CH 4: Useful ability

The sun was shining and the birds were chirping, indicating that the day had arrived. As the sunlight entered the room, Natasha's beautiful eyes fluttered open and she was awakened from her sleep.

Taking a look at the clock, she saw that it was 6 o'clock. The same time that she always wakes up on so that she can perform her morning exercise and training.

However, she could take the day off today thanks to being on a little vacation with Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye.

Natasha's crimson plump lips opened as she took in a deep breath and exhaled comfortably. She sat up and moved her long, sexy legs to sit on the edge of the bed before she got up.

She stretched a bit, showing off her tall figure that was oozing sexiness off of every corner even more.

She gently moved her long red hair to the back of her ear as she walked towards the bathroom outside of her room.

After she finished her business and washed her face, a raspy and deep voice sounded in her head :"good morning, Natasha."

Alarmed by the sudden voice, she immediately became serious and wary as she got into a fighting stance while looking around :"who's there?!"

There was a moment of silence as the owner of the voice, Ali, had a blank expression inside of her :"are you serious? It's me, Majesty! Did you forget last night or something?"

As the memories of last night came back to her, Natasha calmed down as she blushed a little :"sorry, it's early and I'm not completely awake yet..."

The same jet black goo came out of her left shoulder blade before Ali's face appeared in his cute form and looked at her with an unamused face :"it's alright, but I seriously hope it won't be a normal, everyday thing.

Because it will be seriously annoying then. Anyway, good morning again, did you sleep well last night?"

Natasha grabbed a towel and dried her beautiful fingers as she nodded with a small smile :"don't worry, it won't.

And yes, it was a very comfortable sleep, thanks for asking. It was the most comfortable sleep I had in a while in fact. Did you have something to do with it?"

Ali nodded with a smile :"yeah, I slowed down your heart and relaxed your body so you could sleep better. You're welcome."

Natasha nodded and smiled in appreciation as she placed the towel in its original place :"haha, thank you. Seems like you aren't just helpful in battle."

As he remembered something, Ali smiled mischievously as he chuckled :"I actually can do something that I'm sure you will love. Go back to your room and I will show you."

Natasha nodded :"alright, but you should hide so that Clint's children won't see you if they're awake. I will explain it and introduce you to him on the way back, but I don't want to freak out the kids."

Ali nodded as he returned back into her body :"Roger that." Natasha chuckled before she opened the door and walked back to her room.

It was seriously early, so the children weren't awake thankfully. After she walked into her room, she looked at her shoulder blade where Ali likes to come out of :"alright, what did you wanna show me?" Ali came out of her shoulder and nodded :"alright, please strip."




"What?" Natasha asked as she blinked with confusion. Ali let out a light sigh as he shrugged :"I wanna show you something, but if you don't take your clothes off, they will be destroyed."

Natasha blushed a little as she raised an eyebrow :"do you seriously need to show it to me? Is it that important?"

Ali shrugged, trying desperately to not smile like a devil :"it's not important, but from what I've learned from your common sense, is that women will definitely love it."

Natasha's blush grew a bit, adding a nice, rosy color to her smooth and beautiful cheeks as she looked at Ali suspiciously :"you aren't planning on anything weird, right?"

The demonic smile that was fighting like a madman to appear on Ali's face was held back by Ali's will as he raised an eyebrow :"anything weird??? What do you mean???"

Natasha glared gently at Ali while he watched her blush, getting mentally aroused :"Majesty, do you seriously not know? Or are you just messing with me?"

Ali smiled as he chuckled :"sorry, I'm just messing with you. It's kinda fun, so I couldn't stop myself.

But no, don't worry, it's nothing weird. I promise that you will definitely love it and will pester me about it later."

Natasha looked at him for a few seconds before she sighed :"alright, fine. Let's see what this thing is that I will love."

With an adorable blush on her cheeks, Natasha started to unbutton her pajama shirt. Ali didn't want to seem like a creep, so he turned his head away.

But obviously, that was just so Natasha would be more comfortable. There's no way he would pass out on such an omniverse given chance, so he was able to see her thanks to his 360 vision.

As she took her shirt off, her girls literally BOUNCED when they were freed! The back of Ali, where Natasha couldn't see, actually shook a little from shock!

Ali seriously had to hold himself together so his mouth wouldn't hit the floor cartoon style! Each of those knockers was bigger than her head!

Her rosy nipples weren't small either, they were the definition of suckable! This woman seriously had the hopes and dreams of every being on her chest!

Thankfully, Natasha was more comfortable when she saw that Ali was looking away, so she started to lower her pants to reveal her fat ass covered with only her black panties!

She took on a deep breath and exhaled as she raised an eyebrow at Ali :"is this enough now? Or should I take off my underwear too?"

Ali gulped as he coughed :"ahem ahem, again, you're gonna need to take everything off if you don't want them to disintegrate."

Natasha sighed as she hooked her fingers into her panties and slid them down to the ground before stepping out of them :"there, are you finally going to show me?"

As she stood there, completely bare, she looked like a goddess of sex! She was literally sex on legs!

Her long, toned legs, he fat and squashy thighs and ass, her shaved and beautiful pussy, her amazingly tight waist, her breasts that any being would kill to feel, her big and pink nipples that were tempting Ali to suck, her beautiful neck, red plump lips that would definitely feel amazing around a cock, her emerald green eyes, and her crimson hair, she was a literal goddess!

Ali's mouth felt dry as he could clearly see her shaved pussy.

Ali had never tried this hard to hold himself back from doing something. He seriously just wanted to play around with her body!

But he knew that he would be able to do it in the future, so he calmed himself down :"alright, show me the uniform that you're going to wear first."

Natasha nodded before she walked towards a chair and then pointed at her Black Widow custom :"this is the suit that I wear for missions and such. Why?"

Ali smirked before he winked :"now just watch." He then returned inside her body before jet black goo started to come out of some places on Natasha's body!

She was a little surprised at the sudden action, but she remained composed as Ali started to cover her body.

Natasha figured that he wanted to show her how she looks like while he was covering her, but she didn't know why she would love it.

However, a second after that, Ali completely covered her body before he shapeshifted and it looked like her Black Widow custom was on!

Natasha looked down in wonder and amazement as she felt up the custom :"whoa, seriously?! You can shapeshift to turn yourself into clothes?!"

Ali came out of her shoulder blade with a smug smirk :"see? I told you that you will definitely love it."

She looked down and checked herself out in the mirror. The suit looked exactly like her Black Widow suit and completely fit her body!

Ali seemed to have also made a pair of panties and a bra for her so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable :"whoa, this is awesome... So you can basically create any clothes as long as you see it once?"

Ali nodded a few times with a smile :"yup, anything. Look, I can even turn into those pajamas you were wearing."

The jet black goo didn't retract into her body, but the design started to change. And after a second, Natasha was wearing her pajamas again!

Natasha stared in wonder as she smiled :"no wonder you said that women will love this ability, I basically don't need to go shopping again with this!

I seriously have to show you the pictures of some clothes that I was planning on buying when we get back."

Ali chuckled as he shook his head in amusement :"I told you you would pester me about it later when you found out about it."

Natasha rolled her eyes with a smirk as she knocked on Ali's head :"you live inside of my body, so it's fair if I had a little fun at least."

Ali chuckled while grinning evilly inside :'oh you will have fun alright. I will make sure of it, my dear host~.'

He nodded with a smile :"Alright, I will amuse you whenever you feel like trying some new clothes. What should we do now?"

Natasha nodded before pointing at her clothes :"first things first, turn these clothes into my suit."

Ali nodded and did as she said :"done." Natasha nodded back with a smirk as she looked down once more before gathering her clothes :"this is seriously amazing... Now we will gather everything and then get ready to return home."

And so, that's what they did as Ali also helped her pick the few clothes that she had with a few tentacles.

Once they were ready and ate breakfast, Natasha and Hawkeye got ready to leave after bidding his children and wife farewell.

As Natasha started the quinjet and started to fly it when Hawkeye entered, Hawkeye walked towards the front after putting his bow aside :"so we are finally going back, huh?"

Natasha nodded while piloting the quinjet as Hawkeye sat on another seat :"yeah, we should return now.

That mission only needed a few days to complete, but we completed quickly and managed to visit your family. But we should go back so the others won't find out about your family yet."

Hawkeye got comfortable as he nodded :"yeah, it's not the time yet to let others know about them. Thanks for agreeing to visit my family though."

Natasha nodded with a chuckle before she grew a little serious :"hey, Clint, I need to tell you something. It's important."

Clint sat upright as he nodded calmly with his focus on Natasha :"alright, I'm all ears. What do you need to talk about?"

Natasha opened her mouth to talk, but she didn't know how to explain it, so she sighed helplessly :"well, it will be better if you saw it. Majesty, come out."

Clint was confused as to who Natasha called out to, but his eyes opened wide as a jet black goo came out of Natasha's shoulder blade before a head was formed :"hello there, Clint Barton.

I'm Majesty, a Klyntar, or Symbiote as you call our race here on earth. It's nice to meet a friend of Natasha. I hope we can get along."