Jarvis:[ japan government has sent their half military to the zombie area some areas are other half is now in water it will take time but 80% chance it will break out in 5 hours]
lin: how 20% safe then
Jarvis:[ use a missile or nuclear bomb but it government does not allow it because in some areas there are survives ]
lin: they will not use it for 2 to 3 days
Jarvis: [ if they do not today will increase more and tomorrow there will be all bronze-level zombies]
lin: well we will do what we can Jarvis take record their videos and find weaknesses of zombies
Jarvis:[ okay sir ]
Jarvis:[ sir other governments have also same doing but the small country which does not have a military is falling fast now right now south Korea use only missile against zombies to control it ]
lin: is this work
Jarvis:[ right now yes the area is full of zombies but other areas are under where zombies are falling fast because of noise zombie tart roit ]
lin: well they got attracted after all try to see if tonight's silver level comes
System: [ there is 5% come if there 100 bronze zombie come together at night ]
lin: we will see but about other
Jarvis: [ America have made an area close to where zombies are and they are sending units in from the air and taking survivor out ]
lin: it will save the survival of some of them
Jarvis: [ they are using noises to take zombies to the other side but the same thing is happening in are already bronze zombies between them England, France, Russia, or other countries]
lin: then they will face bronze level fast and tomorrow will be the silver right system
System: [ yes if two or three are together they will 30% chance of becoming silver at night ]
lin: Jarvis what are their plans
Jarvis:[ sir they will send a missile after 5 days in that area ]
lin: in that time gold will be born
Jarvis: [ 3 days and there will be 50% chances will be roit ]
lin: well other countries
Jarvis:[ china has dispatched the military to kill all the zombies in the area but they are not saving any survivors every hour 10 to 20 are getting bitten they will change in 12 hours same in Russia, India, and pakistan]
lin: so they will be more in the night
Jarvis:[ night time they will change ]
lin: governments do not know about power growth right now Jarvis records footage of them and tomorrow evening release it all over the world this way more chances and they do not trace back to us who release this video
Jarvis:[ okay sir ]
lin: this way more people survive