Chapter 242: "We are good citizens of Blue Star, how could we follow the federation's regulations."

Although, Kerr Cowell's main source of information from the outside world was basically this tablet and the Star System Forum on it.

Nevertheless, it must be said that during most moments, information that isn't classified can be learned conveniently on this forum.

Like this piece of news right now.

"The long-lost Olivia Owen Star reappears, the entire planet has turned into ruins with nothing growing."

"The Olivia Owen Star is an important transit planet where the Olivia Owen Company stores their Random Items, which is their main business."

"Although in recent years, the Olivia Owen Company has actively branched into other areas, most of its profits and costs come from the Random Items business."

"The Olivia Owen Company, an old-fashioned company, covers all high-end and mid-end businesses in the Random Items sector, spanning five or six surrounding planets."

"It is one of the three listed companies on Orange Star."