disciples. Mission details: Bring in ten disciples to the sect (3/10)]

[Mission 2: Headquarters. Mission details: upgrade the sect encampment and unlock the sect hall.]

[Mission 3: Cultivation room. Mission details: Create an area exclusively for the disciples to cultivate.]

Seeing three missions at once, Ye Yan couldn't help but be a little dazed. It seemed that the next stage was the growth stage. After teaching Ye Wen the most essential content of the Dharmic technique, Ye Yan asked Chen Geng to comprehend the technique together with Ye Wen. Then, he sat down next to the spiritual farmland and thought about the key points of the mission.