CH 6: Ali and Natasha P1

Natasha got into a running stance before she took in a deep breath and then ran towards the edge of the building.

As she slammed her foot on the edge of the rooftop with enough force to leave a clear footprint there, she jumped!

"WHAT THE HELLLLL?!!?!!" However, she had underestimated the power that she had. Instead of jumping for about 5 meters, 10 at most like how she thought, she nearly went flying!

<:"(This will be mental conversation between the two from now on)">

Ali couldn't help but chuckle as he spoke inside her head :"(What? Surprised? What did you expect when you put all your current strength into that jump?

Be grateful that I took away most of the power when you set your foot on the building, otherwise, you would've probably broken that part of the building completely.)"

But Natasha wasn't in the mood to joke around :"Majesty, we will talk about that later, alright?! Now you better do something before I turn into meat paste!!"

Ali rolled his eyes nonchalantly :"(first things first, you're way too tough and durable to get fall damage inflicted to you.

And second, even if you were harmed, our regenerative power would completely heal you even before you feel it. But fine, I will help you. Can I take control for a little while and show you the ropes?)"

Natasha swung her arms everywhere while nearly panicking :"yeah, do whatever you want, dammit! Just do something!!"

Ali smirked :"(them sit back and enjoy the ride, Tasha.)" Suddenly, Natasha felt like the suit had taken control and moved her body around instead of her!

Ali, now in control, stopped Natasha's arms from rampaging around as he calmed down in the sky.

Ali balanced their body in the sky as he clenched their fist, lowered it slightly and pointed it at a tall skyscraper before a slimy web was shot out of the back of their fist!

The organic black web didn't even take a second to reach the skyscraper before it stuck to it and Ali swung like the friendly neighborhood Spiderman after grabbing the organic black web!

Natasha calmed down as she moved her head, the only body part that Ali wasn't controlling, and looked around :"whoa..."

Ali smirked as he swung around :"(having fun, Tasha?)" Natasha gulped, still a little nervous that she is so high up without being inside a vehicle or a parachute :"well, I guess I will after I get used to it. But I have to say, it feels really weird when you're controlling my body."

Ali chuckled again while Natasha looked around with interest :"(well, I guess this will be added to our list of things that we should get used to.

Do you want to take the wheel, or do you still need more time to calm down? Take your time if you need it, it's alright.)"

Natasha couldn't help but smile at how Ali's tone of voice changed from playful to caring in a single second :"it's okay, I was just caught off guard. Alright, give me the control. Experiencing it will make it easier for me to get used to it."

Ali nodded with a gentle smile :"(alright, but don't worry about anything. Just point your fist at the place that you want to shoot the organic web to and I will stick to there.

After swinging the distance that you think is enough, just let go of it and I will retract that part of me back to myself. Alright, ready?)"

Natasha nodded with a serious and focused face :"mhm, let's go." Ali nodded as he gave the control back :"(alright, have fun.)"

At first, Natasha stumbled a little and had a little hard time swinging freely. But after a few tries and a few advices from Ali, she got used to it.

And right now, she was smiling excitedly as she accelerated in the air :"oh yeah! Hahaha, no wonder those spider superheroes like this so much! This is really fun!"

Ali smiled at the excited Natasha as he chuckled in amusement :"(well, happy to hear that you're having fun.)"

Natasha nodded with a smile before her clothes caught her attention :"by the way, how does the coat not dance around because of the wind?"

Ali chuckled again :"(did you forget? The suit is literally me, so I just stay in place so you won't be bothered.)"

Natasha nodded as she pointed her fist towards another building :"Then tell me, is it just my imagination, or is the area around my ass and chest kinda tight?"

Ali shrugged with a grin :"(after becoming a suit for you, I found out that I like soft things. And your body is seriously soft while also being muscular, so I like feeling it.)"

Natasha playfully rolled her eyes with a smirk as Ali squeezed her ass and chest in demonstration :"who would've known that a living slime would like boobs and butts?"

Ali chuckled with a raised eyebrow :"(what, are only humans allowed to like boobs and butts now? Other Klyntars may not be attracted to the human body, but don't forget, I'm special and weird even by the Klyntar standards.)"

Natasha rolled her eyes again, but twitched a little and shivered when Ali tightened around her nipples :"hey~!

It's okay if you just feel me up when you're in this suit form, but don't be perverted now. We're not that familiar yet."

Ali's eyes shot up as he smiled :"(so that means that I can do it when we are familiar enough???)"

A chuckle left Natasha's plump lips as she gave a tilted nod :"well, you have to take me out on a date first, then we'll see."

Ali knew what a date was, but since he wanted to keep the conversation going and just talk with Natasha, he asked with curiosity :"(a... date?)"

Natasha's eyebrows rose in interest as she kept swinging :"do you Klyntars not go on dates? A date is when two people go outside to enjoy a romantic time and get to know each other.

People go on dates when they think the other person is someone who can be their lover. Do you Klyntars not do that?" Ali shrugged :"(forget about going to dates, we don't even become lovers with anyone.)"

Natasha grew even more interested and confused :"then how do you choose someone to marry? Do you just mate?"

Ali shook his head :"(I see that you don't have much information on the Klyntar race, but I guess it's expected.

We Klyntars don't need lovers, and neither do we need a mate. Klyntars reproduce asexually, so we don't need a mate.)"

Natasha had a look of realization as she nodded a few times :"I see, I see. So that's why you said "my parent" and not "my parents". That makes sense. But if you're asexual, how is it that you're attracted to my body then?"

Ali shrugged once again with a smile :"because I'm unique and weird. We Klyntars may not need other beings to reproduce, but it doesn't mean that we can't get emotionally and physically attracted to a being.

After all, being in a relationship that is more than just partnership and symbiosis, will mean a better bond.

That's why, if a Klyntar finds a good host, they will try to stay with that host till the end. Especially the first host.

Because of the first host having a very big effect on us, we will try to stay with our first hosts at all cost.

After all, we try to form our personalities in a way that suits our hosts the best, so bonding emotionally with our first hosts is a lot easier.)"

Natasha nodded again with a look of interest. Ali may have just suddenly popped up in her life, but they still decided to partner up.

And with how much benefits and strength Ali had brought her, she would rather have him till the end as long as he doesn't rampage around like the other Klyntars.

So since she decided to become partners, she was interested in knowing about him outside of just his powers.

She raised an eyebrow at him behind the mask :"then how come you don't act like me? Your personality is nearly the opposite of mine.

I'm calm, calculative, and rarely care for others. However, even though you don't go on a rampage, you are still playful, do things whenever you want, and act kindly towards me the entire time since the short time we bonded."

Ali smiled as he explained :"(it's because this personality makes it easier for me to emotionally bond with you.

Klyntars form their personalities in a way that matches their hosts. Most, if not, all of the Klyntars believe that they should just copy the personality of their host, but I believe the opposite.

By having a personality that isn't like yours and is nearly the opposite, I can be your "missing puzzle".

You're calm, but me being playful will make your daily life more fun. You're calculative, but me being impulsive will be better in some situations, we also don't need to think about every little thing.

You rarely care about others, but you should be cared for. So instead of being sassy like you, I decided to be your symbiote that takes care of you.)"

Hearing the genuine care in his voice, a small smile appeared on Natasha's face as she gently hummed in appreciation :"thanks, Majesty. I guess bonding with you brought free therapy, huh?"

Ali laughed out loud, but not loud enough to bother Natasha :"(yeah, I'm awesome like that! Now that we're a team, of course I will take care of you!)"

Natasha chuckled as she nodded :"then you can count on me to take care of you as well. Now, what should we do-!"

However, just when she swung with another organic web, she heard a scream from afar :"AAAHHHHHH!! HELP ME!!"

Natasha stopped talking as her head whipped towards where the voice came from :"Majesty, you heard that too, right?"

Ali grew serious as well as he nodded :"(your strength isn't the only thing that has been strengthened.

Your senses such as your hearing have also gotten a lot sharper. That voice was from quite far away, but you were able to hear it. But forget about that, wanna go save the poor lady?)"

Natasha just nodded before shooting another organic web and then maneuvering in the sky to swing to where the voice came from.

But as she did that, Ali's voice sounded in her mind again :"(Natasha, we better hurry up. But with just this speed we might be late.

Listen to me carefully and do what I say. Calm your mind and focus on getting faster. The only way for you to access the full power that I have given you is if you want to.

As long as you focus hard enough, your body will listen. Right now, your brain still thinks that your limit is your limit from before I bonded with you.

If you truly want to use my powers, you should forget all about limits. Because of my adaptability, the only thing that stands in your way is your imagination.

So just ignore the word "limit" and DO. WHATEVER. YOU. WANT. That is the only way to truly use your powers! Now, break through that limit and use the true power we have!")