CH 5: Suit up

As Natasha piloted the quinjet, she explained to Clint how Ali just randomly popped up inside of her yesterday.

Clint was obviously wary of Ali, but since his best friend had decided to give this alien a chance, he just went along with it as well.

However, Ali had asked Natasha to not tell everything about him to Clint. After all, mind reading and mind control are rather common in Marvel, so hiding some things could be a life saver in the future.

He wasn't nervous since he literally couldn't die even with reality manipulation, but being careful wasn't a bad thing.

After Natasha explained everything to Clint and he agreed, he laid back on his chair with a playful frown.

Natasha raised an eyebrow at him :"what's up with you?" Ali also tilted his head in curiosity as Clint threw his hand around like a child throwing a tantrum :"it's just that, you too?!

Now everyone has powers except me! Well, I have a bow and arrow, THAT'S FINE, it's not like anyone cares about Clint..."

Ali couldn't hold back as he broke into laughter :"hahahaha!! Sigh, Natasha, I like this human! He's funny."

Natasha rolled her eyes with a smirk :"yeah, he can be pretty funny if he's not annoying." And Clint was offended :"hey, what does that mean?!"

They all laughed before Clint raised an eyebrow at Ali :"by the way, how are you going to feed him? You can't find brains and corpses in shops."

Ali rolled his eyes as Natasha chuckled :"we don't eat brains because they're our sole meal, Clint. We eat brains because of the chemicals in the brain.

What we really need to eat is phenethylamine, a chemical found in the brain. But thankfully, it's also found in a few other things like chocolate and nuts. And Natasha said those are really common and we can buy them from basically anywhere."

Clint had a look of realization as he nodded :"I have no idea what phene whatever is, but I'm happy that my best friend doesn't need to eat brains regularly."

Natasha nodded with a curled lips :"Tell me about it, I would not want to be a cannibal. I would rather eat chocolate."

Ali rolled his eyes again before shrugging with a smile :"Actually, I already have a regular supply of phenethylamine.

The whole reason why we Klyntars need to be in a symbiotic relationship with a living being is because we need to feed on the phenethylamine in our host's brain.

But don't worry, nothing will happen to you. After all, we Klyntars also have a regenerative power, which results in our host not losing too much phenethylamine."

Both of them were confused as Natasha raised an eyebrow :"if you already have that covered, then why do you need to consume even more phenethylamine?"

Ali shrugged nonchalantly :"because the amount that we consume isn't much and is only enough for us to not starve.

Phenethylamine is a chemical that stimulates the body to make certain chemicals that play a role in brain chemistry.

If you lost too much phenethylamine, it wouldn't be good for either of us. That's why, we get hungry and want to eat."

Clint understood the basics as he shrugged :"hey, he has a point. Not starving to death and being full are two different things."

Natasha nodded at Ali as well :"yeah, I get it now. I didn't have a problem anyway, I was just curious. Chocolate is tasty anyway, so I don't have a problem eating it."

Seeing that the conversation about that subject was finished, Clint raised an eyebrow at Ali :"by the way, why is your name Majesty? Isn't that kinda weird?"

Ali shrugged nonchalantly at him :"We Klyntars aren't like other beings. We don't even need names, but we either pick something or someone else gives us a name so that our hosts can be more comfortable with us.

Haven't you noticed how the other Klyntars that have appeared don't have names like yours? Natasha has told me about Venom and Carnage. I just picked Majesty randomly ."

Clint had a look of realization as he nodded again before looking outside through the window :"so your kind basically has a bad naming sense. Alright."

'is this racist or not? Whatever.' Ali thought before he just moved to Natasha's head and set his chin on top of her head :"So when are we gonna arrive?"

Natasha couldn't help but smile at the cute antics of her partner as she answered :"it will take a while. How about this?

While we're on the way, you can look at my phone and learn about humans on the internet or something. Keep yourself busy."

Ali OBVIOUSLY knew what a phone was, since he basically spent every minute of the day using one in his past life.

But he still had to act like he didn't know anything about it to not seem suspicious. He tilted his head with a curious look on top of Natasha's head :"a phone? Is that the black box that you humans use?"

Natasha nodded, causing Ali to giggle on her head as she took her phone out of her pocket :"yeah, here. Let me teach you."

And so, their time on the way was spent with Natasha teaching Ali about phone, internet and apps while the quinjet was on autopilot.

After Natasha taught him the basics, Ali played with it himself while using his technomancy to find out some things about the world.

Basically, he found out that almost all of the heroes and villains that he knew existed in this universe. But he didn't find a few, like Scarlet Witch.

But his knowledge about Marvel wasn't that deep, so maybe there were a lot more missing. However, there were quite a lot of superheroes.

Like Spiderman, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Ghost Spider, Ghost Rider, and other heroes. Hehehe, Deadpool was also there. Even Gwenpool was here! He had to meet those two, he really liked those two!

Anyways, he also went here and there, watching videos and seeing what kinds of games exist in this universe.

And fortunately for him, quite a few games that he knew of actually were here, like Assassin's Creed, Ezio's trilogy!

Oh, there was also Clash Of Clans, he really needed to create an account and play it :'maybe I should create a few accounts and order the phone to auto play them for me...'

Technomancy was seriously useful. He was really happy that he wished to have it. After all, the technology of Marvel and DC were just something else.

There were a shit ton of villains or heroes who relied on technology, like Iron Man. Heck, some beings were just technology, like Ultron and Vision!

Ali was seriously their nemesis. His technomancy ability was still really weak, so he couldn't really do anything to those kinds of advanced A.Is at the moment, but he knew that would change in the future.

Heck, Darkseid was able to cause a zombie apocalypse in one of the DC universes because of technology.

That's how the way back was before they finally saw New York City. Natasha smiled at Ali who was playing with her phone :"Welcome to New York City, Majesty."

Even though Ali was also a human in his previous life, he had never seen New York, so he was kinda curious and excited as he looked around.

As they were flying in the sky, Ali smiled mischievously at Natasha :"hey, Natasha, how about we go for a ride in the city?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow at him as she smirked :"sorry, Majesty, but quinjet isn't a vehicle that we can use to go for a casual ride around the city."

Ali chuckled as he shook his head :"no, not with the quinjet, just us two. I saw how those superheroes named Spiderman, Ghost Spider, and that Kid Arachnid (Miles Morales) moved around the city. I can do it too."

Natasha raised a curious eyebrow at him :"and how can you do that, exactly?" Ali smiled as he grew an arm from his side and moved it around the quinjet :"I can shapeshift, remember?

I can also shoot "webs" like them and then just bring those parts of me that you will use as webs back to myself."

Natasha thought about it before she smirked and nodded :"Alright then, we will do it when we arrive at the Avengers tower."

Ali laughed as he pointed at the door of the quinjet :"why wait, let's do it now! Just jump out and we will immediately start!"

Natasha wanted to refuse, since she didn't even know if they would succeed or not. But looking at the excited Klyntar, she shrugged before getting up :"alright then, let's do it. But we will first jump on a building and then we'll start."

Clint was a little shocked as he raised an eyebrow at her :"are you sure you wanna do this? Isn't it a little too dangerous?"

Natasha shrugged once again as Clint sat on the pilot seat :"we won't know till we try. And besides, none of the other Symbiotes had any problems with jumping from one building to another. I don't see why we won't be able to do it."

Clint gave a tilted nod with curled lips :"alright then, whatever you say. But I don't think that toothy monstrosity of an appearance will be liked by children."

Ali snorted before smirking smugly :"oh don't worry, we won't be looking like that. We will look like this!"

The moment his voice fell, he returned to Natasha's body as her suit began to change. Ali covered every bit of her body as her pants and shirt changed and a coat with dark purple edges appeared on her body and a spider symbol appeared on her chest!

Clint smirked at her as Natasha looked down at her body :"well aren't you stylish? Alright, that's good. There, the door is open and we are just a little bit away from the rooftop of a skyscraper. Good luck, you two!"

Natasha smirked behind the mask as Ali felt up her body without her knowledge :"alright then, let's roll!"

She ran towards the door and with the strength that Ali finally let her have access to, she jumped, creating a small dent on where she stepped on in the quinjet and causing it to shake a little!

"Whoa! A little warning next time please!" Clint said as he stabilized the quinjet and watched the two land safely on the rooftop.

"Alright, have fun you two. I will return to the Avengers tower, see you later." And he flew away.

As Natasha stood on the rooftop, she looked down on her hands as she clenched her fists :"whoa... I feel so... Powerful... I have never felt this kind of power..."

Ali came out of her shoulder and smirked at her :"and that's why I had sealed it till now. You aren't used to the power that we have at the moment, so you have to pay attention and train so that you can control it.

But that's for later, and I will assist you in controlling it. But now? Let's go for a swing around the city, Tasha!"

Natasha chuckled at him as she raised an eyebrow :"Tasha? Is that what you're going to call me from now on?"

Ali nodded at her with a smile :"yup. We need to have a good relationship, and I found out on the internet that giving nicknames is a good way to become better friends."

Natasha gave a tilted nod as she smirked :"won't disagree with that. I have to think of a good nickname for you too then. But for now, let's go and have fun!"