CH 9: The kiss and the Spiders

Natasha :"*in bed at night, staring at the ceiling* Ali, I can't sleep..."

Ali :"(*groaning inside of Natasha* I can, goodnight.)"

Natasha :"... Listen here, little shit..."


Natasha chuckled with a slightly smug smirk on her gorgeous face :"if women knew about this ability of you Klyntars, they would definitely kill to get their hands on one of your kind.

Heck, I'm sure that they wouldn't care about needing to eat other humans, because my disagreement towards it surely got lower."

Ali sighed as he helplessly looked up :"oh my Knull, then humanity considers us weird... Sigh, why would the female species do that?"

Natasha rolled her eyes at Ali's tired face as she explained with a smirk :"Listen, Ali, humans are really judgemental when it comes to looks.

Why do you think humans refer to Klyntars as monsters? It's because of their appearance. Looks really matter in human society.

It is especially true when it comes to women. If a woman is ugly, everybody will make fun of her and act disdainful towards her.

But as long as a woman is beautiful and has a great figure, she can have whatever she wants as long as she knows a person.

That's why, a woman that doesn't want to lose her figure will always be on a small diet, so she won't be able to eat her favorite foods all the time and stuff.

And so, your kind basically takes care of that worry! As long as a woman is bonded with a Klyntar, she can eat and sleep as much as she wants!"

Even though Natasha was talking about the shortcomings of humanity and things that are seriously disappointing, she didn't sound judgemental at all.

After all, she takes advantage of the said shortcomings all the time. Ali really liked that, after all, he was a human before, so he knew that humans really care a lot about looks.

Heck, he was the same too, even after getting reincarnated. Natasha may be badass and one of the best spies in Marvel, but she is still a normal human.

Being a Klyntar, bonding with a powerful being like Thor or literally anybody with powers would be a lot more beneficial.

However, he bonded with her because he was attracted to her. However, in his defense, he was really attracted to her personality as well.

So in the end, he would be hypocritical and be a double standard person if he complained about that subject about humans.

Ali tilted his head left and right a few times And sighed gently before a smug smirk formed on his lips :"alright, I get it.

And I think you will like this piece of information even more. Did you know that I can actually make you prettier?"

Natasha's eyes and mouth went wide in shock as she stared at Ali in disbelief :"Klyntars can even do that?!

If so, why doesn't any Klyntar say that?! People would literally kill to get their hands on Klyntars if they knew!"

Ali couldn't help but chuckle as he winked at her :"not all Klyntars, Tasha, only me. If someone stays bonded with me for a long period of time, they will grow prettier and prettier."

Natasha bit her lip with a smile as she raised her eyebrow :"and that means me, right?" But Ali's smile disappeared as he looked away with a playful pout :"I don't know, you did say that we would have a problem just because you would need to eat more."

Natasha obviously could see that he was just joking and being playful, so she decided to play along as she smiled apologetically :"oh come on, I was just joking around! There's no way that I would be mad or upset about something as simple as that!"

Ali raised an eyebrow with a small smile tugging at the end of his lips :"oh? Really now? But you sounded pretty serious when you said it."

Natasha chuckled as she waved her hand nonchalantly with a closed eye :"what~? Pshh, no way~! We're partners now, I wouldn't be upset just because we need to eat more."

Ali closed his eyes with a pout as his eyebrows rose and he tried not to burst into laughter :"I don't know, I'm a little upset that you had such a reaction..."

Natasha chuckled as she playfully rolled her emerald green eyes and chuckled while pinching Ali's cheek :"Okay, you spoiled kid, how can I make it up to you as an apology?"

Ali's smile on his pout got bigger as he glanced at Natasha :"what are you willing to do to make it up to me?"

A seductive smirk took over Natasha's face as she raised an eyebrow and spoke in a low voice :"what do you want me to do~?"

The pout disappeared from Ali's face as he grinned at her :"I won't be too outrageous, so how about just a kiss?"

Natasha chuckles with an eye roll as she shakes her head in amusement :"didn't think that I was ever going to kiss an alien. A slimy one at that. Fine, get over here~."

Ali grinned as he didn't waste a second and gently put his nonexistent lips over her plump ones. Natasha thought that his body would be sticky and uncomfortable to the touch, but it was actually the opposite!

With her lips on him and her hand on his cheek, she actually felt how weirdly smooth and soft he was, like silk!

She thought that she would do it quickly and get over with the simple joke, but she actually liked the feelings.

She even tilted her head to deepen the kiss and moved her hand up and down on his body to feel him even more.

With her eyes closed and enjoying the feeling, she suddenly felt another soft sensation on her bottom lip, but this one was wet.

As it slid on her lip from her left to right with a slightly pointy edge, but not in a sharp sense, she figured that it was her slimey partner's tongue.

So she opened her lips slightly to allow him entrance. But she was a little surprised and jolted a little when his tongue was actually long enough to circle around her own tongue like a snake!

She couldn't help but moan gently at the weird and unique sensation that squeezed and massaged her tongue.

After a few minutes of making out, Ali finally pulled back with a grin, and comically, a lipstick stain on his lips.

Natasha opened her eyes with a smirk as she whispered :"wow... I have to say, I didn't expect it to feel that good. You just give me more and more surprises."

Ali chuckled as he winked :"hehehe, happy to hear that you like me more and more." And Natasha chuckled back with a wink of her own :"yeah, in fact, I like you to the point where I don't mind doing that from time to time~."

A dark chuckle left Ali's mouth as he licked his lips and cleaned up the lipstick stain :"oh believe me, you will want to do some more things in the future~."

Natasha chuckled while biting her lower lip as she shrugged and winked :"we'll just have to wait and see, hm? I wonder what more surprises you will have for me~. But that is enough fun for now. What do you wanna do now?"

Ali shrugged with a nonchalant smile on his face :"don't know, you choose. Whatcha wanna do now?"

Natasha shrugged as well as she walked towards the edge of the rooftop :"I have no idea. Why don't we just swing around?"

Ali gave a tilted nod :"alright, let's go then- what's that now?" Natasha raised an eyebrow as Ali suddenly looked somewhere :"what's what?"

Ali pointed at where he was looking with his head :"there, I think those are the Spider superheroes that I saw on the internet."

Natasha's head whipped towards where Ali was looking at, and immediately frowned as she looked at how fast the said Spiders very far away were swinging to where they were :"this feels like trouble..."

Ali turned to her and raised a confused and curious eyebrow :"why do you say that? Aren't they good guys?"

Natasha nodded at him and sighed through her nose while frowning her eyebrows :"yeah, good guys that have a lot of history with Klyntars that have been seen on earth.

Spider Man has fought a lot with Venom and Carnage because of them having grudges against Spider Man.

He has also bonded with the Venom Symbiote, so he's probably coming here because he thinks that you're a danger."

Ali had a look of realization as he nodded and looked at the Spiders who were approaching them at a very fast speed :"and he has brought his friends along."

Just seconds after he finished talking, the Spiders finally reached them and jumped on the rooftop one by one.

Ali was actually amused by the number of Spiders that had shown up. There was the original and goat Spider Man in red and blue costume, Peter Parker, Kid Arachnid in black and red costume, Miles Morales, Spider Ghost in black and white, Gwen Stacy, Silk also in black and white with a mask that only covered half of her face, Cindy Moon, and Spider Woman in mostly red and some yellow, Jessica Drew!

Five spider powered superheroes had come for him, isn't that crazy?! Ali actually felt a little honored at how highly they thought of him.

Natasha folded her arms under her chest as she raised an eyebrow at the Spiders :"well well well, if it isn't the Spider superheroes. Do you have some kind of business with us?"

But unfortunately, the Spiders were actually ready to attack as Spider Man tried to talk Natasha out of this "evil" Symbiote :"Listen, Black Widow, I don't know how you bonded with that Symbiote, but you need to separate from it."

Even though Spider Man was one of Ali's favorite superheroes, that didn't stop him from being pissed and annoyed.

However, just before he could talk, Natasha spoke calmly, but seriously :"and can you tell me why I would need to do that?"

"Are you serious?" This time, it was Kid Arachnid, Miles Morales who spoke with spread arms :"lady, haven't you seen for yourself how dangerous Symbiotes are?!

You were a member of S.H.E.I.L.D before it was destroyed some time ago, right? You should know how dangerous they are!"

Ali was getting angry now. The fact that they wanted to separate him from his future lover and current host was seriously pissing him off.

He was growling, but just before he could say something, Natasha gently put her hand on his cheek to calm him down :"and why are you so sure that Ali is the same as those other Symbiotes?"

Spider Man sighed with an almost sad tone :"because every single Symbiote that has appeared is violent and dangerous.

Look, I know how bonding with a Symbiote feels like. I have bonded with a Symbiote before and know how good the power it brings feels.

But the price of that power is that you will lose yourself and will start acting like those other Symbiotes. So please, separate from it before we have to do it with force."

When he finished speaking, even Natasha was annoyed at him. Klyntars weren't the only ones who would have their personalities affected while bonded with a being, the hosts will also be affected.

Ali cared a lot for Natasha and liked her quite a lot, so Natasha was also affected and slowly but surely was caring for Ali more and more.

Her serious gaze turned into a slight glare as she clenched her fist :"First of all, don't think that I have so little self control that I will lose myself for a little power.

Second of all, you are judging every single Symbiote based on your experience with a few bad ones?

That's a little bit hypocritical of you. If Ali was truly a violent and rampaging monstrosity like the other Symbiotes, he wouldn't have listened to me and would have eaten those criminals that we've arrested.

And third of all, you are seriously underestimating us if you think that you can take us on just with the few of you."