Training Complete

On a quiet day, the 6th of October in the year 0064, nine years after his arrival on the secluded island, an imposing young man could be found beneath the shade of a grand tree. Dressed in a vibrant red kimono, he sat in a tranquil meditative posture, his long hair secured in a neat ponytail.

His physical stature had evolved significantly in this time, now standing at a height of around 6 feet. He bore a slightly tanned complexion, and the rough callouses on his hands and fingers attested to the years of relentless training and discipline he had endured.

From the young man's perspective, these nine years on the island had been transformative. The solitude had initially been a challenge to contend with, yet as time passed, he discovered solace in the routine of intense training. It was within these solitary moments that he uncovered a sense of happiness that had previously eluded him.

During this period, he had undertaken a comprehensive journey of self-improvement. His training had encompassed the mastery of various sword styles and honing his taijutsu skills to near perfection. However, even as he evaluated his progress, he sensed the presence of an intangible boundary, suggesting that he was on the verge of an extraordinary breakthrough.

The young man could now proudly proclaim his strength, affirming his formidable abilities. He yearned to gauge the extent of his growth, and to do so, he called upon the System, seeking to assess his current status and to unveil any latent potential that might be lurking within him.

The young man, who had come a long way from the child he once was, was prepared to face whatever the future held. With determination and unwavering commitment to his journey, he was ready to confront any challenges that came his way. So, as he awaited the System's response, the undying fire of ambition and growth burned within him.

[Name : Yorichii Tsugikuni

Age. : 13

Rank. : EX

Chakra : EX

Strength : EX

Speed : EX

Endurance. : EX

Skill : Aprraisal, Seal grand master.

Kekkai genkai : (Unnamed)

Tattoo : (Unnamed)

Techniques : Breath of Water, Breath of Sun, Breath of Wind, Breath of Earth, Breath of Beast, Breath of Lightning, Breath of Ice, Breath of Mist, Breath of Blood and Breath of Space-Time.

Weapon. : Zen'no ken

(a/n obviously I need help with the names)]

With unwavering confidence, the young man asserted his remarkable strength. Upon the conclusion of his one-year training period, he had been thrust into numerous battles against chakra beasts of escalating difficulty. As these challenging confrontations unfolded, he had drawn upon the reserves of his training and experienced a steady ascent in his combat prowess.

Yet, these encounters weren't the only test of his mettle. Engaging in countless battles against mysterious adversaries within stimulating scenarios had also been an integral part of his journey. Although the identities of his opponents remained shrouded in ambiguity, these trials had forged him into an even more formidable swordsman.

However, even as he celebrated his achievements and bolstered abilities, the young man was astutely aware of the enigmatic and powerful Otsutsuki clan. Their unique and otherworldly capabilities left him in anticipation, pondering the extent of his strength when measured against their might.

The desire to truly understand the depths of his power could only be satisfied through battle, and as such, he looked forward to the day he would face an Otsutsuki head-on. While the path ahead was daunting, the young man was more than willing to take that step.

System, retrieve the rewards.

[Rewards for completing the mission has been kept in the inventory.]

[As the host has completed all the training missions, the only mission available will be the main mission. No other missions will be allotted to the host. Only the status screen, appraisal, and inventory will be available to the host.

Now your life will be in your hands. So enjoy while you are here, just don't let the world be destroyed. Best of luck. ]

Surprised by the unexpected revelation, the young man's thoughts momentarily swirled in a mixture of emotions. However, there was an underlying sense of relief in knowing that he wouldn't be abruptly pulled away from the life he'd built for himself over the past nine years. He cherished the opportunity to continue living this existence to the fullest, further embracing the world he'd come to know.

Despite this newfound certainty about his future, the looming threat he was meant to confront remained shrouded in mystery. The lack of concrete information about the nature of this menace left a sense of unease in him. He was unsure of what lay ahead, what challenges he would face, and how he would ultimately combat the threat. But rather than letting fear or uncertainty consume him, the young man remained resolute, ready to confront whatever challenges awaited him with the strength and determination that had brought him so far on his journey.

The young man couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of unlocking the rewards he had earned through his unwavering dedication and hard work. These weren't just any rewards; they were the tangible fruits of his labor, a testament to the sacrifices he'd made and the relentless effort he'd poured into his training and missions.

He had not only completed all of his missions without a single failure but had also gone the extra mile, pushing his own limits further than anyone could have expected. As a result of his extraordinary commitment, he'd been granted three bonus rewards that he could specify according to his desires. These bonus rewards held the potential to enhance various aspects of his life in this new world, but there was one crucial condition to bear in mind—they couldn't directly increase his power.

This condition created an interesting challenge. It urged him to think beyond the realm of mere physical strength and look for rewards that could improve other facets of his life. It was a reminder that being powerful wasn't the only way to succeed or find fulfillment in this world.