CH 23: Black Cat P2

"Heh, this is what I call a heist." Felicia smirked as she smirked at the diamond in her hand :'Well, this wasn't what I came for, but I'm sure Kingpin wouldn't mind since I've gotten what he paid me to get.'

With a smug smirk on her beautiful face, she put the small diamond inside one of the bags or pockets on her waist before she ran towards the edge of the building. The moment she reached the edge of the tall building, she leapt into the air.

As she jumped, she shot a Cat Cable which was hidden under the fur of one of her gloves and she started swinging in the air.

As she basked in the feeling of freedom, she smiled comfortably at the wind that was blowing in her face and hair. But what she didn't know, was that she was actually being followed.


In the distance, Nemesis was actually swinging as well, following her without her knowing. As for why she didn't know, it's because Nemesis had actually turned invisible.

Camouflage was one of Ali's original abilities, even before absorbing anybody's powers. But after absorbing Carnage's abilities, his Camouflage got even stronger.

And even if he wasn't using his own Camouflage, he could use the Telepathic Camouflage that he had gotten from Jean. Unknowingly or knowingly, he had actually gotten a lot of abilities.

They just stayed silent and followed Black Cat. And thankfully, it didn't take that long for Black Cat to reach her destination. "Wilson Fisk? Sigh, kingpin, huh?" Natasha sighed at the grand building that Felicia had landed on.

'Oh? The big guy himself? Where's Spidey to make a fat joke?' Ali mused in his mind as Nemesis stuck to a nearby building and watched.


Felicia walked towards the door of the rooftop which opened automatically for her. As she walked inside, there were several guys standing guard with assault rifles such as AK-47s and some smaller submachine guns like SMGs.

"Is it done?" A middle aged man in a blue or gray suit asked with his hands behind his back. He was a pretty normal guy, just a little on the muscle side. However, what was really unusual about him was his head.

Top of his head was unusually large and flat. It was like someone hammered his head so hard that it turned completely flat. His hair black hair didn't do anything to hide the flatness of his head at all.

Felicia smiled nonchalantly as she raised an eyebrow :"Aww, did you really think that I would fail, Hammerhead? That makes me sad."

Hammerhead snorted and turned around :"Cut the bullshit, Black Cat. I don't have time for your nonsense. Since you've stolen it, follow me so you will be paid. Oh, and don't try anything funny. I'm saying this for your own sake."

Felicia gently sighed through her nose in mock sadness :"Some guys just aren't fun at all. Fine, lead the way." Hammerhead nodded and walked away while Felicia followed him with the guards walking behind her.

While walking, she could sense the gazes of the guys from behind who were staring at her sexy ass. She smirked nonchalantly without caring :'I wonder how loud they would scream if I plucked their eyes out.'

She of course was aware of just how gorgeous and sexy she was. That's why she could so easily seduce others so easily. After a little bit of walking, they finally arrived inside of a room.

As Hammerhead opened the door and walked in, he sat behind a desk in the middle of the room. "No seats for me?" Felicia pouted playfully as she walked to the other end of the desk where a money case and a laptop were on.

The guards also walked into the room and circled them as Felicia sneakily and subtly glanced around :'This is going to be a bit of a trouble...' "So why isn't Kingpin around? Isn't he going to receive the mail by hand?"

Hammerhead leaned back on his chair with a serious face and his arms folded :"Boss was busy, so I'm here to take care of the business instead. Hand over what you were meant to take."

"So serious." Felicia snorted with a teasing smile before she took out a flash drive from one of the bags and held it between her pretty fingers :"Is this what you want?"

Hammerhead held up his hand towards her :"Give it here." But Felicia pulled it back with a smirk :"Uh uh uh, payment comes first." However, Hammerhead smirked as he leaned back with his arms folded :"I don't think you will need it. After all, what does a corpse need money for? Boys."

"Shit..." Felicia cursed as everyone in the room aimed at her. She got serious as she got into her fighting stance :"Should've known better than to take this job... But why so suddenly? I have worked with Kingpin quite a few times, you know?"

Hammerhead snorted :"Is there any reason to get rid of things that are no longer of use? Cut the bullshit and kill her!" Felicia immediately jumped up to dodge the bullets that should've been shot.

Key word, should've. Even though they all pulled the triggers of their guns, none of the guns shot. Not just one gun, two or three. None of the several, nearly more than ten guns shot a single bullet.

'Even with my "Bad Luck", this has never happened...' Felicia watched in confusion as every guard tried to get their gun to work. However, the locked door of the room was suddenly shot open with a kick.

Whoever kicked it, kicked the metal door with enough force to shoot it away. The unfortunate guards that were in the way of the door we cut in half and fell to the ground.

The rest of the guards and Hammerhead all got up and got ready for action as they looked at who interrupted. However, they were horrified to see a tall figure of about 6'1 (185 cm) walk inside.

From the body, it was obviously a guy. But it wasn't human. No, any seasoned superhero would recognize that being as a Symbiote. His body was completely red, with black veins going on every nook and cranny of his body.

As it entered the room, a raspy, dark and evil chuckle escaped his toothy mouth as his long tongue playfully wiggled around :"Aww, we aren't interrupting your fun, are we?"

"Carnage?!" Hammerhead called out with an annoyed and conflicted face :"How can this be possible?! You should be dead! That bitch Black Widow and her Symbiote asshole killed you!"

The Symbiote that really did look like Carnage, but had a lot more black to him, chuckled in amusement :"Carnage? You seem to be confusing us with some other Symbiote, bitch. We aren't Carnage, we are Crisis! Hahahaha!!"

No more words were said by him as he readied his black claws and jumped towards the guards who were desperately trying to get their guns working. However, all their efforts were for naught as Crisis cut them into pieces, punched them into nothingness, or ripped them to shreds with his tentacles.

Actually, this Crisis Symbiote, was actually Nemesis under disguise. It was Natasha's idea to do this. Knowing that Ali was going to go on a rampage and kill all of them because of trying to harm their future lover, she asked him to at least change his color so they wouldn't be recognized.

He had told her that there won't be any problems since he could just disable all the cameras with his Technomancy so their images wouldn't be captured. But Natasha still wanted to be safe rather than sorry. Even though Wilson Fisk is the Kingpin, he is still the mayor of New York City.

He has quite a bit of connection because of his work as the mayor and a crime lord, so they would be in a very big trouble if the evidence of Nemesis going on a rampage was to be revealed.

It's not like the people who didn't like Ali were few. If the evidence of Ali killing everybody in sight was to be released into the world, the problem would be very annoying.

In the end, Ali reluctantly agreed and changed his color into Carnage's red and black, but with more black. Only Natasha knew about this ability anyway, so there wouldn't be any problems even if the images and videos of "Crisis" were to be released.

But even so, he had still used his Technomancy to either disable the security cameras near them, or make it so they were working, but weren't saving anything or showing anything to anybody behind the cameras.

Also, the reason why the guns were working was also because of Ali's Technomancy. Ali's Technomancy allows him to completely control and order any technology based item unless it had a very advanced A.I, like Vision for example.

Guns were also a form of technology, so Ali could control them as well. And since there wasn't any advanced A.I controlling them, Ali didn't have a single problem in disabling every single one of them.

"I-I'm outta here!" One of the guards shouted as he threw his weapon away and ran towards the only exit, the door that Crisis had just shot open.

But unfortunately for him, Majesty wasn't planning on letting anybody in the room but Black Cat stay alive. Ali, who was in control at the moment, smirked and shot a few tendrils at the door and completely sealed it.

Before the guard who wanted to run away could react, another tendrils circled around his waist and pulled him back :"AAAHHHHHH?!?!!?" The guard shouted as Majesty grabbed him by the chest.

The last thing he saw, was the red and black monstrosity open his horrifying mouth and bite his head clean off before everything went dark. The others watched in horror as Majesty quickly munched on the fallen guard's head and threw him away before he killed the rest.

Ali had actually eaten quite a few people before, so Natasha had also reluctantly gotten used to it. Even though she didn't really enjoy the taste of human flesh and brain, she was beginning to come around.

Just as he killed off the last guard who was screaming like a bitch, someone rushed towards him head first. Not as in just decided to attack him, but literally rushed towards him head first.

"Die, you piece of shit!" Hammerhead roared as he slammed his head onto Majesty. Even though Hammerhead didn't have any superhuman abilities, his skull was actually surgically reinforced with vibranium.

Because of this, he could easily charge and break through objects such as brick walls without causing any pain or damage to himself. However, that wasn't the case with Majesty.

The moment he rammed into him like a rhino, he actually felt like he had hit an unstoppable and immovable mountain made out of the toughest item in the world.

He clearly remembered what was the dizziness and pain that you would get when something hit your head really freaking hard. But he didn't have time to enjoy the long lost sensation, because a hand grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground.

"Crisis" smirked a toothy, devilish smile at him as he hissed sadistically :"How unfortunate. For you, that is." And he didn't spare a single second before he opened his mouth and bit off Hammerhead's head.

(Acquired From Hammerhead)

Cybernetic Enhancements

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Enhanced speed

High-level intelligence

Criminal mastermind


Seeing that now he has the means to create two of the toughest metals in the world using his own body, Adamantium and Vibranium, and even Adamantium Beta, Majesty smirked with satisfaction :'This wasn't part of the plan, but it sure as hell was a fortunate chance.'