CH 43 (F/A): Crisis VS Scream

Like, I feel like I write too many details while narrating. Or there is no excitement to it and just dry reading. Don't talk about misspells and stuff, English isn't my first language, and I don't proofread. Thanks!>


"Heh, I've finally found you, girly." The yellow Symbiote smirked :"Boss will be glad when I take you and your Symbiote to the base."

Causing the red Symbiote to snort :"Sorry, but I don't go around with strangers. Also, I already have plans. So you better piss off, mustard whore. Who the hell are you anyway?"

The opposing Symbiote snarled :"You've got guts, bitch. I'm Scream, that's all you need to know. And now, I'm gonna make you scream!"

"Screeeee/Aaarrrgghh!!" Two roars were heard from the Symbiote clad women before they rushed towards each other. Well, the red one did, at least.

The yellow one grabbed on to a car nearby and just yeeted it towards the other Symbiote! But this time, instead of dodging, Crisis slashed the incoming car with her claws.

But just as the car was sliced into multiple, Scream showed up in front of them. Without wasting a single moment, she swung her fist at the red Symbiote :"Have a taste of this, bitch!"

Not still used to the massive boost in stats, Crisis wasn't able to dodge the punch. As the punch with all of the strength of the Symbiote landed, it was actually enough to lift the red Symbiote off her feet!

'Oh how the turntables...' Alicia mused when Scream grabbed onto her ankle in midair, and slammed them down on the ground. "Goddamn it..." Felicia groaned as Scream pulled her up by her leg, ready to slam her down again :"Not so tough now, huh, bitch?!! Hahahaha!!"

However, was Felicia going to stay still and take the beating? No. The moment she was lifted up, she kicked Scream's elbow so hard that it literally bent backwards and freed herself!

"Son of a... Bitch..." Is all Scream growled out. Normally, a person, superhero or not, would scream in agony if something like that happened.

However, not feeling the pain of anything but fire and sound was the perks of having a Symbiote. Ali and Alicia weren't the only Symbiotes who would turn off their host's pain sensors.

"I'm gonna make you pay for that!" Scream...

Uhh... Screamed, before her yellow and red hair flew towards the red Symbiote. As the hair got closer, Crisis jumped to the side, dodging the hair that slammed onto the ground, cracking it!

But it immediately followed the feline Symbiote, who continued jumping around, and performing extremely hard acrobatic moves. "(Why are you dodging?)" Alicia said :"(Just go ahead and cut her damn hair! Turn her bald, geez.)"

"Such a complainer..." Felicia sighed, and just as the hair got near her, she slashed it with her claws, easily cutting each strand of hair with no difficulty :"I'm just trying to get used to this boost."

As she cut some, some hairs passed her attacks and hit her in the shoulder, causing her Symbiote to shrug :"(Fine, I guess I'll help out a bit. You just focus on beating the hell out of her, I'll take care of the hair.)"

Just as the hair of the yellow Symbiote rushed towards Crisis from multiple directions, Crisis's own tendrils came out of her back, and sliced and diced every single hair coming towards them!

"It's our turn now, you bitch." Crisis smirked before kicking the ground, and sprinting towards the enemy Symbiote. Said Symbiote frowned at the tendrils, but just kept attacking.

However, when Crisis reached her, she had no choice but to slash at her. Though this time, Crisis dodged, and delivered a bone crushing punch straight into her guts!

She hadn't learned how to completely control her strength, so when she punched, even though she didn't give it her all, it was powerful enough to literally go through the Symbiote's stomach!

Scream grunted, the familiar sensation of pain slowly returning because of her Symbiote getting damaged by Felicia and Alicia.

Not wanting to sustain any more damage, she stopped attacking with her hair, and tried to bite the head of the woman who had her entire hand and forearm in her guts!

But just as she was about to bite her head off, Crisis's hand latched onto her neck, stopping her in her tracks, and then lifting her up before slamming her onto the ground.

She pulled her hand out of her, and readied her claws, prepared to slash her. However, just as she raised her hand, Scream folded her legs, and kicked Crisis in the stomach, sending her away.

She was about to crash onto a building, but she balanced herself in the air, and just stuck to the wall with her back towards the wall. However, just as she raised her head, her Symbiotic Sense went off.

"Aarrgghh!!" She saw Scream, who sprinted towards her, and crashed into her! As the wall was destroyed, both of them entered the building, which was actually a mall with a shit ton of people inside.

Random person number 1 :"W-what the hell?!"

Random person number 2 :"Who the hell are those?!"

Random person number 3 :"Wait, are those... Symbiotes?!?"

Random person number 4 :"Seriously?! Two of them at that?!"

Random person number 5 :"I'm fucking out of here!"

As the screams of horror filled the mall, Crisis rolled on the ground before getting up, just to see Scream glare at her :"That's it, you whore! Enough playing around!" And her claws actually got longer.

She got closer quickly, and brought her hand down, slashing Crisis and creating a huge wound. A wound that immediately healed up :"Let's see you act tough now!"

But Scream didn't bother and continued attacking with her claws! She even managed to cut her arm off before it quickly grew back!

"Grrrrrrr..." Crisis growled, annoyed at being on the defensive. So just as the yellow Symbiote slashed with both hands, she grabbed onto her wrists and glared :"Our turn now."

She pulled her hands down, pulling with such force that she actually tore Scream's arms right off! The grunts and hissing of pain was more evident in the yellow Symbiote's voice, but Crisis didn't care as she started her turn of assault :"Let us show how it's really done!!"

Scream's arms had begun to grow back as well, however, the speed was obviously a lot less than Crisis's. And since she was catching them hands... Well, claws, her speed of Regeneration was getting slower and slower.

Just as her arms recovered, she was punched in the face, and was sent flying into a pillar of the mall. She groaned, feeling weak as the pain of the wounds started catching up to her.

Seeing just how much of a disadvantage she is in, she decided to jet it. She raised her hand, and pressed her finger on the earpiece on her ear :"Strike agent four, requesting emergency evacuation!"

Once she got an answer back, she frowned at the red Symbiote :'I need to take her attention off of me. And I may know just the way to do that...'

The fight may have taken a little bit, but that was only for beings with their speed. For normal people, they just looked like flashing colors in the fight!

And unfortunately, not everyone was able to get away. And even more unfortunately, was that some... A lot of people were actually stupid enough to just stand and watch!

Unfortunately for them though, Scream decided to make good use of those idiots for her own benefit. Her hair expanded, and grabbed onto a few of those people.

"AAAHHHH!! LET ME GO!!!!" A woman screeched as another man shouted :"Let go of us, you monster!" There were quite a few screams, but every single one of them was ignored by Scream.

"Hey, let's play something else!" She smirked mockingly :"Catch these!" And she threw all of them away! With the strength she yeeted them, every single one of them would turn into mashed potato if they hit the walls!

"Tsk, shit... Alicia, you can take the wheel now!" Felicia clicked her tongue before asking for help. She still was inexperienced with her boost, so she didn't want bystanders to die for no reason.

"(Sigh, fine~.)" The Symbiote groaned before taking charge! And the moment she was in control, she immediately jumped towards the nearest person, while tendrils were shot at the remaining people.

However, she couldn't just suddenly stop them. With the strength Scream threw them, their guts would probably get out of their mouths if they came to a sudden and sharp stop!

So she had to grab them, and slow them down before saving them. However, just as she did and put them on the ground, she turned to see Scream nowhere in sight :"Damn it... Lost sight of her for a sec..."

She whispered to herself, however, someone seemed to have heard her. He immediately pointed at the ceiling :"Miss, she escaped through the ceiling!"

"Thanks, random citizen!" She gave a two finger salute before jumping to the ceiling. "Are we going to go after them?" She heard her host's voice from the inside :"What about the date with Natasha?"

"(It's not everyday that we meet a Symbiote, Felicia. That means we don't see food everyday.)" Alicia said with a smirk :"(And I'm definitely not going to let go of such beneficial food. Here, let me create a mental link between you two so you can talk.)"

Natasha :"{ }"

Felicia :"[ ]"

"[You can do that?]" Felicia questioned, but she was surprised by the voice that she heard :"{What the? Cat? Is that you? Why am I suddenly hearing your voice? Ali, is this your doing?}"

As Alicia made good use of her Camouflage Capabilities to turn invisible, the silver haired thief answered :"[Uhh, Natasha, no time to explain!

We may not be able to come to our date, because a Symbiote suddenly attacked us! But it's trying to escape now, and Alicia's tailing her, saying that she won't let go of her food.]"

"{A Symbiote?} The gorgeous asked :"{Alright, ok. She definitely wants her powers, that's why she's after her. Alright, take her and be safe. We was just going to our meetup place, but I guess we'll just fight crime or do something to keep ourselves busy.}"

The feline thief smiled as she hummed :"[Alright, thanks, Natasha. I will let you know when we're done. Sorry for this again, but I don't think Alicia's going to let go of this chance.]"

The busty assassin chuckled :"{It's alright, we'll just go on another date if you want. Just be safe and careful. You want us to come and help out?}"

"[Hahahaha, no, no. No need.]" Felicia chuckled back :"[We'll take care of it ourselves. And I'll definitely make it up to you for this. Alright, I think we caught up to her! Gotta go now! Bye!]"

As Alicia reached the rooftop, she saw some sort of hovercraft. Trusting her gut feeling, she raised her hand and shot a tendril at it! However, she didn't try to pull it down or stop it.

She actually let it take her away! But just as she was lifted up, she frowned when a web latched onto the hovercraft :'Sigh, this kid...' Just a little away from her, Spider Man also swung from the hovercraft! Or more like dangle from it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She questioned him when he uncontrollably came near her. She had to cover his mouth so he wouldn't scream when she made herself visible :"W-what are you two doing here?!"

Ultimate rolled her eyes :"We were fighting her, remember? Now we're gonna see where she is going."

'And I feel like I know where she is going.' Her expression was normal on the outside, but inside, she was smiling like a demon :'Life Foundation, the organization that created five Symbiotes spawned from Venom. Symbiotes that I want.'