Chapter 23

after watching all iron fighter performances we can say it is fine but the government now thinks their iron fighter is the best

lin: now what do you think about this

Kira: they are just average in fighting

Kanae: I think after this one or two models all will go to close combat

Zoya: I think those who have already close combat will be able to handle it for a while

Amika: not exactly they will only slow down zombies where tiger zombies got together they will fight

Jarvis: [ sir, there is tiger level zombies who make noise, and all the zombies in 500km are going toward it, zombies from other cities also going toward it]

lin: where it is happening

Jarvis: [ sir, it happening in two places one is china and the other is the Ukraine area which is under Russia ]

lin: how much time it will take to group them

Jarvis: [ sir two days for both of them and china military also notice this and they are starting planing nuclear missile on tiger level but there are a lot of survivors in that place ]

Zoya: they will not use it now but they first try to save those ones

Kira: I do not think so they never save survivors from the start

Lin: Jarvis what they think about this

Jarvis: [ sir yet to take the decision about saving them but they are using nuclear missiles after checking the condition of other country's iron fighters ]

Lin: it will go toward nuclear how many people in that city

Jarvis: [ sir in the city now there are 80,000 survivors which are divided into groups but there are three big ones ]

Lin: which ones

Jarvis: [ one is military ones as they are stationed there before this starting and the other two groups are from civilians one Is from weapon dealer businessmen as he takes survivor under him when we viral videos and other are from second-generation rich family members which are control by 5 peoples ]

lin: what you think we go and save them and fight tiger-level now

Kira: I cannot save those survivors

Zoya: I want to save them

Kanae: we can not say they will listen now they control the group as they are emperors on their own

Lin: we can say that Jarvis government did not send the news to the military about this

Jarvis: [ sir they send news with 100 iron after are dispatch they will reach in tomorrow morning ]

Lin: I do not think they are optimistic about saving their government wants to watch iron fighter performance

Harumi: Is this right?

Jarvis: [ government wants to save this place but chances are low ]

Kira: they want to save what is there that value

Jarvis: [ madam, this city is a first-tier city and there are iron ore mines in this place ]

Kira: like I thought they want that mine, not citizens

Lin: System can we move these mines into space

System: [ we cannot move them as they are attached to earth ]

lin: I see, well anyway, Jarvis what are the chances of ghost zombie tomorrow

Jarvis: [ sir. ghost-level zombie chances are low, from what goes on there will be 10 ghost zombies will come]

lin: girls tomorrow we will start hunting tigers and goldens together from now on, and silver who reach will make teams fight against also golds tomorrow. Jarvis mark three places where tiger level one or two will be and try to other countries now