Reminiscing the Past

The very next day arrived, and it marked the beginning of another round of rigorous training for Noel. He toiled for six hours to complete the Training Montage mission, and it was the running that proved to be the most grueling aspect. Despite the initial challenge, he remained hopeful that it would get easier as days went by.

Exhausted and feeling the scorching sun above, he lay beneath the shade of his favorite tree. The sword training awaited him, but first, he decided to engage in some meditation. He couldn't contain his excitement for the upcoming sword practice, but his mind was still preoccupied with the latent power within him, which remained a mystery. The system remained unresponsive when questioned about it, leaving him eager to unlock its secrets in the near future.

Ravenous after his workout, he retrieved lunch from the system's inventory. It was a simple yet delicious meal, including rice, chicken curry, a vegetable salad, and some fruits for dessert. He wasted no time in savoring the meal with a heartfelt "Itadakimasu~."

Once his hunger was sated, Noel leisurely explored the confines of the safe zone. He was well aware of his limitations and understood the dangers that lay outside. The serene beauty of the island struck him, as the system had hinted that it would one day become his home. Imagining the prospect of owning an entire island was a dream come true for Noel, a stark contrast to his previous life where he didn't even have a small piece of land to his name.

As he wandered through the tranquil safe zone, he marveled at the small herbivorous animals and beautiful flora that coexisted in harmony. He was content with the peaceful and untouched surroundings, far from the chaos of human interference.

Climbing a hill overlooking the cave where he resided, Noel sat at the cliff's edge.

In moments of solitude or when a tinge of loneliness crept in, he often found himself here. It was a site that symbolized his desire for human connection and a link to civilization. Yet, the stark reality was that he was stranded, cut off from the world by the vast ocean surrounding the island.

He knew that even if he wanted to leave the island, he lacked the strength to overcome the formidable challenge posed by the ocean's expanse. The prospect of encountering another human being felt like a distant dream. Loneliness was his closest companion in this uncharted world, but it brought with it an unexpected sense of tranquility.

As he gazed upon the breathtaking scenery before him, a profound sense of contentment washed over Noel. This tranquil setting encapsulated his deepest desires, ones that had eluded him in his previous life. All he had ever yearned for was a life characterized by happiness and peace, unburdened by the worries and expectations of society and family.

In his previous existence, Noel's dreams were simple. He longed for a life where he could find joy and peace, even if it meant having meager resources. His ultimate wish was to be with someone he loved and to indulge in the simple pleasures of life, like watching anime. However, the expectations and demands of society and family had driven him to the brink of insanity. His sole desire was to live an ordinary, content life, one devoid of the pressures of standing out or achieving greatness.

In the society he left behind, he was subjected to harsh judgments and cruel names from his own family. Terms like "waste of space" and "waste of air and resources" had been casually thrown his way, inflicting emotional scars. The struggles intensified when he came out and revealed his true self, further alienating him from the place he had once called home.

But dwelling on these memories wasn't his intention today. His gaze lingered on the breathtaking view before him, bringing a smile to his face. He recognized that he had achieved the elusive combination of happiness and tranquility that had been missing from his life for far too long.

With a sense of peace enveloping him, Noel decided to savor this moment a bit longer. As he looked at the landscape that stretched before him, he resolved to maintain this newfound happiness and serenity for as long as possible.

After some time, he descended the hill and retrieved the wooden sword, eager to start his sword training. He made his way to the designated training area, a simple clearing with an upright wooden log for practice.

With unwavering determination, he began Task 1: Lunges, attempting to master the basic form. Despite the initial difficulty, he trusted in his Sage Body's ability to adapt quickly. Each mistake would not count toward his total, making it crucial to perform the move flawlessly.

As he progressed, the lunge became more manageable, although his arms grew sore and fatigued. He pushed through the pain, appreciating the satisfaction that came with each completed repetition.

Hours later, Noel faced the most challenging task yet: performing all three moves in a combo. This demanded impeccable precision, and mistakes were not tolerated. With sheer determination and a dose of exhaustion, he reached the goal.

Despite being thoroughly fatigued, he found himself smiling as he gazed at the red sky. The day had been a grueling yet exhilarating experience, and he realized he had developed an addiction to training. Noel contemplated this newfound determination, even if it meant he would resemble the training-obsessed protagonists of countless stories.

As he reveled in the realization, he couldn't help but chuckle. "Who knew this would be addictive?" he mused, acknowledging that at least he wouldn't disappoint the almighty system. With a contented heart, he decided it was time to call it a night and rest early.