Missions and time skip.

[ Main Mission: Save the world.

Description. : As per the mission given by the ROB, your job in this world is to save it from destruction.

Reward. : Unknown

Mission. Training Montage

Description: You should now know that you are in the world of Naruto and being weak here is a sin. Moreover, if you want to save it from doomsday you better be at the top. So here is the training routine, a first step, for you to reach the peak.

Task 1: Run 10 km daily

Task 2: Do 100 push-ups daily

Task 3: Do 100 pull-ups daily

Task 4: Do 100 situps daily

Task 5: Meditate for 1 hour daily

Duration : 3 months

Rewards: A wooden sword, Basic sword training manual

Penalty: For this? Really? ]

"Yosh! Here comes the training montage! But I have some questions before that. System, where am I? And what year is it?"

The system provided him with the necessary information:

[For the first question, you are on an island artificially created between the Country of Lightning and the Country of Earth. You are the only occupant besides chakra beasts. You have 10 years until Naruto is born.]

With his location and timeframe clarified, Noel continued to inquire: "I didn't think I would get rewards for the missions. That's a nice surprise. I thought perks were the only thing I would get. System, what is that about?"

The system explained,

[Perks are a kind of a joining bonus, and you can consider rewards as salary or commission for completing missions.]

Noel expressed his satisfaction, acknowledging the advantages of being an employee of ROB. With his questions addressed, he was ready to begin his training.

Two hours later, Noel found himself exhausted and realized the challenges of training his body to gain the advantages of Sage Body. "Man, that was hard af! I guess you have to train to gain the advantages of Sage Body. Those fan fiction lies, huh? Better do the other tasks."

After six more hours of strenuous training, Noel had completed the required exercises, though it took him longer due to his young age and physical limitations. He had taken breaks to avoid overexertion and had used his daily ration provided by the system.

Tired and worn out, he decided it was time to rest for the night.

A month had passed since Noel began his training, and he marveled at his progress. Despite never being particularly athletic in his previous life, he had quickly adapted to the training regimen. The Sage Body was proving to be a significant advantage.

He pondered his status and saw noticeable improvements:

[System, show me stats.]

[Name: ______

Age: 4

Rank: Civilian Child

Chakra: Not yet determined

Strength: F+

Speed: F+

Endurance: E

Skill: None yet

Weapon: None yet]

Noel felt encouraged by his progress and the potential for further growth. However, he had yet to awaken his chakra and unlock more advanced abilities. He questioned his role and considered the need for a suitable name in this Japanese-themed world.

Returning to the missions tab, he reviewed the objectives, which were progressively more demanding. The system had increased the challenges, pushing Noel to improve further:

[Main Mission: Save the world.

Description: As per the mission given by the ROB, your job in this world is to save it from destruction.

Reward: Unknown

Mission: Training Montage

Description: You should now know that you are in the world of Naruto, and being weak here is a sin. Moreover, if you want to save it from doomsday, you better be at the top. So here is the training routine, a first step, for you to reach the peak.

Task 1: Run 20 km daily

Task 2: Do 200 push-ups daily

Task 3: Do 200 pull-ups daily

Task 4: Do 200 sit-ups daily

Task 5: Meditate for 2 hours daily

Duration: 3 months

Rewards: A wooden sword, Basic sword training manual]

Noel was excited about the prospect of wielding a sword and gaining new skills. He understood that the awakening of his chakra and the use of advanced techniques would come in due time.

As the weeks passed, Noel's training routine continued to escalate with a 25% increase in the quantity of exercises. The gradual progression was both challenging and necessary to push him beyond his limits, strengthening his body and enhancing his endurance.

The anticipation of wielding a sword, even if it was wooden, filled Noel with excitement. He longed for the day when he could awaken his chakra and begin performing the impressive feats he had seen in the Naruto world. However, the system assured him that the time for that had not yet come, prompting him to patiently await the moment when he could tap into the mystical energy.

Meditation became a pivotal part of Noel's daily life, offering him a sense of calm and inner focus. It allowed him to reconnect with the enigmatic power he had first sensed as an orb. While he could feel its presence, he still struggled to fully grasp or wield it, leaving him at a standstill in his exploration of its potential. Nevertheless, his determination urged him to persist and continue his efforts.

Once his training and meditation were complete, it was time for dinner. Noel withdrew the evening meal provided by the all-powerful system and expressed his gratitude with a customary "itadakimasu." The delicious food was a satisfying reward for his relentless training, and he couldn't help but consider its substantial value compared to what he might have experienced on Earth.

After finishing his dinner, Noel ventured outside, ascending a sturdy tree to its topmost branch. From his elevated vantage point, he marveled at the night sky adorned with countless twinkling stars. The sight was nothing short of breathtaking, and he pondered whether the skies on Earth had shared the same beauty.

Mixed emotions stirred within him. Although he was immersing himself in the new world and its limitless adventures, he couldn't deny the pangs of nostalgia and longing for his home, family, and friends. While it was hard to admit, he missed them, even if it was just a tiny bit. However, the unique opportunity and sense of purpose he had found in this world were more than enough to compensate for the homesickness.

One particular source of melancholy was his beloved dog, a faithful companion he dearly missed. Despite the separation, Noel found solace in the knowledge that he had secured a happy life for his loyal friend before embarking on his extraordinary journey. This thought provided him with a measure of inner peace.