Chapter 213: I have to say, you tell a really good cold joke. _2

If Joyce Cooper were still alive, she might've been the one to rank first this time.

Unfortunately, Joyce Cooper is dead.

To surpass someone, it's not necessary to be more capable; you just have to wait for them to die, and you can easily surpass them.


If your academic performance isn't that good, but you want to be the school's first place, you just need to... wait for a sudden crisis, and then you can easily become the school's first place.

Kerr Cowell also received his additional reward for ranking first, a random Three-Star Tool Treasure Chest, but he didn't open it immediately.

Because he was currently focusing on a very important matter.

In half an hour, the shipment would arrive at Alien Star safely.

Nothing unexpected had happened on the way!

Now, it all depends on these last half an hour.