New Missions

[ Mission ( Part I): Training Montage

Description: You should now know that you are in the world of Naruto and being weak here is a sin. Moreover, if you want to save it from doomsday you better be at the top. So here is the training routine for you to reach the peak.

Task 1: Run 50 km daily

Task 2: Do 1000 push-ups daily

Task 3: Do 1000 pull-ups daily

Task 4: Do 1000 situps daily

Task 5: Meditate for 2 hours daily

Duration: 6 months

Rewards: Taijutsu suited for the host.

Penalty: Degrading the stats by one level.]

[ Mission (Part II): Chakra training

Description: Even though you have chakra and Breath of Water technique, doesn't mean you can use it already. Use this Chakra control training manual to know how to use chakra properly.

Task 1 : Master Leaf concentration technique

Task 2 : Master tree walking technique

Task 3: Master Water walking technique

Task 4: Master Basic Sword moves again by using chakra

Duration: 1 month

Rewards: Water jutsus pack (contains 10)

(You are in the world of Naruto after all, how can you not know some basic Jutsus?)

Penalty: Reducing the stats by one level ]

Noel's thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions and excitement as he contemplated the rewards he had received. His immediate plan was to delve into chakra training, but the allure of rewards for his hard work was too enticing to ignore. As he pondered the mission rewards, he couldn't help but express his enthusiasm.

"I was planning to do chakra training before touching Breath of Water, but being rewarded for it does feel good," he admitted. The acknowledgment that his efforts were acknowledged and rewarded filled him with a sense of accomplishment. The prospect of mastering new techniques and abilities added a layer of excitement to his already thrilling journey.

His thoughts then turned to the first mission's reward, and he couldn't hide his eagerness. "But I'm more interested in the reward for the first mission." He couldn't help but relish the idea of acquiring skills and abilities akin to legendary battles he had admired in tales of great warriors.

He referenced epic showdowns from his favorite stories: "The fights between Kakashi and Obito, Madara and Guy, Madara soloing the alliance, and finally Naruto with Sasuke against Momoshiki are epitome of male fantasies." These iconic battles were legendary in the world of manga and anime, and now he was on the brink of experiencing a similar level of power and combat prowess.

"Now I get to do the same!" he exclaimed with growing excitement. The prospect of standing alongside such iconic characters thrilled him. He anticipated the challenges and battles that lay ahead, eager to test his newfound abilities in epic combat scenarios.

And then, there was the promise of a tailored reward. "And it also says that the reward will be taijutsu suited for me. So I am pretty pumped!" The idea that he would receive training and abilities that perfectly complemented his skills and preferences was a source of immense motivation. The thought of becoming a formidable martial artist was exhilarating.

The feeling of receiving rewards for his hard work was a new and gratifying experience for Noel. He couldn't help but draw parallels to the ambition and dedication he saw in others who pursued their goals. "This feels nice, I mean getting rewards for the hard work you put in." It was a taste of the satisfaction that came with achieving one's dreams.

This reflection led him to ponder the idea of leaving the past behind, a concept that had been offered to him. He questioned the feasibility of such an endeavor. "They say leave the past in the past. But is that really possible?" He struggled with the idea of separating the past from the present and future. To him, the past was an integral part of his identity.

"Past is what makes the present and future, so how can I leave the past in the past?" he wondered. His introspection delved into the idea that one's history shapes their current self and influences their future choices. He grappled with the notion that the past was inescapable.

He contemplated whether the advice to leave the past behind was merely a way of saying, "What happened, happened. Move on." It was a thought that invited acceptance and encouraged looking forward to new experiences.

In the end, Noel decided to set aside his ponderings and turn his focus to more immediate concerns. "Enough ranting, let's eat dinner and sleep." He acknowledged that there were busy days ahead, and he was ready to face them with renewed determination and energy.

As Noel finished his dinner, he decided to go for a small walk. He knew it wasn't good to sleep immediately after a meal, and the walk helped him digest his food and clear his mind.

After the walk, he returned to his bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling. He found himself unable to sleep, filled with excitement about the future. It was a future he thought he already knew, thanks to his knowledge of the original story, but now that he was here, he wondered if things might change. The uncertainty of the future added a layer of suspense to his journey.

Lying there, he contemplated the characters he had only seen on a two-dimensional screen. "I will meet the characters... people that I have seen on 2D," he mused. He couldn't contain his excitement about the prospect of interacting with them, even though they were fictional in his previous world. He particularly expressed a desire to meet Itachi, one of the iconic characters from the story.

However, he quickly deliberated whether to intervene in the Uchiha clan massacre, a pivotal plot point in the series. It was a moral dilemma for him. He understood the consequences of altering significant events, and he didn't want to interfere and potentially cause harm.

Noel voiced his thoughts to the System, seeking guidance. He asked if completing the mission would result in his return to his original world. The System reassured him that he was now a part of this world, and his current life would continue until his natural death. This knowledge provided Noel with a sense of freedom and commitment to make the most of his new life.

"Yes, Just because I am here on a job doesn't mean I shouldn't enjoy," he acknowledged. He made up his mind to embrace this new life fully, making friends, exploring new places, and experiencing all the delights of this world.

He even expressed his curiosity about Ichiraku Ramen, a place that had been hyped in the series. He couldn't help but wonder if the ramen would live up to its reputation. He pondered the possibility of meeting Teuchi, the ramen chef, and what kind of experience he would have. The thought of burning it down crossed his mind, but he quickly shuddered at the idea.

In the end, Noel settled into the idea of making the most of this second life. "Okay, Good night," he said, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep, ready to embrace whatever adventures and challenges lay ahead.