CH 8: Ali and Natasha P2

Ali rolled his eyes, and Natasha chuckled at his annoyed huff :"Listen, lady, just because your race was unlucky enough to meet some asshole Symbiotes, doesn't mean that all of us are assholes.

That's seriously racist. How would you feel like it if I bonded with a jerk and then told all of my kind that all humans are assholes?"

The blondy fortunately looked like a reasonable person. She looked away before she smiled apologetically at Ali :"I'm sorry, it does sound bad when you put it like that. So... Does that mean that you won't eat people like those other Symbiotes?"

Ali snorted with a smirk as he shrugged :"no, since I've promised Tasha that I won't do it. But she has said that I'm allowed to eat very, very awful people."

The blondy nodded before she tilted her head in curiosity :"by the way, Ms Black Widow, now that you have a teammate, do you still go by Black Widow? Or do you have another name now?"

Natasha grew curious herself as she looked at Ali :"what do you think, Majesty? Do you want us to have a new name?"

Ali smirked as he nodded :"well duh, Black Widow is your personal name, not our team name. We will be known as... Hmm... Hmmm... Mhmm... Ahhh... Nemesis! Our name will be Nemesis from now on!"

Natasha and the blondy chuckled at his excitement as Natasha nodded :"alright, we'll go with that. I don't have any better suggestions anyway."

Ali smiled and nodded at her before the blondy bowed a little in appreciation :"well, thank you for saving me, Nemesis.

My name is Felicia Hardy, if you one day need help and I can help, just come to me. Goodbye now, please be careful~!"

When Ali heard her name, he was immediately shocked, but he hid it so Natasha wouldn't get suspicious.

This girl that they saved was Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat! His second favorite female character in Marvel after Natasha!

< When this "{} is used, it means that Ali is communicating with technology using his technomancy>

"{Hey, Natasha's phone, is there a criminal named Black Cat in New York?}" Ali asked Natasha's phone without speaking aloud as Felicia walked away and the phone answered :"{Yes, sir. Black Cat is a rather famous burglar who has stolen quite a few expensive items.}"

Ali couldn't help but smirk internally at the news :'well well well, things somehow got even more interesting...'

After Felicia walked away and out of the alley, Natasha folded her arms under her big breasts as she looked at the unconscious thugs :"So what should we do with them?"

Ali shrugged nonchalantly :"I would like to eat them, but we have agreed that I wouldn't do that, so I won't.

Let's tie them up with my tendrils and throw them on the sidewalk before we or somebody else calls the police and arrests them."

Natasha nodded before she raised a curious eyebrow :"then what about that part of you that we will leave behind?

Are we supposed to go to the police station next to retrieve it, or are we supposed to wait till the police come?"

Ali chuckled as he shook his head :"no, no need for that. You see, I have a minor teleporting ability.

Now don't get excited, there's a reason why I said "minor teleporting", it's because it's not full on teleportation.

It only works on me at the moment. With this ability, I can teleport any part of me that has been separated back to my body.

I can also order these separated parts to do something for me, and after they've completed their job, they will teleport back to me.

I can feel and control them while they're separated though. It's like having multiple consciousnesses at the same time. I can also teleport them back if I want to."

Natasha got excited when she heard the word teleportation, but she calmed down when Ali explained.

Teleportation is way too useful, especially for a spy like her. But oh well, she already has many great abilities, so it's alright."

Natasha nodded :"alright then, let's get to it." And she pointed her fist at each thug before webbing them up and dragging them outside of the alley and to the streets.

Because of Ali's words for people knowing them sooner, Natasha didn't cover her face as she hung the thugs from a street light while people took photos and videos.

Ali also was out in his cute form and would wave at the people taking photos. Finally, Natasha was finished with them and jumped up before swinging away.

And so, that was how they passed the morning. Swinging around the city and beating thugs who wanted to rob people or do some nasty shits.

After a few hours of crime fighting, Natasha sat at the edge of a building as she looked down on the bustling city :"hey, Majesty, wanna go and eat something? It's lunch time now, and you haven't even eaten breakfast."

Ali came out of her shoulder blade as he raised an unimpressed eyebrow :"oh? Glad you finally noticed.

I had quite a few chances to eat some delicious meals, but well, I had to stick to my words. So whatcha have in mind?"

Natasha rolled her eyes before looking at the streets :"well, we can order some sandwiches or pizzas. We can also eat a few hotdogs if you want to."

Ali shrugged nonchalantly :"I don't have a problem with any of them since I haven't eaten any of them, so you can go ahead and choose."

Natasha nodded before she thought about something :"by the way, can we pick a human name for you?"

Ali raised an eyebrow at her as he tilted his head :"why? Is there a problem with my current name?"

Natasha shook her head with a sigh :"no, there isn't. But Majesty isn't an actual name either, it's used when addressing someone. So how about we think of a name for you?"

Ali thought about it for a moment before he shrugged with a small smile :"fine, we can do that. Then my name will be Ali from now on."

Natasha raised a curious eyebrow at him :"Ali? That's an interesting choice, but I didn't know you knew human names."

Ali chuckled as he shrugged again :"I didn't, but I searched the internet. I felt like this kind of topic would come up, so I searched for names that mean Majesty, and Ali came up."

Natasha nodded, but the curious expression was still there :"I see. Did you search for it while we were on the quinjet?" But Ali shook his head :"nope, while we were swinging around and fighting against criminals.

Natasha grew confused as her eyebrow rose even higher :"what? But you didn't take out my phone a single time since we jumped off of the quinjet."

Ali shrugged with a smug smirk :"that's because I didn't need to. I actually have another ability, I can communicate with technology." Natasha's eyes went wide open in shock as she stared at him :"what?! You can do what now?!"

Ali chuckled at how surprised she was as he explained with a nonchalant smirk :"I can communicate with technology.

This ability's name is Technomancy. It allows me to talk and order any technology based item or being to do whatever I want."

Natasha's mouth opened in shock as she put her elbow on her lap and put hand over her mouth :"... My god, just how ridiculous can your abilities get?

First, you say that you have unlimited growth. And now you say that you can communicate and order technology around...

Just that second ability will make you a menace to any advanced civilization... Sigh, alright, that just means that we are more powerful. Are there any limits to this ability, or can you control any and all technology?"

Ali nodded calmly and explained :"Yes, but just for now. At the moment, I can control any technology that doesn't have an advanced A.I behind it.

So I can control your phone, or those city lights and TVs. Basically, anything that doesn't have an advanced A.I.

But that is just temporary. You see, my abilities will also grow with me, so my technomancy will also grow in the future.

Meaning that in the future, even advanced A.Is won't be able to stop me, and I can even control said A.Is!"

Natasha sighed helplessly as she rubbed her temples :"... Sigh, I'm seriously thankful that you chose me to be your host.

If you had bonded with an evil person, earth would be thoroughly and royally fucked. Your technomancy is basically the Nemesis of all civilizations.

I guess the name "Nemesis" really does suit us. You can adapt infinitely and can easily mess up civilizations..."

Ali chuckled playfully as he rested his chin on her head :"since you know that, you should definitely appreciate me. Now, enough about that, let's go eat something, I'm hungry."

Natasha nodded with a light chuckle as she got up :"alright, let's go then. I would feel bad if I let you stay hungry any longer."

She jumped, but not as hard as she did at first which sent her flying. She just lightly jumped and started swinging somewhere to get food.

Obviously, the people who saw her immediately got excited since the news of Natasha and Ali was blowing on the internet.

As expected, there were a lot of people who were scared of Ali and would post that they should lock him up in the comments of the posts.

There were some people that didn't care, and surprisingly, there were also people who were supporting the duo.

After all, Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow was part of the Avengers who have saved the world from aliens before.

She wouldn't let such a dangerous being rampage around if he had bad intentions. But Ali and Natasha didn't care about them.

Natasha thought that her appetite might have grown because of bonding with Ali, but she had no idea that it would grow to the point where she would need to eat more than 5 burgers!

She didn't talk about it with Ali in where they had ate, but after walking out and swinging, she nearly growled at Ali :"Majes-... Ali, we're going to have a very big problem if I need to eat that much from now on..."

As she jumped on a building, Ali came out of her shoulder blade and looked at her in confusion with a tilted head as he uncovered her face :"why?"

Natasha huffed in annoyance as she put her hands on her hip bones :"because it's too much! If I need to eat that much in every meal, I will definitely get fat!"

Ali was silent for a moment before he looked at her with a blank expression :"you're this mad because of getting a little... fat?"

Natasha rolled her eyes as she folded her arms under her chest :"obviously! Listen, for a lady, her beauty and her figure are her most important things. So this is a very big problem."

Ali looked at her blankly before he sighed helplessly :"you don't need to worry about it, even though you eat the food, I'm the one who absorbs its calories.

Meaning that you won't have a problem. And even if you did absorb the calories and eat a lot of food, I could still prevent you from getting fat since I can control your body's system."

Natasha was a little embarrassed by how disappointed he sounded, but his words still shocked her :"Wait, so you're saying that you can prevent my body from getting fat no matter how much I eat?!"

Ali raised an unamused eyebrow as he sighed :"yeah, that's what I said. Why?" But Natasha didn't care about his tone of voice as she smiled and chuckled :"Ali, I'm starting to like you more and more~.

It seems like the benefits you've brought me aren't just useful in combat, but in my daily life as well."