Chapter 243: "No, no, no, I prefer to call us the force of freedom."


Scar Dog casually nodded his head to interrupt: "Enough, no more talking, bring three dishes, no, as many dishes as you have."

"Uh...Sir, we need to verify funds for purchasing this dish."

"You need to verify funds for a meal?"

Scar Dog, somewhat amused, pulls out a tablet from his pocket, taps firmly a few times on the long row of digits in his balance: "Is that enough?"

"Absolutely, sir, please wait."

Upon seeing those digits longer than his lifespan, the waiter momentarily held his breath, then hastily bowed and respectfully said, "I'll get the kitchen to prepare the dishes right away, please wait a moment."

With that, he walked off briskly.


Scar Dog took a deep breath, stretched his arms, yawned, and then turned his gaze to the night view outside the window, and marveled, "The night view outside the window is really nice, look at those neon-lit high-rises, and those...those wretched guys hanging outside the window staring at us."