The Sword I fell in love with....

Noel eagerly retrieved the sword from his inventory, hands trembling in excitement as he marvelled at its exquisite form.

"Wow, this sword is absolutely stunning!" he exclaimed, filled with awe and appreciation. The sword's aesthetic quality was impossible to ignore and he found himself instantly captivated by its allure.

The sword's handle was a sight to behold, entirely black, with a golden rim that added a touch of elegance to the weapon. As he examined the handle, his fingers traced the intricate patterns, appreciating the craftsmanship that had gone into creating this masterpiece. The contrast between the black and gold enhanced the sword's visual appeal, making it a true work of art.

However, it was the blade itself that truly took his breath away. It was a vision of darkness, the blade entirely black, as if forged from the deepest shadows. Its surface seemed to absorb the light around it, making it almost appear as if the sword was born from the night itself. It was a weapon that exuded an air of mystique, and the way the blade reflected his own image made it all the more enigmatic.

"Kakkoi~," Noel murmured.

System, Appraise.

[Item name : ________ ( You can name the sword yourself)

Creator : Unknown

Rank. : D (Unknown)

(The sword itself is higher ranked but the user can only showcase the power of their rank. Do not expect to dominate the world because of a single sword.)

Description : A Sword forged from Ichirin ore and unknown material by an unknown entity. Considering you chose the base power of the world of demon Slayer and Swords being main part of that power, hence a sword from that world adjusted to this world and perfectly sized for you.

Effect 1 : Indestructible till SSS Rank

Effect 2 : Usually the colour of the nichirin blade changes per person but for you the colour of the blade depends on the element you are using. Yes it is simply for style.

Effect 3 : You will never lose the blade. That is, nobody can weild it except you and also you can recall it your hand as it is already bound to your soul

Effect 4: If you exceed the rank of the sword, the Sword will still grow with you and unlock more effects.

Effect 5: If damaged, the sword will draw power from you to repair itself ]

Noel couldn't contain his excitement as he gazed at the beautifully crafted black sword in his hands. The mere sight of it sent shivers of anticipation down his spine. He marveled at its aesthetic beauty, but what truly fascinated him was the promise of something more.

"Okay, I know it's indestructible and all, but I'm excited about the color-changing part. That would be so cool!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with enthusiasm. The prospect of a color-changing sword was a source of immense intrigue for him. The thought of his sword transforming from a deep, mysterious black to a vibrant shade of blue held an irresistible allure.

His imagination ran wild with the possibilities. He envisioned himself performing the Breath of Water technique with the sword transitioning from black to blue in a mesmerizing display. The mental image nearly overwhelmed him with excitement.

"Imagine my sword changing color from black to blue and me performing Breath of Water?!?! Almost had an orgasm there, need to calm down," he chuckled, aware of the need to temper his excitement. The concept of a dynamic, color-shifting weapon was beyond thrilling, and he was eager to explore its capabilities.

While the color-changing aspect fascinated him, Noel's focus shifted to the sword's extraordinary durability, as detailed in the system's appraisal. He recognized the incredible significance of having an indestructible weapon in the ninja world.

"According to effect 1, it is indestructible," he mused, his voice tinged with confidence. This quality meant that no Kage or ninja, no matter how powerful, could hope to break or even touch his sword. It was a safeguard that filled him with reassurance and a sense of invincibility.

However, Noel was pragmatic. He knew that there were formidable entities, like the enigmatic Ōtsutsuki clan, who posed potential threats. But he was determined not to leave any room for vulnerability.

"The only ones who could would be some Ōtsutsuki, but there's still time for that," he mused, his thoughts filled with determination. He intended to grow stronger and surpass any conceivable challenges. He had no interest in relying on the trope of surpassing one's own limits mid-battle. He was a strategist, and his goal was to ensure he outmatched his adversaries long before confrontations arose.

His words conveyed this unwavering resolve: "I'll make sure I'm stronger than them, by then. I mean I have no interest in those 'surpassing levels to win' kinda fights. As far as I know, there are no young masters here who I can catch off guard. So better be Seiya Ryūguin than sorry." With a wry grin, he alluded to his awareness of the "young master" trope found in many stories, where seemingly insurmountable opponents are unexpectedly defeated by underdogs.

However, a practical concern crossed Noel's mind. He sought to address it promptly with a question directed at the ever-attentive system.

"System, is there no scabbard?" he inquired, curious about whether his exceptional sword had a matching scabbard. The sword's brilliance left him yearning for a complete, aesthetically harmonious weapon set.

[ The sword itself will reside in your soul realm and doesn't need a scabbard]

"Now, effect 4, Wow!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm. The anticipation of what this remarkable effect held was enough to make his heart race. He was eager to explore this intriguing aspect of his weapon and what it could offer.

As he contemplated the possibilities, his imagination ran wild. "I can already imagine all the main character moments happening with it." The thought of having his own hero-worthy moments, akin to those he had admired in the stories he cherished, sent shivers down his spine. He was ready to embrace the potential for greatness that this effect offered.

"Imagine pulling a Nyoibo. Chills!" he mused, referring to the legendary staff wielded by the iconic character Sun Wukong from the classic Chinese novel, "Journey to the West." The image of Noel wielding a weapon with transformative abilities and power akin to the Nyoibo excited him to no end. It was a dream come true for a fan of martial arts and adventure stories.

The sword had truly ignited his passion, and he was ready to seize the opportunities it presented. Noel's enthusiasm was palpable as he declared, "This got me pumped up!" The prospect of achieving feats and adventures reminiscent of his favorite protagonists was a dream come true. It was a chance to step into the world of legends and carve out his own heroic journey.

His curiosity about his future challenges and missions grew with each passing moment. He was eager to learn more about what lay ahead. To satisfy his curiosity and embrace his newfound destiny, he turned to the ever-reliable system for answers.

"System, pull up the missions tab," he requested, ready to embark on the next phase of his journey and face the trials and adventures that awaited him.