CH 24: Black Cat P3

By the way, Nat is 5'10 (178 cm), the same height as Felicia>

He was actually feeling pretty smug about the fact that he could create two of the strongest metals in the universe just like that while most of his fellow reincarnators had to go to such troublesome situations.

Also, initially, he would have an extremely hard time chewing on Hammerhead's skull, since it was reinforced with Vibranium, one of the toughest metals in the Marvel Multiverse.

However, Ali didn't need to worry about it now. Why? Because he himself had one of the strongest metals as well. And not only did he have it, he could make as much of it as he wanted using his biomass.

So whenever he wanted to bite something extremely hard and eat it, he would mix his fangs with Adamantium. He could also mix his claws with Adamantium to make them incredibly sharper.

But he didn't need to do that often since his claws were already extremely sharp. He would only do it for fun. But even if he had enhanced his fangs with Adamantium, he still should've had a lot of difficulty chewing on Vibranium, no? The answer is yes, if it was anybody but Ali.

Adamantium is known as a metal which is virtually indestructible, and there is a certain saying to how strong it is :"The ability to slice completely through a substance with an Adamantium blade depends upon the amount of force being exerted and the hardness of the material in question."

Wolverine is able to deal such heavy damage, even though the maximum weight he can lift is only 2 tons. Meanwhile, Ali only at the beginning could lift up to 50 tons.

Just imagine what he could do with that kinda power then. Forget about now that he can probably lift hundreds of tons. With that kinda strength, there was probably nothing that he couldn't cut when using Adamantium.

That was true at the moment as well. He could easily chew on Hammerhead's Vibranium skull like it was just gum. He casually threw Hammerhead's lifeless body away before smirking nonchalantly :"You know, hiding from a Symbiote is actually a lot harder than you can imagine."

Felicia, who was hiding in the shadows, furrowed her pretty eyebrows, but still didn't reveal herself. Majesty chuckled in amusement as a tendril gently and casually flew towards Felicia back.

The movement was slow and silent, so Felicia didn't notice the tendril before it playfully poked her shoulder :"Tag, you're it." Felicia immediately slashed at his tendril as she jumped away.

"See, told you you can't hide." Felicia glared at her with a serious face as she got into a fighting stance :"Hasn't anybody taught you that playing with your food is wrong? But I have to warn you, don't think I will go down without a fight."

Majesty chuckled in amusement as he shook his head :"Calm down, sweet cheeks. We mean no harm. We actually came here for help. Don't believe me? See for yourself."

Felicia was confused by his words, but her eyes grew wide in shock as returned to his host's body and revealed Natasha :"What?! Black Widow?! Then is that the infamous Majesty? But I've heard that he is black and not red..."

Natasha raised her hand to signal for her to stop talking with a serious face :"I know you have some questions, but as you can see, this isn't the time nor the place to talk. Let's get out of here and then I will explain."

But Felicia was still on her guard as she raised an eyebrow :"And why should I trust you so easily? You do know that our jobs are kinda the opposite of each other's, right?"

Ali came out of Natasha's shoulder blade, but in his original color and shape, as he smirked :"Isn't the fact that we didn't just eat or kill you here without a second thought along with others proof enough? C'mon, let's go. (Hey, Tasha, do this...)"

Natasha frowned, but agreed to his request. Before Felicia could react, Natasha suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. Just as she did so, she lifted her up and took her in a bridal carry.

Felicia was a little surprised, but finding some sense and logic in Ali's words, she decided to go along with it for now. She smirked teasingly at Natasha as she gently slid her finger under her chin :"Well aren't you an impatient one? At least take me on a date first."

Natasha, feeling amused by her act even in such a situation, smirked as she playfully rolled her eyes :"Then we'll set up a date after we get out of here. Al , take charge."

"With pleasure~." Ali said as he went full Symbiote mode, but still the previous red and black theme. "I would have told you to hold on tight, but there is no need for that. I gotcha already."

Ali smirked before he ran outside the room. With his speed, he could easily get out of the room in less than a split of a second. However, he had a little plan. He wanted "Crisis" to be seen with Black Cat if any camera managed to capture them.

Also, he wanted to hold Felicia a little longer. Where would be the fun of it if he suddenly just went zoom and let her go? While running towards the exit on the rooftops, a few guards that were patrolling saw them :"What the fuck is that?! Shoot it!"

But before they could even pull the trigger, multiple tendrils came out of Majesty's body, transformed into blades enhanced with Adamantium, and sliced the guards into pieces.

Black Cat laughed in amusement and excitement as they ran :"This is unexpectedly fun! Who would've thought that getting saved by a Symbiote would be this exciting!"

Ali chuckled as his tendrils smashed the door in front of them open :"Happy to hear that you're having fun. Wouldn't want you to be scared or freaked out instead. But be careful to not get yourself in danger, alright?"

Felicia smiled in amusement as she drew her finger under his chin :"Aww, are you worried about me? Well aren't you a caring Symbiote? Thanks for worrying, but this is kinda my job and I won't quit it."

Nearing the exit while killing a few more guards, Ali reached the rooftop. But he didn't stay there as he immediately jumped tens of meters into the sky before shooting a tendril at a tall building and swinging by it.

After swinging at a fast speed and getting far enough for even Ali to not see them, he returned to his original color and shape as he swung towards a building rooftop.

Ali gently let her down as he returned to his suit form without the mask and the hood. Felicia gracefully stepped back before she sat on something on the roof :"Well, thank you for saving me. But can you explain what is going on and how you even knew I was in trouble?"

Natasha shrugged nonchalantly :"We were just doing our usual thing, swinging around and stopping any crime that was happening. But while we were taking a rest, we saw you running out of a building with a diamond in hand.

We decided to follow you and either find your hideout, or whoever you stole that for. When we saw that Kingpin's goons were going to kill you, we decided to take action."

"Ohhhh." Felicia nodded with a look of realization before she smirked teasingly :"I thought that you were a stalker, but thank goodness that's not the case."

"Hmph, why?" Natasha playfully rolled her eyes with an amused smirk as Felicia shrugged with a nonchalant smile :"I wouldn't know what I was supposed to do if I had such a gorgeous stalker."

"(Hahaha, see? I told you she would be a fun and interesting person!)" Ali chuckled smugly as Natasha shook her head in amusement :"Don't worry, I'm not a stalker. But I see why you would think that. You're quite breathtaking yourself."

Felicia got more comfortable on her chair as she smirked and batted her eyelashes :"Oh my~. THE Black Widow, now known as Nemesis, is actually complimenting little old me! You might actually seduce me if you keep going~."

Natasha chuckled, feeling rather amused, before she raised an eyebrow :"You deserve it, dear. I would actually score big time if I manage to seduce you."

Felicia got up as she walked seductively towards Natasha before she hugged her by putting her arms around her neck and smiling seductively :"Baby, I would be the only one who would score the goal if I was seduced by you."

Ali came out of Natasha's side as he smirked at Felicia who was looking at him :"Pretty girl, I think we would all score big time if we got each other. But I don't think now is the time for that."

Natasha nodded with a smirk as she hugged Felicia's waist :"He's right, baby girl. Now tell me, what was that flash drive you stole? What was inside of it and why did Kingpin want it."

Felicia smirked teasingly as she tilted her head and raised an eyebrow :"And what if I don't answer your questions?" Causing both Ali and Natasha to smirk as they got close to each of her pretty ears and whispered at the same time :"Then we just might need to punish you~."

Having such sharp senses, the two immediately felt how she shivered when she heard the sweet and the other raspy voice beside her ears. Just as they smirked, Felicia got out of Natasha's hold.

As spun back, she smirked teasingly at Natasha :"If you want the flash drive, then come and get it~." And just as Natasha tilted her head and raised an eyebrow in confusion, Felicia ran to the edge of the roof and shot her Cat Cable at a building before swinging away.

Ali and Natasha glanced at each other before they broke into amused chuckles :"Tasha, I don't think there's any need for me to go Symbiote mode, so you can just go and catch her yourself in this game of tag."

"Yeah, I will amuse her I guess." Natasha smirked before she shot a tendril at one of the buildings and swung away, following after the running Black Cat without bothering to cover her face.

"You don't honestly believe that you will manage to escape, do you?" Natasha shouted at Felicia as she ran after her on a building. Felicia smirked over her shoulder :"We won't know till we try, right?"

And then she jumped away again with Natasha following her with no problem. While running after her, Felicia suddenly turned around and brought her Cat Cable down at them in a hammering motion.

Natasha smiled in amusement as she easily dodged it, but the tip managed to scratch the suit a little :"Oh? We can do this too?" And Felicia smirked as she tried to whip Natasha, but she just jumped and dodged the Cat Cable that went back to Felicia :"All's fair in love and war, no?"

As they kept running, Natasha smiled mischievously :"Is that so?" And then suddenly several tendrils came out of her back and pointed threateningly at Felicia.

When Felicia looked over her shoulder, her eyes went wide before she put up a finger and smiled nervously :"On second thought, no! That's not allowed at all!"

But Natasha chuckled sadistically :"Too late, sugar." And the tendrils rushed towards Felicia. Black Cat tried to dodge them and even managed to do it a few times, but she was caught in the end and Natasha captured her.

As she gently rammed into her, they rolled on the rooftop before they stopped and Natasha smiled down at her :"Seems like it's my win." Felicia pouted playfully :"This isn't fair.

You have a Shapeshifting Symbiote by your side. Hmph, not only does my deal go so badly, I even lose what I stole with so much effort with nothing to gain myself. Hmph."

Natasha chuckled in amusement as she raised an eyebrow :"Then how about I pay for it instead of just taking it?"

Felicia's ears perked up as she raised an interested eyebrow :"Oh? And what is my payment going to be?" Natasha smirked as she closed the distance till they were mere inches away :"How about a date?"

Felicia was a little surprised by her words, but she just chuckled and playfully rolled her eyes :"Fine, I guess going on a date with such a sexy woman is still better than gaining nothing? When and where?"

With a smirk still on her face, Natasha winked :"Tomorrow, right here, 5 o'clock. We can go to a restaurant or a bar or a cafe, whichever you find better."

Felicia shrugged with an amused smile :"Alright, that doesn't sound bad at all. Then I will see you tomorrow." Natasha nodded before she got up and gently pulled Felicia with her :"Fantastic, then I will take this flash drive."

Felicia checked her pockets when she saw Natasha playfully swinging the flash drive around. However, her eyes went wide when a tendril came out of its hiding spot behind Natasha while holding a money case :"By the way, thanks for the money. We will be keeping this too. Bye bye!"

And she immediately swung away while Felicia pointed at them :"You two jerks!" But seeing how fast they swung away, she just gave up and playfully pouted :'Who would've thought that I would get such a hot date in this kind of situation.'

She then shot her Cat Cable at a building and swung away herself to her house. When she walked into her apartment and closed the door of her room behind her, she threw the keys on a table.

She sighed tiredly as she stretched her arms, but she suddenly heard a deep, raspy, but feminine voice :"Hello, Felicia."