CH 7: Time for some action

In the comics, Natasha had to go through a surgery. The problem was, the surgery was performed on her while she was conscious!

Just imagine, she felt every cut, every pole, every movement as the surgeon sliced open her stomach and swede up her insides!

And despite the incredible pain throughout this entire ordeal which lasted several hours, she did not move a muscle!

And the drug that was used to dull the pain had lost its effect! So it's obvious that Natasha is a real bad bitch.

By the way, this is MCU Natasha, alright? Not comics. Oh, and I decided what the color of the symbol will be.

I know most of you chose the purple one, but I asked my body who had redrawn it to make the red one darker.

I know that the purple one is really cool, but I wanted there to be some red so Natasha's color will be there too.

So Ali will look like this from now on and Natasha's suit will look like this:>

As Ali explained to her how to go full power mode without Ali needing to go full symbiote mode, she listened to each word while swinging as fast as she could towards where the scream had come from.

Finally, when Ali finished explaining to her. She closed her eyes and focused as they fell to a 3 or 4 story building. But just when she landed on the rooftop of the said building, her eyes opened wide before she moved!

However, to a normal person, it only looked like a gust of wind and a black light flew by! Heck, a cat was licking itself and didn't even notice them when they passed just by it!

The feeling was intoxicating for Natasha, who had never felt so much power, so much freedom. She would see everyday how people with superpowers would save everyone, and she, a normal human, had to give it her all to save others.

But now, with the power coursing through her blood and every inch of her body, she felt like she could beat the shit of those said superheroes with ease!

She was going without holding back at the moment, and she could see just how fast she was. The world looked like it was at a stand still!

According to Ali, their current speed is at least 1,500 MPH! That's twice the speed of sound! With this speed, she could easily grab bullets that were shot in the air!

After zig zagging on the buildings, they finally reached an alley where they saw 4 men surrounding a very beautiful lady with a rocking body that matched her pretty face.

One of the men, who was bulkier than the others, licked his lips as he walked towards the blonde haired lady who was about 5 '10 :"Listen, babe, no one is going to hear you to help you. So you can just not fight us and we will do it the easier way, or we will have to do it the hard way."

The young girl looked terrified as she backed away, but with Natasha's new sharp sight, she saw something else in her eyes, playfulness.

Ali was also looking at her since she was the second prettiest woman he had ever seen in this world, the first being Natasha.

So he also noticed the slightest trace of playfulness in those supposedly terrified green eyes of hers.

Ali rolled his eyes at the cliche sentence of the baldy as he spoke to Natasha "(Tasha, how about we use these idiots as test subjects so you can get used to your new powers?")

Natasha nodded while she was sticking to a wall :"yeah, somebody has to teach these assholes how to be gentlemen. But I should be careful to not blow their guts onto the walls."

Ali shrugged nonchalantly with an eye roll :"(honestly, I think you would be doing the world a favor if you got rid of these trashes. So why don't you just go ahead and kill them? I can also have breakfast?)"

Natasha entered the full power mode again. As the world slowed down and the people below froze, Natasha raised an eyebrow :"Majesty, what did we talk about eating people?"

Ali came out of her shoulder blade and shrugged :"I can only eat those bad guys, right? But aren't these bad guys? They're trying to r*pe the poor girl."

Natasha nodded calmly while looking at Ali and explaining :"yes, but they aren't bad to the level where we should kill them.

They are just a few thugs, so just breaking a few of their bones and sending them to hospital for a few months will suffice."

Ali tilted his head with an almost sad face :"then when will I be able to eat people?" Natasha sighed as she brought her hand to his head and patted him :"Listen, Majesty, I get it that your kind really likes meat, but your kind also has a very bad reputation here on earth.

I'm going to try and make it so people will know that you're a good Klyntar and not like those other ones.

However, to do that, you need to refrain from some actions. Like killing the criminals and eating people.

A superhero that eats humans will definitely be hated and there may even be some groups and superheroes that will try to stop us.

That's why, we can't just eat anybody. However, I promise that if we face terrorists or people from evil organizations like HYDRA and A.I.M, you can eat as much as you want."

Ali sighed before he nodded :"alright, I'll listen to you. I don't care about the opinion of others, but I don't want people to bother you, so I will just stick with chocolate."

Natasha smiled behind the mask, which Ali obviously saw, and then patted his head again :"thanks, Majesty, I'm glad that you're reasonable."

Ali smiled as well as he nodded while leaning into her touch :"mhm, you're welcome. Now let's go and kick some ass, hmm?"

Natasha chuckled before she nodded with a smirk :"yeah, let's show these bastards what we're made of."

As Natasha got out of her special state, the world went back to its normal speed as the thugs walked towards the blondy.

However, a black tentacle like web stuck to the ground a meter or two away from the boss of the thugs.

The bald bitch looked at the tentacle with confusion :"what the fuck...?" However, a voice was suddenly heard :"heads up, juggernaut!"

The bald idiot's head whipped towards where the voice came from, but was introduced to a fist to his face instead!

Natasha had shot a web at the ground and pulled herself towards the ground before punching the bastard so hard that his teeth immediately shattered and instead of going "heads up", he went straight "face down" to the hard ground.

With a shattered nose, a few shattered teeth and probably a cracked skull, the boss of the thugs laid down on the ground, unconscious.

Everyone at the alley was shocked by the sudden appearance as one of the goons shouted while pointing a gun at Natasha :"who the fuck are you?!" The other goons followed the action and took out their guns as well before pointing them at Natasha.

Natasha smirked as she snorted :"you can ask who I am when you wake up in either a prison or in a hospital."

Suddenly, multiple tentacles came out of her sides and went towards the three remaining idiots at a speed so fast that they only noticed the tentacles after they were stuck to their guns.

A deep, raspy chuckle sounded from the tentacles, sending shivers down the thugs' spines as a voice echoed :"haven't your mothers taught you that you shouldn't mess around with such dangerous stuff?"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! SHOOT, DAMN IT! SHOOT!" As one of the thugs shouted, the other two listened as they all shot at the black goo that was covering their guns.

However, unfortunately for them, nothing happened to the black goo except it moving slightly because of the force of the bullets.

Another deep chuckle sounded from the tentacles, terrifying the thugs even more :"aww, that wasn't nice at all. Now you've made me upset. And believe me, nobody likes me when I'm UPSET."

Suddenly, the black goo covering the guns and the hands of the criminals squeezed. The guns were crushed under the force, and unfortunately for the criminals, their hands also broken and their fingers were crushed :"AAAHHHHHH!! MY FUCKING HAND!!!"

The tentacles let go of their hands as the crushed guns fell to the ground. However, instead of returning to Natasha, the tentacles gave a nonchalant wave at the goons :"oh come on, you're just overreacting.

Hahaha, rub a little medicine on your hands and they'll be as good as new! Well, that's how it works for us anyway, we don't know about you though."

'I guess even if he isn't a rampaging monster, he is still pretty violent, huh?' Natasha thought with curled lips before sighed :"I will do you all a favor and just beat you unconscious so you won't feel any more pain."

She suddenly disappeared from her place before she showed up in front of one of the thugs and lifted her leg before kicking him square in the chest!

With cracking sounds echoing in the alley, the thug spat a mouthful of blood <ಠ﹏ಠ *Leonardo DiCaprio smug face*> before flying towards a wall.

As even more cracking sounds echoed once he hit the wall, cracking the wall and some bones, Natasha turned around and kicked another thug right in the head!

The poor thug immediately hit the ground because of the force behind Natasha's kick which probably cracked a few things.

There was only a single one left, which she took care of by shooting a tentacle at him and pulling him towards her before she punched him square in the face and sent him flying away!

With the unconscious bodies here and there, Natasha dusted her hands off of imaginary dust as she clapped her hands :"well, that ended even quicker than I expected."

Ali chuckled in amusement :"(you really think that these idiots would be able to pose a challenge to the current you?)"

Natasha snorted with a smirk :"not really, but I still had some expectations since they were acting so tough when talking to that girl. Speaking of which, are you alright?"

They expected the girl to be scared because of how things suddenly became so violent. But not only did she not look scared, she was curious and even a little excited :"whoa... Who are you? Are you a new superhero?"

Natasha chuckled as she shook her head :"no, I'm not new. Majesty, uncover my face. The world already knows me, so it's alright."

Ali nodded without arguing, after all, he wasn't planning on keeping their identity a secret. He was proud of himself and was a show off, so no way in hell would he hide their identity when they can be known as the most awesome couple.

As the mask crawled apart and her hoody came down, the blondy looked at Natasha in shock :"no way, Black Widow?! But, what was that voice from before? And how did you do all that stuff with those tentacles?"

Natasha chuckled again as she shrugged :"Actually, it wasn't me. It was my partner using his tentacles to help me."

The blondy was a little confused, but she was immediately shocked when black goo came out of Natasha's shoulder blade before forming a face :"hello there, human. It's nice to meet you, I'm Majesty, a Klyntar, or what you humans call a Symbiote."

The blondy gulped as she took a step back :"Ms Black Widow, I really don't mean to be rude right now, but you do know that Symbiotes are very dangerous and deadly, right?"