New mission and Rewards

It had been three months since Noel's arrival on this island, and he found himself grappling with an unexpected sense of loneliness, something he never imagined he'd feel. Meditation was his solace, offering a lifeline to his sanity and helping him maintain his composure in this isolated realm. He couldn't help but marvel at how rapidly people in the world he now inhabited seemed to take up rigorous training regimens with unwavering determination, a marked contrast to his previous life.

His training was complete, marking a moment of excitement for the young boy. The notification appeared on his interface:

[ Mission Completed ]

[New missions issued, please check the mission tab]

[ Rewards issued, please check the rewards in inventory ]

Filled with eager anticipation, Noel swiftly navigated to his inventory to inspect his rewards. The wooden sword he had longed for was the center of his attention. It was a simple yet perfectly sized wooden sword, devoid of any excessive embellishments or fanciful designs. It suited him perfectly, and he was relieved it didn't bear any gaudy adornments.

Noel meticulously examined the wooden sword, holding it from various angles to assess its craftsmanship. The system had indeed delivered a fine product. Then, he turned to the system to appraise the sword:

System, Appraise the Sword.

[Item name: Wooden Sword

Creator. : Unknown

Rank. : E

Description: A normal wooden sword perfectly sized for the host.]

Content with his new possession, Noel's curiosity was piqued by the accompanying purple crystal. Though he briefly questioned whether he had entered a world of cultivation, he was relieved that the system provided the knowledge he needed without the necessity of a manual. His next instinct was to appraise the crystal:

System, appraise.

[Item name: Skill stone

Creator. : Unknown

Rank. : S

Description: A skill stone that contains a basic sword manual.]

Noel's attention soon shifted to his status, which revealed notable improvements in his abilities and skills. While the road to progress had become increasingly challenging, it was a testament to his dedication and diligence in his training:

[System Status]

[Name: ______

Age. : 4

Rank. : Civilian Child

Chakra: Not yet determined

Strength: E+

Speed: E+

Endurance. : -D

Skill. : Appraisal

Weapon. : Wooden sword ]

Curiosity still burning in his mind, Noel decided to inspect the missions presented by the system. The first mission he was prompted to undertake was titled "Training Montage," which appeared to be a continuation of his physical conditioning. However, what captured his attention most was the forthcoming "Sword training."

Before diving into the missions, he was guided by the system to assimilate the basic sword manual, which he found himself doing with ease. As he placed the crystal between his eyebrows, a wave of memories and knowledge associated with the sword manual flowed into his mind, making it feel as if he had known these techniques for a lifetime.

Now, with the sword manual ingrained in his consciousness, he was prepared to tackle the new missions.

[System, open missions tab.]

[ Main Mission: Save the world.

Description. : As per the mission given by the ROB, your job in this world is to save it from destruction.

Reward. : Unknown

Mission (Part 1): Training Montage

Description: You should now know that you are in the world of Naruto and being weak here is a sin. Moreover, if you want to save it from doomsday you better be at the top. So here is the training routine, a first step, for you to reach the peak.

Task 1: Run 50 km daily

Task 2: Do 500 push-ups daily

Task 3: Do 500 pull-ups daily

Task 4: Do 500 situps daily

Task 5: Meditate for 2 hours daily

Duration: 1 months

Rewards: Awakening of chakra.

Penalty: None ]

[Mission (Part 2): Sword training

Description: This training is for you to make yourselves familiar with the sword, and attain mastery in basic moves.

Task 1: Do lunge 500 times

Task 2: Do parry 500 times

Task 3: Do riposte 500 times

Task 4: Do all three at once in a combo 100 times

Duration: 1 month

Rewards: Breath of water and ******* ]

Noel contemplated his upcoming busy schedule, recognizing that it would push him to his limits. With his Sage Body's advantages, he felt confident about the physical challenges he would face.

After three months of daily 40-kilometer runs, Noel had built up his endurance considerably, making him believe he could handle the forthcoming training well. The other exercises in his regimen, although not particularly difficult, drove him to exceed the required repetitions, driven by his desire to reach new heights.

With a sense of accomplishment, he credited his Sage Body for aiding him on this training journey.

The anticipation of the rewards for completing his missions had Noel eagerly looking forward to the future. The unexpected revelation that he would receive chakra rather than the Total Concentration Breathing method left him curious about the potential uses of this energy.

Noel's mind was filled with possibilities, as he pondered whether he could master all the elemental affinities and if there might be a way to combine them to create a unique and powerful kekkei genkai or even kekkei tōta. The prospect of such abilities was exhilarating.

The mystery of the unknown reward continued to pique his interest. He couldn't help but wonder if it might be something as intriguing as a new weapon or a hidden power that would aid him in his mission to save the world.

As the day came to an end, Noel couldn't contain his excitement, whispering to the night sky, "Yosh! Time to sleep and start training tomorrow! Good night!"