CH 45 (F/A): Roasting

Incorrects P17:

(After Ali is able to shapeshift into a human)

Enemy :"Now, pretty boy, be ready to d-"

Ali :"Now hold on a minute. Why the hell is "pretty boy" considered an insult?"

Enemy :"Wha-What are yo-"

Ali :"Like seriously, what the hell? Go ahead, call me a pretty boy again."

Enemy :"Wha-"

Ali :"I want to be the prettiest boy there is."

Enemy :"..."

Ali :"Go ahead."


"What the fuck, Spidey?!" Crisis, or formerly known as Black Cat, shouted as she kicked away a guard. The two... Well, technically three, had actually managed to sneak into the Life Foundation's base.

However, when Spidey tried to get some info from a random guard that was passing by, another guard showed up. Then another, and another, and another.

Also, because of the alarms that had gone off, even more and more guards were popping out. And at the moment, they were fighting off the horde of guards that were shooting at them.

As Spider Man webbed up a guard, and slammed him into another guard, he smiled apologetically under the mask :"Sorry! It went a lot better when I was planning it in my head..."

Just as they finished all the guards and got a break, a part of the wall opened and a TV screen appeared. Showing a middle aged man with brown hair in a suit :"It's of no use to fight, you might as well save yourselves and us the trouble and just give up."

With an annoyed glare, Spidey turned to the screen :"Carlton Drake, why am I not surprised? Of course your ugly hairline would be involved in this situation."

However, the man known as Carlton Drake, the leader of the Life Foundation, didn't react to his insult at all :"I see you are the same as always. And it's nice to meet you, Ms Black Cat, and your Symbiote..."

"Ultimate." Felicia answered seriously :"Now why don't you just cut the bullshit, bud, and just say why the hell did you send your little Symbiote after us?"

With a neutral and serious face, Drake nodded :"Simple, so that we could create more Symbiotes. As you saw just a while ago, the Symbiote known as Scream, was forcibly extracted from the Venom Symbiote when we had captured him and his host.

We managed to get ourselves these Symbiotes, but unfortunately, Venom himself managed to escape with the help of that wall-crawler nuisance."

"Hey. For goodness sake, I'm right here." Spider Man spread his arms in confusion, but he was ignored by the now smirking evil "mastermind", if you could call him that at least :"And now, we want to do the same with your Symbiote.

We're going to capture you, then we're going to forcibly take away her seeds. Once we've done that, we'll take the Symbiote herself away, and your fate might just be death."

His idiotic monologue actually caused the feline Symbiote to roll her eyes. She was already quite used to people like him just blabbering around.

So she wasn't really angry at him, just annoyed. But Alicia on the other hand... She could feel the anger in her Symbiote. If she got the chance, she felt like the Symbiote might seriously just skin him alive.

So to keep her calm, Felicia sighed and rolled her eyes at the screen :"If you honestly thought that bullshit was going to work, you're seriously a lot more stupid than you look. Hahahaha, guess your hairline isn't the only thing about you that has gone so far back."

The smile on his face disappeared, as a frown took over instead. But just before he could say anything, the loud laughter of Spider Man was heard :"Hahahahaha! I know, right?! Actually, hasn't your hairline gone even further back than our last encounter?

Boy, you better find a way to fix THAT rather than the Cold War or something! Seriously, at this point, your hairline's so far back you need binoculars to see it! Hahahaha!"

Hearing his insult, Felicia couldn't hold in her laughter as she joined in :"Hahahahaha, right?! Man, your hairline is so far back, archaeologists couldn't find it!"

"Hahahahahahaha!" The two laughed, and Alicia joined in with her own insult, while the evil guy was nearly fuming :"Hahahaha!

Buddy, I don't wanna say that your scalp is thinning out, but with a hairline that wide somebody will be able to drive a truck down the middle and not touch either side haha!!"

"Hahahahahahahaaaa!!!" They all laughed as Spider Man struck once again :"Yeah, man hahaha!! We're not saying that your losing your hair, but lice are starting to picket about deforestation hahahahaaa!!"

"Oh hell hahahahahaaaa!!!" The Symbiotic duo joined him in laughing as the host struck as well :"Hahaha! And you're supposed to be an evil organization?! The only thing evil about you is your hairline that converts your forehead into sixhead!!"

"HAHAHAHAHAAAA!! I-I'M ABOUT TO CRYYYY HAHAHA!!" And the Symbiote followed after :"Bro, how you gonna have a hairline that comes home 15 minutes after you do!?!!? HAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Spider Man :"HAHAHAHA!!! Your hairline is like the universe! It's still waiting to be discovered!!!"

Felicia :"Hahahaha!! Your hairline is still missing!! Even Dora can't explore it!!"


Spider Man :"Your hairline and my grandpa go way back hahahahahahaha!!"

Felicia :"Hahahahahaha!! Your hairline goes back so far ur barber threw a budder knife at it!"


They just continued and continued to make fun of the poor bastard. To the point that even some of the people behind the screen looked like they were having difficulty keeping in their laughter...

"Enough!!" With a red face of anger, Drake shouted as he slammed his hands on the table :"I wanted to make this as painless as possible for you.

But since you dare to spit on my face like that, then I don't see any reason to do that! Kill Spider Man and Black Cat if you want, I just want the Symbiote alive!"

Just as their laughter died down and the screen turned off, their danger senses went off. Spider Man's Spider Sense, and Crisis's Symbiotic Sense.

"Goddamn it... What now..?" Felicia asked in annoyance, turning to the metal door that opened on its own. However, when she saw what was behind the automatic door, she groaned :"You've got to be kidding me..."

Someone not so unexpected showed up, Scream! However... She wasn't alone. She had people backing her up this time. But said people weren't normal guards.

She had come for a second round with the Symbiote squad! Not only was she there with her yellow and red Symbiote, there were four other Symbiotes with her!

And Ali recognized all of them from the comics. The only other female Symbiote, the purple one, Agony. The green Symbiote with red from his shoulders to top, Lasher.

The gray Symbiote also with some red, Riot. And lastly, the orange, thorny Symbiote also with some red, Phage. "(... Huh, she must've felt really salty... She brought the whole squad...)" Alicia murmured.

"Oh, damn! They're all alive?!" Spider Man gulped :"I thought those Symbiotes were all killed from our last battle! I thought that Scream just got lucky and managed to survive!"

Felicia didn't bother to answer him, neither did her Symbiote. The red suit of hers began to morph, and Crisis transformed into her Symbiote Mode again.

However, this time, it was the Symbiote in charge :"Alright, plan B it is." She spoke up, causing the arachnid young man to look at her with confusion :"What's plan B?"

But instead of answering, the red Symbiote turned around :"Nigerundayo (Run away)!!!" And ran away. Spider Man's mouth was left open in shock and speechlessness :"Was that a motherfucking JoJo's reference...?"

It seems like the hosts of the enemy Symbiotes were also people of culture, because instead of attacking, they also just stared, speechless.

However, just when they refocused and were about to attack, a black and red tendril came and swooped the young superhero away.

Seeing how their target was just snatched away, they were a little stunned. But they quickly got themselves together and gave chase. But they were having a hard time catching up with Ultimate's speed.

"Hey, what was that about?!" Spider Man asked while in the air, getting dragged by Ultimate's tendril :"Why did you suddenly start running? Aren't you confident in your strength to beat them?"

The black and red Symbiote snorted, sparing only a single glance at him :"We're confident, not stupid! We can definitely win, but we're still not gonna risk losing just because of their number advantage! We need a plan!"

Spidey nodded in understanding :"Then how about using sound as an advantage? They must definitely have some sound or fire weapons in case they capture a Symbiote! All the guards had sound guns when they had captured Venom!"

After a moment of thinking, Ultimate nodded and stopped, putting the young hero on the ground :"You go and see if you can find anything to help, and we'll stay back and fight these bastards. Just don't take your sweet time."

"Aye aye, captain!" Spider Man saluted and immediately rushed away. After a few moments of waiting, the sounds of hurried footsteps and booming were heard.

As the Symbiotes reached the red Symbiote, she cracked her fingers with an excited and demonic smile :"Now it's just us, Symbiotes. So let's see what you bitches got."