CH 44 (F/A): Tailing

Incorrects P16:

Steve :"*Sneezes*"

Ali :"*Putting hand on his shoulder* God bless America."

Steve :"..."


"Hiss... God damnit..." A woman said as she sat on one of the seats of the hovercraft. She rubbed her body while groaning in pain :"That damn bitch could really hit..."

The woman was actually Scream! Well, the host of the Symbiote called Scream at least. She was actually a pretty good looking woman with red hair. Alicia would probably hate to kill her, since she was a redcon and all...

As the yellow Symbiote retreated into her body, it transformed into a uniform instead. With a serious face, a man questioned :"Why are you so beat up?

Our information says that Symbiote should be very young, so it shouldn't be too strong. Not only should it be weak, its host should be rather inexperienced with it as well."

"Oh yeah?" The host of Scream snarled :"Well your information is shit. That bitch was anything but weak. She was giving me the ass whooping of my life..."

"That strong?" Another man asked :"Seriously? We all have been with our Symbiotes for quite a long time, so how could you have such a hard time against her?"

"How am I supposed to know, dipshit?" She glared before groaning in pain :"Her Symbiote was just seriously stronger. I had the upper hand at first, but it seems like that was only because she wasn't used to the power that her Symbiote granted her."

The people in the hovercraft frowned, before someone leaned back with a serious face :"Tell us about her. Even though the Symbiote might be young, and their bond new, we should still be serious and careful since she managed to make you retreat."

"Hmm... Well..." The host of the yellow Symbiote thought, recalling the battle :"At first, she was just dodging around, but even that was sloppy.

The boost in her speed was really huge too, so that must have been why. But she got used to it pretty quickly. After realizing how physically powerful she is, I tried to keep some distance between us and use my hair to attack her.

She did manage to resist, so I thought that I might have found a way to finish the fight quickly. But unfortunately for me, the bitch grew tendrils and turned the tables.

After that, even when I was completely serious, I still couldn't fight against her. So I requested an emergency evacuation, and you know the rest."

"Was she seriously that strong?" The second guy asked again :"Or are you just exaggerating it?" Causing her to roll her eyes :"Do you think I would call for evac if she wasn't so strong?

If she was just a little bit stronger, I could've still managed to win with experience. But unluckily, she was freakishly strong. Definitely stronger than your Symbiote, I know that much."

Her statement caused a shock to go around, before the first guy furrowed his eyebrows :"You've got to be kidding me... Riot is the strongest among us when it comes to raw strength. He can easily lift up to 40 tons, and you say that new Symbiote was even stronger than him?"

She sighed and nodded :"Sigh, I know that it may be hard to believe, but yeah. We've fought and trained together for a long time, so I know his strength pretty well. She was definitely stronger than him."

A silence took over the room. While the first guy was thinking, the second guy, the host of the Riot Symbiote, snorted and leaned back :"Bullshit. You're just exaggerating it. There's no way that bitch can be stronger than me."

Instead of answering the overconfident prick, she just rolled her eyes before the first guy looked at her :"Were you followed by her? Or did you manage to lose her?"

She leaned back, more comfortable since her Symbiote was slowly healing :"Yeah, I did. I threw around some morons that were just standing around and watching so I could get distract her.

And while she was busy saving them, I made a run for it. I didn't see her while I was running, and neither did the hovercraft's cameras capture her, so I must've lost her."

The first guy nodded, more relaxed, but still pretty serious :"Alright, that's good. We've certainly underestimated her just for having a young Symbiote and having a new bond.

We should gather as much information about her, then strike again. It's been a long time since a Symbiote other than Venom and Carnage were seen, beside Black Widow's Symbiote.

We were only able to capture Venom before he escaped. We couldn't risk trying to capture Carnage who was just batshit insane, and was stronger than Venom and Spider Man combined.

Black Widow's Symbiote was out of options, since we didn't want the Avengers on our tail. But this Symbiote is different. The host, Black Cat, was a loner of a thief with no teammates or anything.

So we aren't going to face any dangers. Also, because of how strong you say that Symbiote is, we must capture it then. And who knows just how many powerful "seeds" we can extract for it?

The higher ups will definitely be satisfied once we capture such a powerful Symbiote. For now, we must return to the base, get ready, and strike when she least expects it, and with as much strength as we have and can gather them."

The others nodded in agreement as they fell silent. But unfortunately for them, their plans were never going to succeed. Why? Because Alicia already knew about their little plan.

When she had tailed Scream, she had done it while in her invisible state, or camouflage state to be exact. She had done the same thing when sticking to the hovercraft with a tendril as well.

So they didn't know that their target was actually right behind them, hanging by her tendril. And what they didn't know, was that little strings had come out of her tendril, and had sneaked into the small spaces of the hovercraft, eavesdropping on their conversation.

And her real body was dangling from the hovercraft with Felicia and Spider Man inside of her... Go away, weirdos...

To not be seen, Alicia had expanded her body and had enveloped Spidey inside of her as well, camouflaging all of them. However, luckily for Felicia, her Symbiote had actually just linked herself to the arachnid superhero and had become a semi-suit for him.

So they weren't in something like a cramped suit, but like two separate suits which were connected to each other. "So why are you here anyway?" Felicia asked the young superhero who answered :"Well...

While I was swinging around, I got a wind of a yellow Symbiote rampaging around. I had seen and fought against her before, so I knew that it was actually Scream.

That's why I rushed as fast as possible to where I had heard she was. When I reached the place, I saw this hovercraft taking off from afar. I barely managed to reach it.

Then when I stuck a web to it, you two scared the hell out of me! And here we are. So how did you two get dragged into this? I may have a clue, since they do have a little history with a Symbiote I know, but I'm still not sure..."

After an eye roll for his overreaction, Felicia answered :"We were just minding our own business, swinging to the place we were going to meet our date.

Then a fucking car was yeeted at us. Apparently, from her words, they were actually after us. Me and my Symbiote, Alicia. But well, we weren't just going to let her.

So we fought, and managed to make her retreat. She managed to distract us with a few hostages, and while we saved them, she took the chance and ran away.

And that leads to this situation. So why did you try to follow them anyway? They were already retreating anyway."

"Uhh, newsflash: I'm a superhero, remember? It's kinda my job." Spidey said, causing Felicia to playfully roll her eyes :"Wow, you must be getting paid real good for being such a hard worker."

Spider Man looked at her with a speechless face, mouth open in speechlessness :"... Okay, ouch... There wasn't any need for that kinda sarcastic attack..."

As the busty silver hair chuckled, she shook her head in amusement :"Fine, whatever. So, seriously, why did you suddenly just pounce into the situation without thinking about it?"

The teenage superhero sighed :"Well, I don't think there are many superheroes who know and have as much experience as me with Symbiotes. So I knew that I can't just leave a bloodthirsty and violent monster like that on her own."

Felicia :"..."

Alicia :"... Racist much?"

Spider Man was silent for a moment before murmuring to himself :"... Never in a million years did I imagine being called racist by an alien... One that looks like a slime at that..."

The Symbiotic duo just decided to ignore him, before Felicia whispered to her Symbiote :"So did you get any info? Any clues about what they're planning to do?"

"(Mhm.)" The red Symbiote hummed in agreement :"(Yeah, I did. And I don't like it, so I'm going to make their deaths painful.)"

"Uh huh..." The Symbiote's host nodded slowly :"So are you planning on filling me up on what they wanna do?" Causing her Symbiote to smirk mentally :'I'm planning on filling you with something else, bae.'

However, she just kept herself calm as she explained the situation :"(This assholes are planning to capture us, separate me from you for their own gain and profit, then it seems like they have a way to forcibly take away my "seeds".)"

"Your what now?" Felicia questioned in confusion :"(My seeds. As in my children. Klyntars are asexual, and we have seeds in ourselves. We generally produce only one offspring in a lifetime, however, that doesn't mean that we can't do it more than once.

If they really do manage to take my seeds though, there is a chance that they might actually be able to create Symbiotes out of them. And well, that doesn't sit right with me. So I'm going to kill those assholes because of it.)"

The feline Symbiote nodded in interest as she listened carefully to the traits of her partner :"I see. That's interesting, to say the least. But don't Symbiotes hate their children? Or was that just the case with Venom and Carnage?"

"(Good question.)" Alicia answered :"(It's true that there's no family structure between Symbiotes, and that it's common among corrupted Symbiotes for parent and offspring to hate each other.

However, even though it's common, it's not a completely normal and always-happening thing. It's mostly based on the host. The reason why Venom and Carnage hated each other so much was because of the hate of their hosts towards each other.

Cletus Kasady was a serial killer, and Eddie Brock had a hard boner for justice and saving the innocent. So they just didn't really get along.

Most of the time, we Symbiotes just don't care about our offsprings, since they literally don't need to be taken care of. The moment we're born, we can bond with a being, and boom, we're like full-grown adults in a human's perspective.

But well, I'm not like that. I'm a special case among the Klyntar race. My emotions are a lot stronger compared to my kin who barely have any emotions, and because of Natasha's influence on me, I care a lot about my host and future offsprings.

There's no way in hell am I letting some third-rate evil organization try and take away my children just for some shitty plan evil plan.)"

Hearing the hostility in her voice, her host couldn't help but chuckle :"Is that so? Well, I guess it's a good thing that you care for your children. So is there a reason for you being weird, or is there no reason?"

With an strange smugness in her voice, the bloody Symbiote answered :"(Maybe it's because I'm the 1,000th Symbiote in my generation?)"