Chapter 213: I have to say, you tell a really good cold joke.

"To be honest, I have something to say, but I don't know if it's appropriate."

The badge suddenly spoke while placed on the table.

"If it's something comforting, you don't have to say it."

Jimmy Ward shook his head lightly: "Any comforting words are just useless communication."

"No...I mean, if possible, um, could I watch that video too?"



Jimmy Ward shook his head calmly: "Do you know why her father didn't arrange a property for her on Matthew Star? Arranging a property on Matthew Star would be an easy task for her father."


"Because her father is a smart man, but unfortunately, not smart enough."

He then extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand, casually picked up the badge from the table and pinned it to his chest, and put on the overcoat from the chair: "Let's go, it's time to start working."

"This city has its unique charm at night."

"Just like my wife."

"Completely different during the day and night."


"Is everything going smoothly?"