Chapter 34

Lin: china did not send iron fighter to them now they are angry with them and military also take over country and they new order to other places

Zoya: that wrong what will happen now

Lin: pakistan call help from america for this and tommarow is again UN council this issue also come in main problem which need to handle america want to cut china from deals so they are going to add sansaction to them by all the major countries

Kira: russia will not take part in this

Lin: Cannot say

Kira: what thier plan now

Lin: their plan is move to ismand which are near thier continent and but it will change. same plan is Russia

most of country now are selecting base area and let all over citizen to thease new bases

Kira: they are tring to protect from zombies what they will start to get attack from now on water and air

Lin: yes but this transfering will take time and dragon class will come in this time

Kira: we have to reach at least ghost level before his birth

lin: yes now we need to hunt in thease new area. Jarvis from now on we will work on africa and europe and transfrer our basses over there also

lin: our plan to reach ghost level in two day will be start from there and now we will hunt all over world

after going to sleep and night most world did not have good sleep because of comming new type of zombies as phase-2 started they geeting notice by world and somes area attack come from sea some from air, but it oply happen some time but it do damage at some point what now goverment is seeing how to deal with this sitution and new opponents as their bases are not good enough. after full discation all the countries who have hilly area change bases to underground and make inside of mountaians or vallies which effecct on large scale growth and which countris who are on place also move to undergrond fully but thier growth got slow as they need to more than others. with starting of phase two all countries start to change underground bases and it's construction.