Chapter 8

after all the one day and night we hit a lot of stores and warehouses halfway through it also got the attention of some and after last of the day we got a lot resource by calculating it will take 3-month resource by the number we have to use but the number will increase during this now give them rest as much they can for the night after all week I also reach the silver rank and in fighting experience, I also fight within clubs I got a lot of experience in fighting from system introduction I can fight normal gold one with my magic during these days I buy a lot of spells of all type but some element I leave for now my spell is now all tier 0 and tier 1. tier 0 spell are control of element by the mind which is in nature which I buy from the mall all type control chaos tier 0 spell I can control any natural thing near me in range of 500m and tier 1 spell are

fire spell: fireball, firewall

water spell: water ball, water shield

earth spell: earth bullets, earth wall

wind spell: wind cutter, wind wall

thunder spell: thunderfall

lava spell: lava ball

ice spell: ice-wall

mud spell: mudground

sound spell: silence

vapor spell: vapor ball

shadow spell: shadow attach

space: teleport, teleport area

time: slow time, fast time

chaos: chaos ball, chaos area

I also buy talent awanker on my ten girls well I try to control element one near and awake their talent in response to element basic elements fire, water, earth wind, and some 2nd tier element like a shadow, lava, ice, thunder, sound, and one advance space and now they are under me as a team

lin: System is their clothes which can be used for fighting

System: [ there are a lot of clothes military uniforms, energy suits ]

lin: make suggestions that are upgradeable

System: [ 1. energy suit---- a suit for the fighter I will cover all of the skills and give you all over movement non-restrictions and it has defense depending on how much energy have in a suit

2. military uniform suit---- a suit for the military which look like a military dress and it has slots of all type on weapons with adding props it can be upgraded

3. universal suit: it is like an energy suit with depends on the energy of any type but this suit can be changed into any dress at any time


lin: can I buy this universal suit and how many

system: [ for universal suit you can buy fifteen with your current point ]

lin: buy me 11 suits one for me and the other for my harem

system: [bought and it is in their inventory ]

lin: by remaining points add points upgrade hydraulic energy production

system:[ upgraded ]

lin: tell me now how much energy production

system:[ total production now is 1000 megawatts per day which can be used very well for all over space and after taking 200 megawatts will be waste If you did not store it ]

lin: can I buy storage batteries

System:[ your total point is only 200 in which not ]

lin: okay Jarvis adds we need batteries in the resource we will add them

Jarvis: [ okay sir ]

lin: System gives my slave a reminder use point to upgrade to the bronze level you also Jarvis

System:[ I tell them they will are using it now ]

lin: that fast

System: [ they are mad believers of your now your command is the oracle for them ]

lin: oh yea I forget about that now let rest